Chapter 1: Little Pink Tears

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She took a long breath, looking at her surroundings. The sakura pink hedgehog had went strolling for a walk in the park. Her pink shoulder length hair breezed through the wind. She smiled at herself, taking a seat at a nearby bench while noticing the birds chirping in the afternoon. A tall Maple tree hung just above her. The colorful leaves of autum scattered around the bench. The suns rays, shown through her soft pink locks. She took another deep breath, happily enjoying the scenery.

It was until she noticed a small flash of blue in the distance.

She leaned forward in her seat  curiously to get a better look. She notice the figure stop in its tracks as if they had noticed her, but then continued on faster than before. She was now standing up in her seat, her arm bag on her shoulder hung over side ways at the movement. She wondered to herself who they were and waved the figure over but only for them to keep going. The maple leaves that once layed on the ground scattered upwards in the air from the speed.

She only knew one person who would keep going like that.

Amy stopped her waving. Her favorite blue hero eventually ran past her. Amy swiftly stood up. She hesitated, a sudden reminder of her next actions that were sadly almost rehearsed and repeated over and over disrupted her thoughts. But only just a second until she felt her legs move in thier tracks to catch up to him.

"Sonic! wait up!"she cried, picking up her pace and running after the blue blur.
Though Sonic didn't stop. 'Probably didn't hear me' were her thoughts on his fail to notice her that repeated over and over, in knowing that she had said that to herself many times before. And each time, she prayed it was nothing bad, But it was.
It always was.

The blue blur suddenly skidded to a stop behind a tall and wide maple tree. The pink hedgehog was at first a bit startled at his sudden reaction but then slowly followed the blue hedgehog to the other side, her palm resting onto the tree


Amy stopped irruptly in her tracks when she noticed the blue hero kneel down next to a brown chipmunk.

Sally Acorn

She had been one of the meanest girls at Amy's old school back in the day. Who, as she recalled, would bully her constantly for reasons unknown. But also to her surprise, was who her favorite blue hero had a crush on

The pink hedgehog didn't know why but she'd always try her best to win her blue hero's heart but all of her plans never worked. No matter how hard she dare tried.

She began to tear up when Sonic leaned in, kissing Sally in front of her. Sally's eyes opened and caught a glimps of Amy and smirked before kissing him back, taunting her.

Amy's heart smashed into pieces. Her breathing became unsteady, her heart beating in broken paces within its empty vessel. Heavy tears of lost hope she used to fight against her doubts now streamed down.

"SONIC!"she yelled loud through her tears to get his attention. Sonic whipped is head around to see her with horror. Streaks of tears stumbled down her muzzle, he noticed her hand clenched at her sides, and her breathing dangerously picking up. He looked with deep regret that only made the pink hedgehog shed even more tears.

"I Cant Believe I Put up all the pain all for you! Trying to win your heart and now you Just Throw all this in my face!? You know what your not even worth it!  YOUR SUCH A PENNY, YOU TWO-FACED JERK!"She screamed letting out her rage and threw her hammer as hard as she could, smacking his head, causing Sonic to flung away from Sally and disappeared.

She ran as the tears kept flowing down her eyes. She had ran away from the park to the deep woods. Her bag no longer on her when it had fell on the ground when she angrily ran off.

The clouds swirled in above her and it slowly started to rain. Mud splashed on her open-toad flip flops, ruining the floral design as it threatened to rain harder. But she didn't care.
All that filled her thoughts was the pain of betrayal and a mix of self hatred toward herself. How she had basically caught herself in a lie and chose to indure it many times over.

She clenched her hands harder and closed her eyes at the thought. She ran until she felt herself suddenly fall forward smashing against the hard ground . Her wet quills brushed against her cheeks as she stumbled to get up. The pink hedgehog let out a wail cry of pain from impact that echoed through the rushing rain and wind.

She lift herself slowly from the mud, noticing her foot pressed against a large stump on the ground.
She struggled to move her foot away untill she felt another wave of pain wash through her. She held a scream of agony and gently lifted her leg, taking notice of a cut extended just below her knee from a peice of wood, torn from the stump.
Tears streamed down as she took in the pain. Slowly, Amy moved her leg and used her hands to press onto the ground, lifting herself up and pressing her back up against a near tree for support.

After a few minutes, not knowing what else to do, Amy began to slowly push her way forward to walk absent mindlessly. Her arms clenched around herself, pain with every step, blood rushing down her leg.

She shuddered intensely at the cold breeze and the rain pouring down. Rain drops pressed against her, her  pink shirt clinging on to her skin along with her poka dot skirt wet with rain and her tears. Her flip flops and unfortunately along with the floral design had been completely covered with mud and a little blood from her wound.

Amy hugged herself, why was she running away? Why was she so weak and pathetic? She looked at her bleeding leg, wincing at the cut. Rain prickled against her wet quills. Droplets stroked and streamed down her arms and legs, leaving a trail of water in its wake. Amy swallowed and looked up past the rain.

Why hadn't let him go so many years before? She thought back, remembering the smirk on Sally's face and Sonic's look of regret. Memories of the event played in her mind over and over again . She clenched her fist at it and began to walk faster, ignoring her pain.

How could she been so dumb!? She should have noticed it whenever he would push her away! She should have done something! Amy growled, her feet stomping fiercely on the ground as she walked faster. Her cut harshly began to sting and Amy held in a cry of pain.

He'd always push her away! No matter what she did when it came to her loving him! Her feelings never made their way into his small brain at all! She lounged forward as her steps became more steep on the ground, her pain no longer important.

Nobody's mind actually. Whenever she told them about her feelings! It was as if she was never considered at all. As if she never existed...

Amy continued to walk, her mind so drawn to her thoughts. Cooped up in her pain that she hadn't noticed herself getting closer to the cliff on the edge of the mountain.
Her heart swelled at the ache, her quills brushing against her face.

Did anyone care?...

She felt herself slip. Her head leaning forward at the force. Amy clenched her eyes hard and waited for another painful impact.
Only to find their was no more ground underneath her.

Her eyes opened, sharply gazing up at the sky above her. A gush of wind swirled around Amy, her quills swept freely in the wind, the suspensing rush of adrenaline to fast to embrace. Her palms clenched her head, her voice barely felt as it let out a scream. She screamed and screamed for her dear life.

Falling and falling....

Her screams for help became less and less audible. Her voice choked as wind gushed into her mouth. She came closer to death, her hope slipping away. No one will be able to hear her.
She closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around her body, and tears escaped her eyes. She thought of her mother and the poem. She fell, waiting for her death.
In a matter of seconds she was about to hit-


Amy gasped, breath knocked out of her, as a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Shifting, swiftly to hold her, almost gentle, in its arms protectively, before safely landing onto the ground she had meant to hit. 

A rush of warmth surrounded her, against her soaky clothes. Its loud voice ran in Amy's ears. She trembled and as if instinct, she clutched her arms around its neck and buried her head on it's shoulder. Her doubts proved wrong.

The figure held her close to them, standing now on the ground. They then shifted there head into the crook of her neck. Taking in her scent that still lingered on her, despite the rain covering her shivering body. They hugged her close, hoping to get rid of her shaking. They silently prayed 'thank you' to themself that she was alright, still alive and safe in there arms.

A drop of rain hit there eye. Noticing the rain still pouring down on them, the figure let one of there arms from slip her grasp and pulled out a red emerald.  They steadied themself with the trembling hegehog in there arms and yelled.


Suddenly both of them disappeared without a trace, their foot steps in the mud left behind.
Both Amy and the mystery figure reappeared back on the cliff, underneath a small shed in the woods, that Amy didn't seem to notice before, thankfully covering them both from the rain.
They fell silent as they lingered there. Amy's arms clutched around there neck, her muzzle pressed against there shoulder unremoved. Her adrenaline rush calmed  but her heart still beated harshly. There arms still wrapped around her in a protective hold, afraid they'll wake up from a dream.

The sounds of rain falling against the roof of the shed and the wind gently brushing the tree branches that tapped the window filled the silence.

It took Amy a moment to take everything in. She recalled the wind gushing around her, Her helpless screams blocked out from the wind, The beats of her heart against her chest, and the cold terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Amy started to tremble at the realization. She had felt so scarred.

The figure began to feel her shake in there arms. They looked down at her ears that drooped down, her hold around his neck begining to tighten. 

Amy's mouth trembled, letting a cry escape. She pressed her head on they're shoulder and let tears escape her eyes. The figure felt tears fall onto there shoulder. They looked at her in a rare worry and closed there eyes. They let her cry on there shoulder and pulled her closer to them. Amy felt there hold and began cry harder, the embrace increasing her anguish.

A while had past as they stood there. Empty to reality but open to feelings that surrounded them both. Nothing but the sounds of her cries and the rain surrounded them.
Realizing she had been crying to long, Amy began to calm herself down. She released her hard grip on the figure and took a deep breath.
The figure felt her calm down and slowly released there hold on her as well.  After hearing her deep breaths they sighed to themself and decided to break the silence.

"Rose are you alright?"

Amy froze at there voice.
Her heart skipped a beat.
She thought she remembered this voice before but now she was sure of it. She held in a breath and opened her eyes to gaze at the shoulder she had cried on.
The figure sadly looked at her in silence knowing she had forgotten.

She hesitantly parted her head from his shoulder and with her arms still pressed against his neck she moved her head back to look at him, her cheeks still full of tears.

Amy looked up in disbelief. Unknown memories from long ago coming back at her in a wave of shock, a name entering her mind.
A loud gasp escaped as her lips parted to speak.



-Well this is the [Edited] version of this chapter!  I know, cliche but it gets better, trust me. I hope you liked the changes I've made to fix it! I'm currently editing all of the chapters and remaking them to fit my new ideas. Though I made a hole lot of changes, such as the setting and the plot, Amy and Shadow's back story remains somewhat the same from my original.
Sorry if your upset with it but I promise the new story will still be just as interesting though I changed a hole lot so please bare with me!
I hoped you liked it!
Thanks you for reading!

P.s I'll try putting some of the old scenes into the new updated version.

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