Chapter 1

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6 years before

Lila point of View

"From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose all of your friends and be left all alone." Lila threatened Marinette.

Marinette was shocked for a moment, then smiled and patted Lila on the shoulder. "We'll see, Lila, We'll see." With that, she walked off. 

She stood there for a few seconds, angry she failed to have Marinette akumatized. She started planning on how best to get revenge on her new rival. She would end up like the rest of them: Alone and dead!


Marinette Point of View

Marinette had been shocked. Shocked that Lila would theaten her. Shocked that Lila could be so cruel. Her friends would never betray her. She knew that.

When she walked into the classroom, Lila was already there. So was Alya. She felt a sigh of relief escape her throat and sat down next to her best friend.

A few minutes later, everyone was there. Lila got up. When she got up, she pretended to trip. Marinette decided to play along. "I'm sorry for tripping you," she said and helped Lila up. Marinette was internally smirking. She would not let Lila get the best of her!

Suddenly, Lila smiled. "It's okay, Marinette. It was an accident. I'm sure you didnt mean to." Marinette did not know what Lila was up to, but she had a plan. All she had to do was get Cat Noir to agree to it.


No one's (Meaning my) Point of view

Suddenly, there was an akuma attack. Adrien and Marinette asked to be excused. They left the classroom and transformed. 

*After the battle*

"Cat Noir," Ladybug asked him. "Can you meet me at the Eiffel Towe in a hour?" He nodded.

*Time skip*

"Kitty," Ladybug said in a serious tone. "Do you remember Marinette?" He nodded. "She needs your help. I am busy with a lot of other things. "A girl in her school threatened her."

"Who," he asked. "He was protective of his princess. "She is so sweet and kind! Why would someone threaten her?"

"her name is Lila Rossi. Do you know her?" Cat Noir nodded. "She said that she would take away all of her friends and that she would be left all alone."

He gasped. "That's horrible! Why does she want to ruin Mari's life?" Ladybug ignored the fact that he had called her Mari instead of Marinette.

"It is because Marinette knows what a Liar Lie-la Rossi is," she explained. "She's known since Volpina."

Cat Noir asked, "How can I help?"

"Do you go to her school?" Ladybug asked. 

"Yes," he answered. "Do you want me to keep an eye on Lila?" 

Ladybug nodded. "Now that you know that, what question do you want to ask me, since you gave me some personal information about you."

He hesitated. "What is your alter ego like?" He asked.

"She is an idiot, clumsy, sensitive," she answered, "but she is who I truly am. She is late to everything and very vulnerable."

"Why are you so self-conscious?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I like Ladybug better than my madly clumsy, stupid self. She is the better half of me."

Cat Noir shook his head. "I love you just the way you are, M'lady." 

"I have to go. My people are probably wondering where I am." She left with a "Goodbye, Kitty! Thanks!"


Cat Noir's Point of view

Cat Noir went home to his house. When he got to his room, he detransformed. "Plagg, here's your cheese." He told the cheese-obsessed kwami. "The rest is in the fridge." 

He was consumed with all of this knew information. He couldn't believe Lila could be so horrible! He soon fell asleep, thinking of ways he could protect his princess. keep an eye on Lila...He could do that. Lila would folllow him anywhere. He chose to watch over Marinette as well.


Marinette Point of View

She was laying down in her bed, thinking of all of the ways this could backfire on her. She could find out his identity. Or worse. He could find out hers.

Tikki tried to comfort her. "It is okay. He is too blind to find out your identity. Don't worry!" Mari smiled at that. Tikki suddenly flew into her bag.

"Hello, purr-incess," he said. "I hear you are in some trouble at your school."

"Hello, Cat Noir," she said, pretending to be surprised. Marinette couldn't help but notice how similar he looked to Adrien. She dismissed the thought immediately. They were too different. 

"Can you tell me how you knew Lila was lying?" He asked.

She gulped, trying to come up with a reason. "Ladybug hasn't saved her until the Volpina incident. When the video was posted, it would have made sense for ladybug to tell her not to tell anyone that they were best friends. Lila could get hurt." she was silently begging Cat Noir to believe her.

"Well, that makes sense." He replied. "How about the tinnitus?"

"How did you know?" she asked, even though she knew the answer.

"A friend told me," he replied nonchalantly.

"I knew for sure when, at the end of the day, her tinnitus was SUDDENLY gone." she answered.

Cat Noir nodded. "Makes sense." Marinette was silently chuckling. Tikki was right! He is blind.

"Anyways, it was after she threatened me that I knew for sure that she did nothing but lie." Marinette responded to Cat Noir." 

He nodded, accepting the answer. "If she ever threatens you, tell your friend, me or Ladybug."

She shook her head." They won't believe me. She'll have an alibi ready." She answered. "But I will tell you or Ladybug," she promised. 

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