Chapter Thirty Nine

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Semiloore walked towards where Akin and his friends were sitting.

"Fuck! Semiloore is coming"

"Hello Seniors"

"Happy birthday"

"Thank you"

Semiloore replied as she turned to go and suddenly turned and kicked the plastic table. The table flew up and hit the floor causing a ruckus.

"Hey! What's your problem?"

"Did you just ask of my problem?"

Semiloore kicked everything kickable as the boys scampered for safety.

"You are a dastard" Semiloore said as she spat on Akin and walked away.

When she got back,Tamiloore was punching and kicking and beating the mannequin in her room while others looked on helplessly.

"Tamiloore....... "

"I'm fine" Tamiloore replied wiping her tears.

She had given him her all. She had loved him wholeheartedly but she was just a toy to him. How dare him! How dare him!

She yelled inside her as she gave the mannequin a head kick with her heels and the head came off. Theo threw himself at her as he hugged her blocking her and since she couldn't bring herself to touch Theo she just rested in his embrace as she cried.

How could fate be this cruel? Why wouldn't anything be fine for her? Why couldn't he just love her the way she loved him? Why couldn't he reject her straight on? Why did he urge her on? Why did he play with her?

"You'll be okay. Calm down" Theo kept whispering to her as he rubbed her back.

"Professor Joseph"

"Whoa! Its a pleasure to meet all of you. You are Nathaniel,Joshua,Christian and John right?"


"Nice to see you again sir"

"Tolani please we need about three packs of drinks could you bring some from your shop?"


"I'll go with you" Joshua said with a smile.

"Let's go"

"Why do you think Snr Akin used her? He could have just rejected her right?"

Nathan looked into space "I'm not him,how could I have an answer to that"

"Ya! Will you dump me too?" Semiloore asked.

Nathan sent her a glance before bursting into laughter.

"What's funny?"

"Even if I wanted to dump you would you allow me?" Nathaniel asked and Semiloore turned red as she punched him.

She didn't tell him she liked or loved him,he didn't either but they both knew they shared something and they have even kissed twice. Before she believed Tamiloore's words that action speaks louder than words but she didn't think she could believe that saying not after what happen to her.

Semiloore stared at Nathaniel.
"Hey! I'm not going to dump you" Nathaniel said and Semiloore laughed as she lowered her eyes.

"Does that kind of shii always happen at your school?" Tolani asked as they carried the drinks.

"I guess so but this case is very much different" Joshua replied.

"As how?" Tolani asked.

"Anyone who saw Snr Akin and Tamiloore would think the both of them were so much in love"

"What went wrong?"

"I don't know. Seems like Snr Akin was even never interested in her"

"Why urge her on like that?"

"I really don't know"

"Semiloore.... "

Joshua laughed a little "I doubt if anyone would want to try that with her besides its not everybody she gets with like that. Semiloore isn't someone who you could mess with"

"I guessed as well. What about you?"

"Ha.... I liked someone but she put me on hold and used me to get close to Nath"

"Oh my God" Tolani said and Joshua laughed with a small smile.

"How could you laugh like that?"

"Besides its fine now"

"Whoa! Your school is fully loaded with shit"

"Yours is worst don't even start with my school"
Tolani didn't reply as she smiled a little.

"You can tell me, I just told me my unfortunate story"

"I'm sure you know Dotun?"

"Who doesn't?"

"I liked him. A lot but we never spoke to each other and all of a sudden we started having small talks and in my stupid world of imagination, I thought we were beginning to have something"

"What happened?"

"He asked my best friend out"

"Oh shit!"

"Ife knew how much I liked Dotun,she even at many times teased me about him and yet when he asked her out she didn't bat an eyelid before she said yes. Now at school I seat alone and watch the both of them eat other faces everyday"

"That's fucked up"

"I know right"

"So Ife doesn't talk to you anylonger?"

"I was planning on changing school before I think this just fueled it"

"You are running away from the school because of them?"


"You shouldn't leave,maybe you just need to ignore them"

"I can't"

"You can only if you think you can" Joshua said and Tolani laughed as they approached the gates.

"Thank you"

"My pleasure"

"You guys get in the car,let me drop you guys off" Joseph offered.



"I'll you guys pack up" Nathaniel said and Semiloore smiled as she removed her heels. They both packed the bottles and plates.

"Do you think Tamiloore will be okay?"

"She will eventually"

"She really liked him"

"Now that I think of it, she never didn't really like him"

Nathaniel frowned "She did like him"

"No. Imagine you have a huge crush on a girl who is known or rather held as a deity and the so called deity starts giving you a lot of attention and stuffs wouldn't you always want to be around her? She got attached, she likes someone else. Its just hard for her to realize"

"Someone else? Who?"




"Semiloore they are friends"

"Theo had a crush on her even from the beginning its just that at hiding feelings. He's an expert"

"How can you be so sure?"

"I've seen Theo look at Tamiloore a lot of times at first I felt it was normal but later I discovered it wasn't normal"

"Tamiloore takes him as her friend"



"Tamiloore loves Theo like herself. She'll do anything to protect him,back then that Tamiloore was a raging monster,kicking that mannequin you didn't ask why I didn't near her?"

"Tamiloore can't hurt you"

"She can't but I know what's good for my face and a kick is not included"


"We'll end up fighting"

"You know marital arts?"

Semiloore chuckled "Of course but she's way better than me"


"She couldn't even fight against Theo and even Theo hadn't threw himself at her I don't know what would have happened"

"So you think she likes Theo but she doesn't know?"

"She does like him"

Nath and Semiloore sat down on empty chairs beside each other.

"This is so complicated"

"Its nice that Snr Akin snapped her out of her trance early" Semiloore said and Nath scoffed.

"But he won't go scot free and unfortunately the whole SSS3 will be paying for it" Semiloore said.

"What do you mean by the whole SSS3?" Nathaniel asked.

"Just wait.  Mondays debate isn't going to be easy" Semiloore replied.

"If it were another topic I can still vouch for Tamiloore but that topic, it doesnt have points since they are against"

"What's the topic?"

"Female Presidents won't move Nigeria forward and bla bla"

"Whoa! What a gender inequality"

Nath eyed her playfully as he laughed.

"You just wait and see okay?"

"Te amo"


"Te amo" Nathaniel said with a smile.

"What's that?"

"Go and find the meaning"

"Okay. Just tell me what it means"

"Find it out yourself"


"Spanish" Nathaniel replied.

"You speak Spanish?" Semiloore asked.

"No, i just know a few words"

"I see"

"She's asleep" Theo said quietly.

"Let me take you to her room"

Theo adjusted Tamiloore in his arms as he carried her upstairs. Nath watched as Theo carried her upstairs. He and Theo had being friends since elementary days. We weren't very close but they understood each other a lot.

Even behind the glasses there was no mistake of the expression in Theo's eyes. He carried her like he was scared she would disappear any moment.
Theo slowly put her on the bed. He removed her shoes and put back on the rack. He also removed her wristwatch and Semiloore passed him wipes to wiped away the makeup on her face.

"Let's go" Semiloore whispered to others as she closed the door.

"I told you to be careful" Theo murmured as he removed his glasses and stared at the girl he had so much loves and even if she didn't spare him a glance he didn't stop loving her.

She treated him well if not too well. He wore a small smile as he wore his glasses back. He pulled the covers over her body as he turned a hand suddenly grabbed him and pulled him to the bed.

Theo almost gave a yelp as he landed on the bed. "Tamiloore?"

"Don't go" she whispered.

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