Close Enough

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Absol quietly let himself out of his pokeball, hoping not to wake his sleeping trainer. Fortunately, Drew was fast asleep, no doubt exhausted after the taxing battle against May in the contest earlier.

He stretched, getting out the crinks from battling Glaceon.

He silently jumped off the balcony of the room they were staying in, glad that he had groomed himself earlier.

He wandered around the side of the building until he he was directly below his target: another balcony.

'Yo. Juliet,' Absol whisper yelled.

A white pokemon a little smaller than himself appeared on the balcony. 'Not exactly the way it goes, but whatever.'

Glaceon softly landed beside him.

'You know what they say - a rose by any other name smells just as sweet!' Absol recited.

Glaceon rolled her eyes. 'But the rose actually has to be sweet for that saying to work.'

Absol shrugged. 'Close enough.'


Glaceon laughed as Abosl pulled a silly face as they strolled down a local park together.

She smiled blissfully. 'I wish it would be like this more often,' she commented, 'but we're dead if they knew.'

Absol nodded. 'Things would be so much simpler if Drew would actually move his make.'

'You mean, make his move,' Glaceon corrected her oh-so-romantic boyfriend.

'Close enough.'

(A/N now that I'm thinking about it, move his make would kinda work, too.)


The two pokemon prepared to split ways as the sun would rise in less than an hour.

'Bye, Glaceon. I'll see you at the next contest, I guess.'

Glaceon sadly nodded before they both leaned toward each other.

However, something went wrong, and Absol ended up licking Glaceon's ear, and Glaceon Absol's bang thingy.

They both laughed.

'Not close enough for me.'


Okay, I haven't updated in forever. To be honest, I kinda forgot about this story. 😅


Hope you liked it.

See ya!

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