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IT WAS A SUNNY day but not warm. Half the resident students at beacon hills had rushed to assemble good outfits with lots of layers. It was one of those gorgeous sunrises that incorporated an unusual winter-like chill into its day to day, ignoring the fact that it was the middle of the year. Though the sun, rays beamed cheerfully down on students and other commuters as they all made their way to different locations and a bitter breeze shifted its ways around and over the ensemble. Rosyln's pathway was rather empty considering the hustle and bustle on the main roads and around the entrance. Weirdly, for a girl with a more introverted outtake on life, she felt confident walking in large crowds.

Rosie had never intentionally been absent from peoples minds. Most at school new her and from a distance (where she was unlikely to have a chance to strike up a conversation) they'd wave and get on with their day. It was a nice gesture, far nicer than what she used to experience.

If you wanted her own opinion on it, she thought people were scared of her. One time she passed a group of kids chatting at a bench and took the empty one right next to it. She watched from her peripheral vision as they all tensed up, eyeing her dark eyeliner (Ahh what a sin!..), chains, (...lord give me strength!...) long boots (...send her straight to hell!) and rough appearance altogether.

She smiled and walked away after that incident. And a few others had occurred alongside it like a woman screaming at her in her local petrol station and a group of guys throwing leaves at her from behind a bush. She didn't think the bush one was because people were scared of her. But most of that had settled down recently, for what reason, she didn't care.

And so, as Roslyn Marie walked a narrow footpath made of concrete and covered in thick moss, she made sure her boots made loud noises as they neared the end of the footpath. Heads turned in disapproval at the disruption to the soft delicate morning. She caught her reflection in the main window of the beacon hills high school building and her confidence went up a bit. If people were staring at least she looked like they had a reason, 'I look like... good' The girl thought incredulously as she continued walking.

Rosyln was pretty tall which was one of the reasons why she always wore large platform boots. It was just to piss off her mother who hated seeing her only daughter tower over males in her school when in reality she was only about 5'8. Rosie was always told that she was extremely tall for her age, you know? Things along those lines. So whenever she could, She'd just say, fuck everyone, let's make it taller.

In talks of other physical attributes, the girl had black long hair, thick and coarse and pulled into rough locks that looked like braids but weren't. Her skin was a rich brown and papered with a few face products like blush and highlighter. The girl wore medium-sized dangling earrings with little pieces of plastic toast attached to the metal loops on each ear. Her outfit consisted today of, brown corduroy trousers, singed in at the waist, white lace and tie up boots, similar to docs but completely fake and an oversized minimalistic black leather jacket, hung loosely over an unrecognizable neon logo printed on a shirt underneath.

Rosyln went to Beacons hills high school Circa Beacon hills and had only ever lived in beacon hills. She had family in Ireland and had stayed over there with her brother for a few different summers but she hadn't been in years. She missed it greatly but her family didn't have the right financial front to support a trip to Europe.

On those trips to Ireland, one thing stood out starkly among the home-cooked food, vast countrysides and pleasurable people. The myths. . You'd think it cliché, but Rosyln's grandparents (or 'nan and grandad' as her grandmother preferred to be called) used to rage on about the creatures in tales locals once told to them. Did Rosie believe one word of it? No, why would she? They were myths for a reason.

With all the fantastic memories of her other summer home, Rosyln hated Beacon hills. The only reason she hadn't Broken down completely was the resolution she'd been telling herself for 2 years. It went as follows; She would wait until she turned eighteen so she could pack everything and leave, legally whether her family agreed or not. At the age of eighteen, she would have the property rights to her grandparents brick house back in Ireland which they left to her specifically after they died.

Beacon hills was so boring to her, excluding all the murder, violence and anomalies. Well, that is, if you could consider murder fun. It freaked her that it happened so frequently and still, her parents persisted on staying in beacon hills.

The school halls were pretty empty. There were still a lot of people around outside so she wasn't the only one at school but something felt odd, more than the usual. Rosyln ignored it, stupidly, like she always did. No wonder she had never suspected anything weird about anyone in that town before that night. The girl was too dumb and naïve to even pay attention to her gut.

Her locker wasn't too far so she made her way over and grabbed what she needed. She wasn't sure about her first class just yet because She hadn't checked her junior timetable, given to her promptly the day before. The teen scanned the flimsy piece of paper which she assumed she would lose before she had any time to learn any of the classes. First period, Bio.

Grabbing her books the girl took her tired legs for another walk around the school. She still had a load of time until her first class. She reached for her loose earphones that were tangled with her keys and sighed. Eventually, the girl untangled them and managed to plug them into her shitty phone before grabbing her heavy bag and sitting on a bench. Rosyln passed many of her high schools 'spectacular sights', as more and more students eventually filled the perimeter. The girl spotted her brother, Finn, who had just gotten off a bus along with his friends.

Rosyln was supposed to have given him a ride that morning but he'd slept in, so she left him to his own devices. She didn't know his friends very well. Her brother had only met them that semester, being freshmen and all. Her eyes scanned the familiar but somewhat suspicious faces. Her brother towered over his classmates, something they shared in common but that was just about where the similarities stopped. One look at the boy and anyone could see he was a giant softie. His lips curved upward in this half mooned mile that pushed all the way up to his warm eyes. No matter how much she made fun of him, she'd always be resentful of the fact she didn't get his smile.

Next to him stood Mason, the one freshmen she knew. He was a level head boy who she was actually rather fond of and for some reason was matching shirt and pant colours with her brother. Next to the inseparable pair, two unfamiliar bodies, trot, arm in arm. They looked smug with the entitled steps they took. Roslyn probably shouldn't have been so prejudice at the mere sight of some new friends her brother had made, but the image of the two made some sort of bile stir at the back of her throat. Yet again, another clear sign of something horrific.

Her brother stood closely to Mason. He seemed just about as fond of the two as she did. Mason and the couple were chatting happily but Finn didn't look very interested. She heard some banter about a movie night among other things as the couple said goodbye to mason and Finn and walked away, pushing into each other from the sides as couples so often did. As Finn passed his sister, he purposefully stuck out his lanky shoulder, which felt rather like the edge of a marble counter than a flesh-covered part of the human body and nicked Rosyln harshly. the girl winced but acknowledged the attack no further than that. smiling, she greeted her brother as cheerily as she could. 'hi Finn! just the person I needed to damage my posture for the day, thanks!

her condescending, slightly pissed off tone made him smirk, showing his brilliantly white teeth underneath. 'Careful Ros, you might find yourself losing' He said, just as condescending as she had.

The two of them had this sort of competition where all they did was annoy each other. The aim of the game was to annoy the opponent as much as possible without getting mad at the person who was also annoying you, otherwise, they won. Bad explanation and a bad game, Rosie knew that. Every time one of them failed and shouted or something that signified they'd given up, a new game started. This particular game had been going on for roughly a month at most. Their parents used to reward whoever stayed passive for the longest time, but when the sibling incorporated purposely doing annoying things, they scraped the rewarding and the game altogether. Little did they know, their teenage children were still carrying on this game in secret.

Rosyln made no sort of indication that she was mad after that and merely watched her brother and Mason as a very distressed boy by the name of Liam Dunbar ran up to the freshmen. He was breathing uncontrollably and looked extremely ill. She was intrigued but opted to stay out of it and let her brother and Mason handle the situation.


ROSYLN SAT IN her bedroom with a large sketch pad lay in front of her on her desk. Her desk was fairly neat and decorated with books, figures, drawing utensils and school supplies. She had been working on a self-portrait for an entire hour and was still unhappy with the sketch. Her record player quietly played some of the Beetles, 'abbey road' from where it sat on another shelf. Other records surrounded the two players that she had received for Christmas. One more shelving unit was left inside the room and it was just a dump for random things Rosyln wanted to hide but was masked by a small tv, books and old monster cans. Her bed took up the middle of the room and faced her desk which was situated right beside her wardrobe. One of her walls was empty so the girl had covered it with posters from different movies and comics but She changed the space up every month or so, so none of it was permanent

She continued to shade the edges of the face in her drawing to blur them more into each other. It could get boring but as long as she had her music she could go at it for hours. That is if everyone would just leave her the hell alone. Her family often liked to make her do everything and by everything she meant everything. She didn't blame them but she didn't thank them for any of it either. And they were so much easier on her brother because he was younger.

Rosyln continued with her drawing for a while before she heard the sound of some heavy footsteps stumbling up her stairs. She could always tell who was approaching her by the simple sound of their steps and this time it was her brother, Finley or Finn as he had so appropriately nicknamed himself. Good thing too or he might have received a lot more bullying when he was younger. He knocked promptly on her door and without awaiting a response ran into her room.

He sat down on her bed making all sorts of squeaky noises and swung his legs over the frame at the bottom so that they were supported by the white intertwining pieces of metal. "Hey smurf" She greeted cheerfully as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Whatcha want?" The girl asked through semi-clenched teeth as she outlined the jacket in her portrait.

"Mom said you have to drive me to my 'friends house'" He told her gleefully, doing air quotation when he said the words 'friends house'. "There's a party but she doesn't know that so, so don't tell her"

'and what makes you think I'd be so gracious as to not tell her about your little rogue, mission?' Rosyln sighed without taking a breath as she abandoned her artwork to look at her brother. She used her chair to spin around and face Finn.

'You wouldn't tell her'

'and what makes you so sure, Finley?'

'the Vodka in moms alcohol press. One word of encouragement and I could prompt her to taste the water in the Smirnoff bottles.' Finn told her, the joy in his face no longer hidden at Rosylns gradually widening eyes.

she shook her head and laughed. 'fuck you smurf.'

'a-a- that sounds like anger to me' he tutted, shaking a bony finger in front of her eyes.

Roslyn spluttered, thinking of a defence 'i laughed as I was saying it! That means joking. So fine, fine, fine, ill bring you but if you're not ready within the next 5 minutes, I'm not even getting into the car'




hope you liked this chapter. I love this book and its refreshing to revise over my old writing although, it was so bad I'm writing an entirely new book trying to fix it. Thanks for reading and I do hope you enjoyed, I know that this chapter was pretty boring and extremely long.

question though, do you like this length or would you like for the chapters to be shorter? its currently at 2400 words roughly. so shorter would be like 1200?

-Malefecently, 6/1/21

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