Dates with Papy (for real this time XD)

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The three of you headed back to Papyrus's house and met up with him. He greeted you three from the porch.

"Greetings, humans! Are you ready to start the date?" He asked, excitement filling his voice. You nodded and he smiled.

"Alright! Now, to pick a venue! I know where to go! Follow me!" He said. You followed him, running to try to keep up.

You past everything, turned around, and stood right in front of his house again.

"My home!" He said. You laughed as he went up to the door.

"Come along humans!" He said, opening the door. The three of you walked into the house.

"Now, you can all explore the house until you are ready to start!" He said, standing in the living room. You three branched off and explored the house. Once you were done you met up with Papyrus one by one. You voted to go last. Frisk went first. They went into Papyrus's room and started their date. You left to see Sans.

The door was locked, unsurprisingly. The lights under his door were a little odd to you. You knocked on it.

"Sans? You in there?" You asked. You heard a click and the door opened.

"Sup," he said. You grinned.

"Not much, what about you?" You asked. He smiled back.

"Nothing really. So, you all three going on a date with Papyrus?" He asked.

"Yep. Frisk is in there with him now. Chara is downstairs," you said.

"Nice. So, why'd you wanna see me, huh?" He asked.

"No reason. Just wanted to see my boyfriend," you said.

"Bonefriend you mean?" He said. You giggled at his pun.

"Yes, that, too," you said. He chuckled a little.

"God your so cute when you laugh!" He said.

"You too, bone boy," you said, grinning with a blush on your cheeks. Sans smiled with a hint of blue on his cheek bones.

"And that blush is cute! I really like that shade of blue!" You said. You saw him blush more which you giggled at.

"Yep! There it is!" You said.

"Oh you wanna play the flirt game, don't you!" He said. You smiled.

"Bring it on!" You said, being filled with determination!

"Your eyes are very beautiful. Like you," he said.

"Someone should call 911 and report a theft! You stole my heart!" You said. This when on for a few minutes. By the end of it, you both were blushing and laughing. It sorta turned into a war of pickup lines, but that was okay.

"Love you Sans," you said.

"Love you too, •(y/n)•," he said. You have him a kiss as Papyrus walked out with Frisk.

"Sans! I didn't know you wanted to date the humans as well!" He said. You jumped and fell back, but Sans caught you. Your face turned beet red while Sans turned into a blueberry.

"O-oh! You got it wrong, bro! S-she uh..."

"I came up here and was just talking to him, then as I was shuffling my feet I fell forward. He tried to catch me, but the only thing he caught was my face in his," you said. You winked at Sans.

"Yea!" He said.

"Oh...alright brother! Who's next!" He asked. Chara stood up from the couch and walked upstairs.

"Right here, Paps! Name's Chara!" She said.

"Alright, Chara, let's start this date!" Papyrus exclaimed. You giggled a little at Papyrus. Chara smiled.

"Alright," she said.

The two went into Papyrus's room.

"Nice save, (y/n)!" Frisk said. You blushed a bit.

"Thanks. My mom always said I can work pretty well under pressure," you said.

"I think you saved Papyrus from heart break," Sans said.

"Yep. Now what?" You asked.

"Just wait for Chara to get done, then go in there. Simple really," Sans said. You smiled.

"I guess so," you said.

Once Chara was done, you went in for your date. All the extra dating meters and gauges were somewhat distracting, but you managed to get through. You found the plate of spaghetti under his hat and went through with the date.

After it was all over, Papyrus stopped you before you could leave the room.

"By the way, I know you were lying back there for my sake, (y/n). It's okay. I see how Sans acts around you and I'm sure he enjoyed that kiss you gave him. And I'm sure you did too," he said, winking at you. You froze with a face as red as a tomato.

"U-uh..." You said. Papyrus was smiling at you.

You sighed with a smile forming on your face.

"Yea, I guess it was a good kiss. For having no lips, your brother is a good kisser, Papyrus. And I'm glad to know that he probably liked it too. Thanks, Paps," you said. You wrapped your arms around the skeleton in a hug. He hugged you back.

"No problem human!" He said.

You left the room and saw Chara, Frisk, and Sans downstairs making hotdogs.

"Sup you two! Want some hotdogs?" Sans asked.

"Sounds good, Sans! What about you Paps?" You said.

"Sure! But don't stare at me when I put spaghetti on it!" He said. You laughed and made your way downstairs.

You got a couple hotdogs on a paper plate and sat at the table beside Sans. Chara and Frisk were on either side of Papyrus.

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