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You and the kids packed a few hotdogs for the road and headed out for Waterfall. You went through the mist yet again, which, you found out, Chara's eyes sometimes glowed in the dark. Frisk stifled a laugh.

"What? What's so funny Frisk?" She asked. Frisk grinned.

"Your eyes look like red glow sticks right now," Frisk said. Chara sighed.

"Yep, gotta make fun of the fact my eyes glow in the dark when I float. Great observation there," Chara said, sarcasm filling her voice.

"Well it seems to be warming up at least," you said. You were kinda chilly in Snowdin. You had to admit, you did manage to sneak one of Sans's hoodies in case you needed it for your return to Snowdin.

The relaxing sound of running water filled your ears and the sight of the calm blues of Waterfall greeted you with open arms.

You got to the next area to see Sans chilling in a sentry station, a few monsters scattered around him.

Monster Kid was one of them. Frisk smiled and approached him.

"Yo! Are you sneaking out to see her too?" He said.

Frisk smiled and nodded.

"Awesome! She's just the coolest, right? I wanna be just like her when I grow up! Hey, don't tell my parents I'm here, haha!" He continued.

"I won't!" Frisk said. Monster Kid smiled.


Frisk returned to the group.

A red fish monster was leaning against the opposite wall.

Chara approached him.

"This little blue flower here is an Echo Flower! It repeats the last thing it heard!" He said. Chara smiled and approached the flower. She tapped it.

"This little blue flower here is an Echo Flower! It repeats the last thing it heard!" It said. Chara stifled a small giggle and returned to the group.

You saw a save point beside Sans and approached it. You touched it and a message appeared before you.

The sound of rushing water fills you with DETERMINATION!
HP fully restored

You saved and so did Frisk and Chara. You approached Sans in his station.

You smirked as you leaned on the station counter.

"What? Ever seen a guy with two jobs before? Sheesh," he joked. You giggled a little.

"Well. Two jobs means twice as many legally required breaks. Speaking of, my break just started. Wanna go to Grillby's?" He asked. Chara smiled.

"Sure, why not!" You said. Sans smiled.

"Great! Follow me! I know a shortcut!" He said. You, Frisk, and Chara followed Sans in the opposite direction to Snowdin, yet you still wound up in the town.

You were inside of the bar and grill, monsters all around chatting up a storm or passed out drunk. Well, one at least.

The jukebox played the default tune of the grill. You smiled and hummed along to yourself.

The four of you managed to take a seat at the bar. Chara and Frisk shared a seat, actually because there were only three open stools. One of the other changes to the world. Why it could not have made four chairs, you didn't know.

As you all had past the monsters of the grill, they greeted Sans like old buddies. They were also friendly. As soon as you say down, a fart noise bursted through the diner.

"Oops, forgot to warn ya, a few pranksters love to put whoopie cushions on the chairs in here," Sans said. Chara tried not to laugh, but failed and ended up on the floor in a laughing fit. Dogaressa and Dogamy stared.

"Chara, get up and shut up," Frisk said.

"I can't! Too funny!" Chara strained. It sounded like she could barely breath in her fit of laughter. Frisk sighed and picked her up easily. They set her back in the chair. She was still laughing.

"You got her up, but she won't stop laughing..." You said.

"Nope," Frisk said. Grillby approached the four of you.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

" bout a Sprite, a Mello Yellow, a (f/d), a bottle of ketchup and four orders of burg?" Sans said. Grillby nodded and wrote all of them down.

"Will be out in a bit," he said.

"Sans? We just ate," you said.

"Yea, but you should try this place. It seems some recipes change over these timelines as well," Sans said. You shrugged and chatted with Sans for a bit, waiting patiently for the food.

"Your order is here Sans," Grillby said, setting down the plates. You realized Grillby was carrying all four plates and drinks in eight separate hands. He still had two arms, but his magic created more hands made of fire. It was rather fascinating.

"Woah," you mumbled.

"Yea, pretty cool huh?" Sans said. Chara grabbed the Mello Yellow and started drinking it. Frisk checked the ketchup bottle to make sure it wouldn't squirt all over their burger.

You picked up the burger and took a bite. It was really good, actually! Better than the previous timeline!

"Wow! This is really good, Grillby! Thank you!" You said. The fire elemental seemed to smile slightly, his flames grew slightly brighter before he slipped into the back to clean some dishes.

"He's such a good guy, ain't he?" Sans said. You smiled.

"Yea, I guess so," you said. Sans looked over to Frisk and Chara to see them chowing down on their food.

"Is it good?" Sans said. Chara nodded and gave a thumbs up. Frisk did the same.

Grillby placed the bill on the counter between you and Sans. It was about ten G, so nothing too much. You offered to pay the bill, but Sans declined.

"No, I can put it on my tab! Don't worry!" Sans said.

"I am paying for it!" You said.

"Nope. Won't let you," Sans said.

"Not like you can stop me!" You said.

"Technically, I could easily, but I won't," he said. You sighed.

"You're right, you do have magic and I don't," you said.

"That's what I thought. Now-"

"But you won't do anything, so I'm paying!" You said, triumphantly. Sans sighed with a laugh.

"Alright, alright! Pay the bill. I don't care," he said, smiling.

"Yes!" You said. You placed the gold on the counter.

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