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(??? POV)

I saw a flash of yellow before he materialized before me.

I sighed, seeing his guilt in his eyes.

"T-Tyson? Are you alright?" I asked, my British accent popping, as it usually did.

"E-Elizabeth...please leave me alone," he said. I floated over and sat down beside him.

"You know it wasn't your fault. You were a partial soul in a thing that was never meant to house one. You became corrupt! And I forgive you for that because you weren't you, Tyson," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder as I readjusted my glasses.

"B-but...I possessed her! I killed them with her hands! I tortured her! I took away everything she loved! And what reason did I have. I am meant to be the embodiment of Justice! The one that keeps everything in balance, but what reason did I have to kill those innocent monsters? What reason did I have t-to torture t-that poor innocent mind?" He never finished his thought before he bursted into tears.

"Tyson! I can forgive you for centuries, but it'll never get better until you forgive yourself! We used to be among the others! It pains me to see you like this, Tyson. You know I haven't given up on you for fifty years, I'm definitely not going to now, not when you need me the most! You just have to persevere and get back up!" I said. My form glowed a bit brighter and the purple filled the darkness.

"B-but...what if I-I mess up! What if t-that corruption is s-still there! Wha-at if..."

"There is no ifs! I can assure you, that person will not be able to return if you forgive yourself! The more you doubt yourself, the more likely he is to return! I love you too much to let you fall again!" I said. He looked up at me, his form fairly dim.

"I...I...I regret everything...I regret ever falling down here! Those kids were right, Elizabeth! I am a failure, whether it was fifty years ago or a fifty years later, I'm still a failure! I make things worse, I ruin everything!" He stated.

"Those kids are long gone, Tyson, and they just didn't know how perfect you are! Please, just believe in yourself...if not for it for me, please. Tyson...please," I said, tears starting to fall. He stood up with me and he pulled me into his arms, crying.

"Just...let it out, okay?" I said.

We stood for a few minutes before he let me go. I wiped away a few tears from his face with my thumb and I cradled his head in my palm.

I gave him a quick kiss. "Any better now, Mr. Woods?" I asked.

"Y-yea...thanks Elli," he said.

And more character development on Tyson's part and a new character! Elizabeth Monroe, the purple soul of Perseverance! And they are a couple! Elizabeth died in the twenties and Tyson died in the sixties, just to clarify that

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