Puzzles, Dogs, and Pasta (Part One)

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You walked over to the first of Papyrus's puzzled, the electricity maze. As expected, the brothers were on the other side.

"Humans! You have arrived, at last! But, you will not be able to go any further unless you can solve my puzzle! This electricity maze will shock you if you take one step in the wrong direction, as this orb will administer a hearty zap if you step into the invisible walls of electricity! Go ahead and try to traverse through the maze, if you dare! NYEHEHEH!" Papyrus said, proudly. He still held the orb as Frisk took a step forward. They stepped into the maze and Papyrus got zapped.

"Gah! Sans, what did you do to my puzzle!" Papyrus screeched.

"Um, I think the humans have to hold the orb," Sans said, shrugging slightly.

"Oh, right...I knew that!" Papyrus said, starting to walk through the maze to give the orb to you. He left footprints in the snow as he walked.

"Take this for a moment," Papyrus said, putting the orb on your head. It surprisingly managed to stay on.

Papyrus ran back over to his original spot.

"Now try to go through the maze!" He said. You followed his footprints with Frisk and Chara behind you, not touching the walls of the maze.

"Incredible! You slippery snails! You may have solved this puzzle, but the next will not be so easy! For it was designed by my brother, Sans! NYEHEHEHEHEH!" Papyrus said, running off, most likely to check the next puzzle. Sans stuck behind.

"Good job, guys. I'll see you for the next puzzle," he said, giving you three a thumbs up before vanishing. You smiled and started off towards Papyrus's next puzzle.

You, Chara, and Frisk approached the next area, finding the brothers there, standing proudly.

"Behold! My brother's pu-...Sans where's the puzzle!" Papyrus said, turning to face Sans.

"It's right there. On the ground," Sans said, pointing to a piece of paper on the ground. Papyrus face-palmed.

"I don't even know what I was expecting out of you," Papyrus mumbled.

You walked over and picked up the paper. It was a word search, similar to one you'd find on the kids menu at a restaurant. It had an ice cube with a dog's face on the side.

Chara looked at the puzzle, trying not to float up to see it.

"A word search?"

"This is Sans we're talking about," you said. Chara shrugged.

"True," she said. You set the paper down and walked over to the brothers.

"Sans, that did nothing!" Papyrus yelled at Sans, who just stood there.

"Dang. I should've used today's crossword instead," Sans said.

"Crossword!? For your information, Junior Jumble is much better! It is easily the hardest!" Papyrus said.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure crossword is harder," Sans replied.

"Humans, solve this dispute! Which is harder? Junior Jumble or crossword?" Papyrus asked the three of you.

"I say Jumble," Frisk said. Chara nodded.

"I agree with Frisk on this one," she said.

"Same here," you said, smiling at Papyrus.

"See! Junior Jumble is the better of the puzzles!" Papyrus said victoriously. He walked off to the next puzzle.

"Thanks for picking Junior Jumble for my bro. You know this already, but he got stumped trying to solve the horoscope," Sans said. You smiled.

"You're very welcome, Sansy," you said. He grinned and headed off towards the next puzzle.

You walked on and found the station of Doggo.

"Do not move!" A sign read. You ignored it and Doggo appeared.

"Is something there? Did something move? I can only see moving things! If something did move, for example, a human, I'll make sure it never moves again!" He said. Three souls appeared in front of you, two red and one (f/c).

Doggo appears

You had the first turn. You spared Doggo and held still while a blue line passed through your soul.

Doggo's eyes dart around.
"Will it move this time?"

Frisk and Chara followed the same process.

It was your turn again. You chose to pet Doggo.

"S-something just pet me!"

He kept saying the words "pet", "pot", "pat", and "put" constantly.

Frisk spared Doggo and you all received two gold.

"S-s-something j-just pet m-me! Something t-that isn't m-m-moving. I need s-some dog treats f-for this," Doggo said, ducking back behind his station.

You kept going and found two stations, both empty.

They read "his" and "hers" on the top. Frisk read the sign in between them.

After they read the sign and told everyone what it said, you and the kids kept going forward and arrived at the next puzzle, the hidden switch puzzle. You knew already where the switch was, so you went and flipped it, opening the doors to the dog area.

You walked in and two dogs, Dogamy and Dogaressa approached you, sniffing at the air.

"What is that smell?"

"Where is that smell?"

They ran around sniffing until the stopped at where you, Chara, and Frisk stood.

"The smell is here."

"It's a very strange smell."

"Strange smell, show yourself to us!"

"Show yoursmellf!"

The world went to black and white yet again.

You rolled in the dirt and snow, making you smell like a weird puppy.

As the two attacked you, you got hit a few times, losing some HP.

Frisk followed the same process along with Chara.

You asked the couple to resniff you. They did and they resniffed Frisk and Chara.

"They smell like weird puppies!"

"Are you weird puppies?"

Frisk pet Dogamy and dodged the attacks.

"Don't forget about me."

Chara pet Dogaressa and dodged the attacks.

You spared the two.

"Dogs can pet dogs?"

"This is opened up a brand new age of opportunities!"

"Thank you weird pups!"

You, Chara, and Frisk received two gold.

Wrote this at school for you. I got the rest of today and we get off early tomorrow. Then it's off to the beach! Yay! Too bad they're calling for storms the whole time though...that sucks. Anyways, next part will be coming soon! X3

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