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"OKAY SO SCOTTS an... Alpha werewolf, Liam is his... beta., Lydia's a banshee, Kira is a kitsune, Malia is a were... coyote and you were formerly possessed by a Nogitsune but you're not anymore." Rosyln listed off as she sat in front of Stiles. It had been a solid two hours since the four had searched through all the lacrosse sticks. "That it? Am I missing anyone?"

"No" Stiles confirmed. "Not in Scott's pack anyway". Stiles had taken a full hour and a half out of his time before the game to go over literally everything that had happened. How Scott got turned, everything about Jackson, the sacrifices, Lydia and Malia's origins, the Oni, Allison, his possession and any other questions she had about all things supernatural. He had to say, the whole idea of him introducing Rosyln into the world of the supernatural was slightly funny to him. It was more of a Scott thing but he felt like he had done a relatively better job, especially taking into account the fact that he hadn't had to kidnap Rosyln to get her to listen, unlike another someone. She was all ears and she believed every word of it which made it a hell of a lot easier. Stile crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Now, tell me about the lake house... What did you see?"

Rosyln took a deep breath in. She felt so much better now that everything had been explained. So many things made sense even dating as far back as sophomore year confusion. She'd seen things... Things that then, nobody could explain but now, now it made sense. Still, even with tons explained and a lot of weight taken off of her shoulders, she still had questions. "Okay well, I dropped Finn off at the party at around 9 probably ten to or so". Rosyln still hadn't been told that Finn was on the Deadpool. Stiles didn't know why he hadn't brought it up but the sheet was right beside her so all she really had to do was look, he wasn't stopping her. Stiles nodded his head, signalling for her to continue. "Okay, um. Then I... p-pulled out of the lot."

"-And that's when you realised your tyres were slashed. I had a feeling it was your car"

"Yeah, anyway. I got out to check because I was going really slow, you know. I pulled over by the trees and basically saw that my back tyres had been slashed... so logically..."

She went on explaining the entirety of her night including the trip into the woods and seeing Scott. Stiles' reaction to each of the things was exactly how you would react if told the story in person.

"So let me get his straight, you can turn into a rabbit?" Stiles recited when she repeated what Scott had said.

"Well, I don't know. It was all sort of feverish to me. I just thought I was hallucinating out of fear and like adrenaline because I had just seen someone get murder and all."

The girl played it off as a joke but it still really bothered her. Stiles and Scott may have seen bodies all the time but she, she didn't deal with this sort of crap regularly.

Stiles was somehow laughing and in all honesty, she probably would have too if she were in his shoes. A girl that could turn into a rabbit? What kind of lunacy was she playing at?. "Ohh, wait till Scotty hears that one of his pack members is a wererabbit" Stiles chuckled.

"I'm part of the pack?" The girl asked airily.

Stiles realised his mistake but not regretting it looked up to her. "Well yeah, I mean you're helping us and I'm pretty sure you don't have too many places to be other than beacon hills so... yeah, spose you are" he smiled.

Rosyln smiled back just as the two heard the footsteps of Scott and Kira as they approached dressed in Lacrosse gear like Stiles. "Okay, you two, ready?"


THE LACROSSE FIELD was brightly lit up by the many lights that surrounded its perimeter. Rosyln sat in the stands by herself due to the fact that Stiles, Kira and Scott were all on the field. None of her friends went to any of the lacrosse games and neither did her family even though her brother was on the team, although he didn't actually play, the bench was him home and away. But Rosie believed in him and didn't think he was that bad. She had seen far worse players on the actual field to put it in perspective.

The game had not started yet and everyone in the stands was patiently waiting for the players to lines up and get ready. Rosyln had her fingers crossed that nothing bad would happen that night. What could she do? She didn't have superstrength or claws or amazing fighting skills. All she had was some bucked teeth and long dopey ears. Stiles had said that she was marked at 9 million on the Dead pool. Nine million frickin dollars. If she was really worth that much dead, killing herself might actually benefit her more than living.

No, she thought. Stop it.

But seriously, why was some 'wererabbit' as Stiles had put it, marked at nine million? It just seemed ludicrous to her, all of it did.

Suddenly all of the players started running to the centre. The coach was cheering them on and soon enough everyone else joined in. Rosyln could see her brother with his head in his hands looking extremely sad, more than usual. Not knowing what was up and having not talked to him in a hot minute, she grabbed her leather jacket, which had been beside her and made her way down so she could talk to him.

As she made her way down towards her brother the game begun. She could see the different teams running at each other to and fro and before she or any other beacon hills supporters knew, Devenford prep had scored. Rosyln could hear her brother's 'boo!' Of disapproval and ran up to him.

She harshly placed both of her hands on his shoulders and bent her head over one. "Hellooo" She smiled. Finn's sad frown was temporarily turned back around by his sisters greeting but quickly faded. "Oi, scoot," she said sarcastically. He pushed himself up the bench and she squished in between him and another player. "Oo, ah, sorry" She apologised, glancing up at the buff male beside her. When she was finally seated, the girl turned to Finn and looked him dead in the eyes. "Okay, what's up? And don't lie just tell me"

"What?!" Finn tried to pass off. "Nothing, pffft, what are you talking about?". Rosyln tilted her head and raised her eyes brown and he frowned. "Is it really that obvious?" He whined.

"Well no" She began, lifting his hopes but then ultimately plummeting then to the bottom of a Grand Canyon like hole. "not to those in outer space- yes it's fucking obvious. And even if it wasn't, do you really think you could keep anything away from me?"

"You've been keeping things from me"

"Wha-what, when, no I have not!" She defended, her mouth hung open.

"Well, why did you lock yourself in your room all weekend, huh? That's not like you. Why did you not pick me up from the party, eh? And why did I see you go into coaches office with Stiles Stilinski earlier? Care to explain?"

"Well- that's. Well, you don't know anything! We're talking about you stop turning this on me!"

"You asked!" Finn replied, raising both his gloved hands in front of his chest. "I was only stating the facts"

"Okay right. I get it. And for you're information I wasn't alone with Stilinski, Scott and Kira were there too!"

"Oh great, An orgi!" Finn exclaimed.

"What the fuck, no! Would you shut your mouth, People are around us if you haven't noticed!" She exclaimed as a hand shot into the air. "Why the hell would you assume that? I can have friends you know, it's not impossible.

"And you don't like him?-"

"No! Now can we just talk about you, enough about me, Jesus Christ!" She roared as the boy beside her scooted down the bench slightly.

"Fine, if you're really that invested, Mason and I got into a fight and now he's not talking to me." Fine muttered, turning away from his sister.

Rosyln's lip fell and her face contorted into a puppy dog one. "Aww, come here"

"No, no, no!" Finn roared as she engulfed him in a hug. They both began to laugh and giggle.

Soon enough, Devenford scored again. This time two of its members knocked Liam over, the most hot-headed person Rosyln had ever come across. He threw the gloves off and was about to run at one of the players when Scott and Stiles caught him just in time. Rosyln was off the bench, for some reason going to make her way over but Finn grabbed her by her t-shirt and pulled her down roughly.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, sorry"

After another few minutes, Beacon Hills scored. Kira had taken the shot now making the score 2:1. An eruption of cheers echoed through the stadium but so did coaches shouts. "Yukimura!" He called. "Get over here!"

The girl ran up to him, ecstatic. "Take a seat. You're benched for the rest of the game." Finnstock spat.

"What? why?!" Kira questioned.

"You didn't pass"

"I had an open shot!"

"The play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage, it's about teamwork, Yukimura. So, you're benched"

She looked helplessly to Scott and then took her seat. Finnstock looked at the bench and contemplated for a second. "Uhhh, Marie, you're up"

The shocked look on Finn's face was like no other as he asked the coach to repeat himself. Rosyln patted him on the back as he got up and walked into the field. He passed Scott who was having a staring contest with Garret, the now assumed killer. As Garret turned away from Scott he bumped into Finn. Rosyln couldn't hear what they were saying but she didn't have to because the worried look on Scott's face told her a lot more.

Shit, was her brother on the Dead pool too? She'd never asked the question. She'd never even looked at the sheet of paper. And now he was on the field and there was nothing she could do about it.

For the next few minutes of the game, the girl sat biting her nails helplessly. Her eyes drifted to the floor and she began to dissociate. That was until a yell of pain echoed through the field.

Snapping out of her daze, she looked up to see four players sprawled on the field. She couldn't really see them that well, but by their numbers, she knew. Her brother, holy fuck.

She could see Scott and Stiles with Liam but her brother was still on the ground. One of the boys was screaming in agony and was being held up by the referee and one of the medics.

Her brother got up soon without any real scratch on him and her breathing finally slowed. Thank god. He got up to play and the game began again. As she looked around. A mysterious figure in dark clothing followed the medics and referee as well as Brett, the opposing Devenford prep player who had been injured. Seen as neither Scott, not Kira took notice of this figure she got up and followed. It was the same silhouette from the lake house, the person who had killed Demarco.


ROSYLN STOOD BY THE Locker room door. She'd peeped her head around the corner of it to see exactly what she had expected, Brett being targeted. And standing over him was none other than that bitchy piece of work, Violet.

Rosyln's back was against the wall and her hands were pressed up against it. Her eyes were narrowed into slits as she stared Violet down. That bitch. She knew she was sketchy and not much fun to talk to but a mercenary... that was on a whole other level.

Violet had her signature thermo-cut, wire necklace in hand. It twirled and wriggled around her fingers, having not being turned on yet and therefore not burning the girl.

How was Rosyln supposed to combat that? Turn into a bunny and convince her to let Brett go out of pure cuteness?

Oh fuck, she really was useless. A rabbit? Argh!

Time was wearing thin and Violet had the wire around his neck, it was now ore never. It was probably going to get her killed. And Brett, both of them dead on the floor.

Jumping out from behind the door frame, she ran at the girl, the element of surprise on her side. She screamed and the two went down together onto the floor. Violet struggled with Rosyln on top of her.

"Get off me!" Violet screamed, her words hitched because of Rosyln's heavy knee pressed into her chest. Brett was off to the struggling girl's right and out cold. He wasn't going to be much use to her.

They both struggled for about ten seconds before Violet got the best of the girl and topped her. Unfolding the wire quickly she wrapped it around Rosyln's neck. The girl screamed, waiting for the agony of burning hot metal to hit her skin but all she felt was a tingling sensation. If this was death, it wasn't actually that bad. It was peaceful, like sitting on your porch while the sunset. Or going out on holidays to eat. It was contentment but satisfaction. It really wasn't that bad. She melted and all she heard before she dropped to the floor was Violet's gasp. "What the fuck?!"

Rosyln turned around and looked at Violet. She wasn't dead, probably. It was similar to a fever dream or rather, it felt like a dream. Her eyes felt unusually bright and her perspective, yet again downward. Was she a rabbit again? Was violet afraid of a rabbit?

If she was, Rosyln would have never known because when they locked eyes the girl fainted. Out cold. Quickly than a heartbeat. Roslyn gasped but no sound followed. The mercenary twitched a few times on the floor before completely stilling. Had she just killed her? With a stare?

As the girl looked down, she saw no human body parts, no hands, no feet, no nothing. What the hell was she?!

After a few second Scott came sprinting down the hallway only to find Violet unconscious on the ground, Brett just waking up and a large four-meter snake sprawled across the floor.

He took a step back when the reptilian took a slither forward. Stiles came running after him, tripping everywhere, eventually gathering himself and standing up straight. His eyes focused and saw the giant snake just chilling in the middle of two unconscious bodies.

Three blinks later after a very weird and indescribable transformation, Rosyln stood in her place.

Stiles' mouth hung open as did Scott's "that was..."

"Disturbing" Rosyln finished.

"I was gonna say awesome but disturbing works too, yeah."

Scott turned to Stiles. "I think you better call your dad"


Wow this is literally one of my favorite chapters. Ah!. Right now I'm on chapter ten but it will be a while before you read that one lol! Ya'll are gonna lose your shir over some of this shit- I hope.

Do you have any conspiracies so far? About what Rosyln is? About anything lol?

Also if you're bored and need a graphic check out my shop 'Sweater weather'. Anyway I love you all and good night!

-Malefecently, 7/5/2020

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