Chapter Twenty Six

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"Huh?" Semiloore asked.

"You are Semiloore Ajayi right?" The guy asked again.

"Yeah" Semiloore replied.

The guy wore a small smile as he stretched his hand out "I'm Kunle" he introduced.

"Okay" Semiloore said and Kunle smiled as he took back his outstretched hand.

"You pretty much haven't changed" he said and
Semiloore's frown increased.

"You don't know me but I know you quite well. I am a student of Sky International school"

Semiloore folded her arms immediately "That's interesting"

"I heard you got expelled"

"So then?" Semiloore asked.

"Hicol Lag did lose a gem" Kunle said as he sipped his drink.

"Your point is?" Semiloore asked.

"Why did you leave Lag? A lot of schools would do anything to poach you and Tamiloore over to their school and some would even give you free scholarships to study in the school but you disappeared"

"Those schools,S.I.S is one right?"

"Of course,any school would had you is blessed by God"

"Whoa! That you think this highly of me is very funny" Semiloore said her voice emotionless.

"I wonder what Hicol Lag was trying to achieve by expelling you" Kunle said.

"Either ways its not your business" Semiloore replied.

"I know"

"Hicol Lag suppressed all news of me and Tamiloore expellment how did you hear about it? Oh sorry I forgot you are a S.I.S student,you guys are famous gossips"

Kunle smiled not getting offended "You fled to Akure"

"Its a nice place and its peaceful"

"Hmm mm"

"And no one is trying to kill me or something"

"Do they know who you are? Who Tamiloore is? She's still as dangerous as ever right?" Kunle asked and Semiloore smiled before replying.

"No,you've got it all wrong. Everyone here has a pure heart and they are beautiful inside out,they are nice"

"I see" Kunle said.

"Semiloore......." The words stopped in John's mouth as he saw Kunle.

"Who are you?" John asked.

"Doesn't matter" Kunle replied.

John smiled a little "An old friend?" John asked and Kunle blinked at him.

"No,he's not" Semiloore replied.

John turned to Semiloore "Its time to eat" he said with a huge smile as he grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Kunle eyes followed them till they joined their mates and soon about six pairs of eyes turned to him.

One was just running his eyes over him as if assessing him before scoffing and turning his face. Kunle finished his drink and stood up and left.

The students ate noisyly as they kept making comments about the food.

"Its so greasy"

"And so sweet"

"The greasiness is complimenting the sour taste"

"The food is delicious paah"

The restaurants servers couldn't help but smile at the students as some asked for some helping.
Semiloore ate her fried rice in silence.

"Are you okay?" Maria asked.

"Can't I have table manners?" Semiloore asked again between mouthfuls.

"Eat first" Nathaniel cautioned.

"I wonder oo"

Christian just exchanged glances with the boys.
Joshua licked his hands "This food is mad"

"Its obvious"

They all laughed while Joshua ignored them and licked the plate clean.

"Gross" Maria said in between mouthfuls.

"Table manners" John replied with a snarl on his face and everyone burst into laughter. Maria glanced at John before quietly turning back to her food.

Some O class students walked up to them, "Have you guys heard?"

"Heard what?"

"That Tamiloore topped Arts class list"

"She even dropped Theo with I think 8%"

"Now that's madder"


"That was so unexpected"

"What do you mean by unexpected?" Someone else said.

"Tamiloore is a very studious student"


"She might have studied really hard"

"Unlike some people who usually sleep"

Semiloore didn't even budge. She was eating her chicken, she glanced at the boy who had spoken and hissed. The boys burst into laughter as the boy was looking at Semiloore nervously.

"Someone be talking like they have sense"

People burst into laughter and Semiloore hissed.
The students got back on the road and they stopped at a luxurious hotel.

Mr Williams got down and walked into the hotel while other teachers followed.

He soon came out and asked all the students to come down.

"You guys get your bags and group yourselves in fours fast"

The girls had began to group themselves quickly. Maria dragged Semiloore to a group and glancing at her group members. She was grateful Maria had pulled her to a group of people who minded their business.

"Hi Semiloore" one of them greeted.


"You look tired"

"Don't you also look tired?"

"I'm just teasing you,you look like you got use a floating bed or something"

Semiloore laughed "You bet"

The girls were assigned rooms first and were given their room were and each went to their rooms. They showered and most changed to their pyjamas.

Semiloore was light blue long robe. She stepped out to ask for water before she saw some of the boys in the balcony watching a football man.

Semiloore was really pretty and given that she had just showered. She looked really alluring and some even wolf whistled but one glare from her. Each turned their gazes from the Tv.

Nathaniel stepped out of the room as he needed water. They hadn't need to group themselves. Just him,John, Joshua and Christian. He approached the reception.

"Please could i get a bottle of cold water?" He asked.

"Just turn right and move forward you can ask the lady standing there"

Nathaniel nodded not missing the looks they all threw him. His hands slipped into his pockets as he walked towards the direction and was surprised to see Semiloore.

"Hey" the latter called.

Nathaniel smiled as he asked for a bottle of water.
"Restless much?" He asked.

Semiloore was even surprised when she noticed when she nodded. Nathaniel nodded as he downed his own drink.

"Its understandable,you've been quite through a lot today" he said glancing at her. She looked really alluring that very moment.

"Why don't you get to your room first and try sleeping?" Nathaniel asked.


Nathaniel removed her headset from her head and put it on. He wore it on her head and the first song that filled her ears was "Lost Control" by Alan Walker.

Nathaniel held her hands and led her to her room. He held her rigid shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile "You'll be fine"

Semiloore nodded faintly before swapping the card they were given and entered the room. The girls were watching TV while the last member of the group Sola was typing away on her laptop.

Her phone suddenly beeped and she took a peer before glancing at everyone before her gaze landed on Semiloore.

She sighed as she read the words Joshua had sent her again. It was a simple sentence but it sure carried weight.

Keep an eye on Semiloore,

She quickly replied him and went back to her laptop while at the same time she kept occasional glances at Semiloore.

Semiloore's phone rang and a smile graced her lips before she picked the call.

"Hi mom" Semiloore said with a smile.

"Darling!" Her mom said.

Semiloore laughed "How have you been doing?" She asked.

"Fine ma" Semiloore replied.

"How's the journey?" Mrs Ajayi asked again.

"Fine and its really fun" Semiloore replied.

"Eaten?" She asked.

"Yeah. We ate at a really fancy restaurant and the food was good" Semiloore replied.

"Whoa! Your school really spoiled you guys" her mom said and Semiloore laughed.

"Spoiled?" She asked and her mom laughed.

"I'm just kidding" her mom said.

"How's Maria and Peter?" Her mom asked.

"Maria's watching TV" Semiloore replied.

"You two in the same room?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah" Semiloore replied.

"That's cool" her mom said.

"Hey" Tamiloore's voice came through.

"Hi" Semiloore's voice which had been steady was already quivering.

"How's the excursion?" Tamiloore asked.

"Pretty fun" Semiloore replied.

"I see. Everybody?" Tamiloore asked.

"Cool" Semiloore replied.

"Congratulations i heard you topped the list" Semiloore said.

"Oh about that" Tamiloore said.

"How was everyone's reactions?" Semiloore asked.

"It was all fine,Theo even teased me that I was starting to make him work hard. Everyone wants to work since I can top the lists they believe anyone can" Tamiloore replied.


"Yeah I know its totally different from what we were expecting right?" Tamiloore asked.

"Yeah" Semiloore said.

"Semiloore,are you okay?" Tamiloore asked and
Semiloore quavering voice intensified like her voice was going to break.

"Semiloore?" Tamiloore called.

"Tamiloore....... " Semiloore started and paused.

"Huh?" Tamiloore asked.

"I ran into Joe" Semiloore said her voice low.

The other line went dead as Semiloore staggered up and walked outside as nobody noticed. Sola quickly dialed Joshua's number.

"Hey,she needs help"

Nathaniel and others bolted out of the room just in time to see Semiloore clutching her chest and trying to breathe.

Nathaniel held her immediately, "Semiloore what's wrong?"

Semiloore continued taking large intake of air.

"She's having a panic attack"

Nathaniel stroked her back slowly.

"Calm down" Nathaniel whispered repeated as he drew lines on her back and for the first time in her life,her panic attacks were gone in two minutes.

She glanced at the boys tearfully as she turned to meet Nathaniel's brown eyes she burst into tears and hugged him.

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