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"GRAB YOUR CRAP QUICKLY!" Rosyln roared from halfway down the hall. "You're so slow! We have like ten minutes!"

Finn popped his head out from behind his bedroom door. "Give me a fricking second child! I still need to get my shoes on!"

"Wear some crocks or something I don't care! You weren't even invited I don't know why you're coming, it's really dangerous!"

"That's the exact reason I'm coming, dumbass! Running down the hall and to the space where she stood, Finn promptly stood in front of her. "So you don't get yourself killed!"

Rosyln chuckled. "What about you, huh? I'm not like your guardian angel. If you see some weird shit you're stuck like me and you can't go back!" She teased as she placed a few items into her brother's hands for him to put into the car. Both of their parents were on an apparently 'well-deserved' vacation for two weeks which left Finn and Rosyln home alone for that duration. Finn raced to her vehicle as Ros locked the house up. She placed her large keys into a small pocket on the front of her jeans and hopped into the car. Finn was rummaging in the boot, organizing a few of the items she'd offered to bring. Popping the keys into the ignition, the car started and once Finn was seated and belted up, it took off.

Destination, the McCall's

The large group had a plan. A very intricate, possibly life-threatening plan. The benefactor, at that moment, was their objective. If they managed to take out the supplier, then there would be no reason for mercenaries to murder children.

After a few arguments and a few car stops, the Maries finally reached the large house. It was mostly surrounded by trees and fields and looked pretty haunting in the daylight. Other than that, Rosyln loved the place. She'd never been but it looked cool to her. She hit the brakes and stopped the car. The two hopped out and ran to the door where Kira was approaching. Stiles was still at his car. Scott and Liam must have been inside.

Once everyone was gathered inside, they placed three computers (MacBooks, which shocked Ros, how rich were some of these people?!) in the centre of a rectangular table and stood around it. Finn was a bit far behind Rosyln and looked startled. Rosyln did not pay attention because she thought it was just her brother being her brother-Or trying to annoy her so much she lost the game.

Her brother walked off to the side, where he stumbled upon Liam. He had not seemed to notice the boy until then. "What are you doing here?" He whispered.

Liam's brows furrowed together at the sight of his good friend. "Uh- what are you doing here?"

"Finn!" Rosyln called and they both joined the table.

"Is three enough?l Kira sighed, eyeing the devices.

"Depends on how many cameras they have. But I think so." Stiles replied.

"Are we doing this?" Liam questioned leaning over the table. Beside Rosyln, Finn jumped and she grabbed his arm to steady him.

"We're doing it. Tonight" Scott told him, in disbelief.

They all started arguing about the danger of it as Ros pulled Finn away from the group just slightly. "What is your deal today?" She whispered harshly. Finn looked pale as if he'd just seen a ghost. The girl snapped her fingers. "Hey, earth to Finn?"

"Did you, did you know about Liam? Why is he here?" Finn asked. Liam hadn't seemed to notice the whispering about him just yet. He was far too worried about the efficiency of the plan.

Oh shit! Rosyln cursed to herself. She'd forgotten that Finn didn't know yet! That's a hard one for Liam to explain. Nope, not today, this was not her problem. "Uh, yeah you can ask him about it later!" She whispered cheerfully, pushing him back to the table.

"If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that right?" Stiles warned, addressing everyone in the room.

"How do we even know somethings definitely coming?" Kira asked.

"Because the tape from Garret's bag said visual confirmation was required." Scott recited.

"Simon said the same thing," Rosyln said just as Stiles took over for her.

"He couldn't get paid by the benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead"

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?" Scott asked, leaning in.

"You don't get paid." Kira finished.

"How does that get us any closer to the benefactor?" Liam muttered.

Scott looked down. "He still needs to know if the target is dead"

"Especially if it's someone high on the list," Stiles said.

"So if he wants visual confirmation..."

"He's going to have to come to get it himself"


The hospital was busy, like any other working day. Nurses and doctors swarmed the halls as patients entered and left, like usual. The morgue had been ridden of all civilians apart from the dead bodies of course and in the centre, stood a group of people with a plan.

They formed a circle around an open tray which held a lifeless body. Scott had been put into a very dangerous, death-like state and they had forty minutes before that state was permanent. Everyone else, including Kira's mother, assisted with the plan and all stood around Scott. The double doors that led to the morgue opened.

Melissa McCall stumbled in, teary and flushed. She was in pink nurse attire and wore a stethoscope around her neck which dangled as she leaned over Scott. "I still hate this plan" She muttered, changing emotions in the span of a few seconds. "I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead." she sighed, slightly terrified.

"give me your hand" Noshiko Yukimura smiled, putting her palm out for Mellisa. Roslyn assumed she was Kira's mother.

Melissa looked to Stiles and he nodded, placing somewhat of a comforting hand on her back. The woman reached forward and took Noshiko's warm hands. The woman lowered it to Scott's chest and she winced at the absence of a pulse.

"wait for it" Noshiko encouraged.

Melissa sighed in relief after hearing a faint heartbeat. "is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?"

"enough for an Alpha" Yukimura replied while everyone stood around silently.

"how much time do we have?"

"Forty-five minutes"

"what happens after that?"

"I bring him back the same way," Kira told her.

"No I mean, what happens if he stays like this longer than forty minutes?" Melissa asked, worriedly.

Everyone eyed each other until Noshiko spoke up. "no one's told her?"

Rosyln shuffled awkwardly backwards as she knew what was about to come next. She found the entire situation utterly bizarre and unnerving.

"what? What happens after forty-five minutes?!"

"he dies"


The computers were freshly set out in front of everyone. Everything had been sorted out and the plan was in action. Three laptops, sat connected to any outlet that the teens could find and displayed the hospital's live security footage. Roslyn, Stiles and Kira stood in the front, monitoring the cameras which Finn and Liam lingered behind, catching glimpses of the screen every two seconds. The timing was crucial at that moment and every decision they made counted toward something.

Minutes passed and eventually the two behind sat down. The other three, however, continued to stare at the black and white screens. Rosyln was loosely fidgeting with her hair when one of the cameras suddenly went dead and showed nothing but static. Rosyln pointed to it. "Hey..... Is that supposed to look like that?"

The static cut out and displayed a grey screen with the words 'no signal'. Kira and Stiles leaned in and Liam and Finn stood up to get a better view. "No...No, it's not" Stiles replied, staring at the screen.

"Where is that?" Kira asked.

"The Roof. Someone's gonna have to check it out" Stiles sighed.

"I'll go," Kira said, quickly, turning away from the computers.

"Whoa, Whoa. This might not be just a malfunction." Stiles warned her, putting out a hand.

Kira lifted an item covered in a red cloth. "That's why I'm bringing this." She told him as she slid the cloth off slowly to reveal a long shiny sword. Cool, Rosyln thought, eyeing it. A fricking sword? Way cool, way cool.

Kira turned away and began to walk out the door. "I'm coming with you!" Liam told her as he too began to follow. Rosyln contemplated her options for a few seconds. Where would her help be needed most? If she went with them, Finn would likely follow leaving Stiles alone and Finn in harm's way. Staying sounded a lot better.

"Okay. And you're both coming right back. Immediately!" The boy called after them. He sighed and shook his head. "Agh, Kids"

Rosyln chuckled as she continued staring at the other camera. Little movement occurred and she started to think that everything was going rather smoothly when suddenly all cameras went out as well as a majority of the lights around her.

The girl yelped as she searched for some sort of light. Hands in the air, eyes closed she began patting around places. Finn stood up abruptly and looked around. "Ros! Uh, Ros do something!"

Shuffling came from everywhere around her and she had begun to feel cautious. "I-I can't!" She replied. Her hand found a bench and the girl steadied herself. It wasn't the end of the world but that was easier to say when she could see.

"Your eyes! Use your eyes" She heard Stiles tell her from somewhere to her right. "cover them first" He added.

"Oh, yeah-uh that's a good idea" She mumbled, embarrassed she hadn't thought about it before. Turning away from where she presumed the two boys were, Rosyln focused all her energy on shifting. This time, it didn't take any length of time. it didn't hurt like the last time she'd used them although it had most likely been to do with the supernatural she had contracted. She still hadn't figured out why it had affected her differently. For Scott and Malia, it had been physical, For Kira, it was Neurological but for Rosyln, it somehow seemed to have heightened her power until they destroyed her. Scary, huh?

She'd tried since that incident to replicate her powers but to no avail. She couldn't turn into other people. That seemed to have been a fluke due to the sickness. As for whatever happened with her eyes.... the girl hoped it never happened again.

Her eyes glew that familiar white colour and she put two loose hands over each so as not to knock out either of her counterparts.

"Great!" Stiles celebrated as he made his way to the door, now able to see.

She heard a thump from across the room followed by silence. Rosyln closed her eyes and they were once again back to normal. "Finn? Finn?!" She called. He didn't answer and her heart rate sped up. Changing her eyes again, the room grew steadily brighter. Knocked out on the chair he had been sitting on, was none other than Finn.

"Shit!" Rosyln cursed, stomping one foot on the ground. She mustn't have covered her eyes quickly enough.

Reverting to her normal eye colour she sprinted to the door. Finn could wait. Stiles rapidly spoke to Chris Argent, someone whom Rosyln had only ever seen from afar. The altercation in the woods between Scott and Liam still haunted her memories. She would never be used to any of this. Stiles nodded his head at the man and turned back to Rosyln. He grabbed her shoulder and manually turned her back around, speeding their walk as they went.

The girl looked down silently at the hand on her shoulder and her stomach flipped. No, now was not that time. She was too confused now for even more confusion. Stiles was her friend. Barely even that. It was all a matter of circumstance. Circumstances.

"He said to stay with Scott," Stiles said as they jogged. "Where'd Finn go?"

Rosyln pointed to her eyes. "Accident"


She looked at stiles from a different perspective. One of a girl without death consistently keeping her up at night. A girl without worries as she had. However she looked at him, however much her heart sped up and her knees felt weak, she knew it wasn't to be. Everything was just too... weird.

They reached the morgue and ran inside. Rosyln stood by the swinging doors and guarded them while Stiles checked on Scott. "All clear" She commented, eying the so far empty halls.

Stiles quickly and poorly took out his phone. He dialled a number and it began to ring. "Come on, Come on. Answer the phone. Argent, Come on" He sighed, pacing. "Come on, Argent answer the phone! Why are you not answering the phone?" He exhaled, raising his voice.

Rosyln continued to look through the door's windows when she was suddenly thrown by another body flying through the doors. She flew across the room and landed roughly on a large metal tray which hurt her back severely. Chris grunted as he looked up at Stiles. "Stiles, Run. Stiles get out of here!" he grunted, wincing in pain and not taking any notice of the girl he'd brutally hit.

The doors slowly closed but not before a blonde-haired woman strode threw. Chris rose to his feet as did Rosyln and she slowly stumbled forward.

"Get out of the way, Stiles" Kate warned, menacingly. "I'm taking the body"

"Why? visual confirmation?"

The woman stepped forward. "Don't worry, handsome. I'm not the benefactor."

Ros frowned. Maybe somewhere deep down, jealousy was building up.

"Then what do you want with the body?" Chris boomed.

Kate only stepped closer. "I wish I could tell you". Rosyln put one hand on the door to Scotts holding place. If she wanted him, she'd have to go through all three of them.

Chris jumped forward and was able to pin a gun against her chin. "I always forget you carry two" She sighed with a weirdly calm smile.

"Back off!" He yelled.

She smiled again tilting her head to the side mischievously. "you sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?"

"I don't want to"

"you're not going to kill me"

"I'm not going to let you take his body!"

"Okay, well, obviously you guys have a lot to talk about, so, maybe..... I saw some coffee-a vending machine outside." Stiles somewhat jokingly explained accompanied by a whole heap of weird hand gestures. Rosyln shot him a sideways glance of disapproval but turned her head quickly to hide her growing smirk. No, no, now was not the time.

"listen to me, kate. We have a plan." Chris insisted one arm on her shoulder the other still holding the gun tightly.

The blondie sulked. "and if killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me"

Rosyln rolled her eyes. "He's telling the truth. We're trying to get to the Benefactor."

Kate's eyes flashed from Rosyon and then back to Chris in an instant. Chris clenched his jaw. "if you didn't notice, you're on the list too. And worth more than most."

"That's why I'm here!"

"Then back off and let us do what we planned. Take the berserkers, and go. Kate, please. We have a plan."


"You look pale. Here"

Ros looked gently over at Stiles who held out a chocolate bar for her to take. She smiled fondly and took the chocolate from the boy. "I'm fine just shaken up"

They sat in the morgue waiting momentarily on argent and Kate to finish up talking down the hall. It seemed they had a lot of catching up to do.

Stiles was very close to Ros then. She could feel his breath on her shoulder. It was very warm in the room and the two had stripped down to their t-shirts. The girl wasn't exactly comfortable. She looked up at Stiles who, when sitting down was taller than her. She smiled. "Do you think this plan will work?"

She bit into the chocolate with a loud snap as Stiles's eyes caught her own. "I-I don't". He leaned forward and extended a delicate finger to her cheek. The girl flinched slightly, unsure of what was going to happen. Now was not the time.

"What-?" She stammered genuinely curious as to how in the span of this suicide mission they'd seemed to come so close. Her mind was in twenty different places. They had to help Scott, she had to help Finn- how were the others? How selfish was it that she was stuck in this moment with Stiles?

Her skin felt like dynamite when his fingertips caressed the underside of one of her eyes. What a weird thing to do.

"Did you always have those marks?" Stiles hummed maintaining his intense focus on the girl in front of him.

The answer was no. Ever since her powers had developed, Ros had noticed a reddening to her eyes that was only noticeable if you looked very close. She guessed Stiles had.

A few more seconds passed and inwardly, Ros was baffled. She snapped her head away from the boy's still outstretched hand and cleared her throat. He seemed to snap back into reality and turned to stare at the floor almost immediately. Ros was so confused.

Unfortunately, then was not the time for silly games of 'will he, won't he'. The girl had far larger things on her plate. When did she suddenly find herself in an awkward romantic situation like a real person?

Since when had she ever acted like real people do?



Roll credits.....
Jk there's defo more to come.
Thank you for reading!

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