February Challenge - Love in the air.[Closed]

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It's the time of the month again when love is everywhere and everyone is excited to celebrate love. So, let us celebrate it by writing some stories that would warm our hearts, and bring a smile, or maybe, tears in our eyes. 

Once you have completed the story, post the link here in the comments, if you forget to post the link or do it after the deadline, it won't be accepted.

You can publish the story as a chapter of your Short story collection if you have any of those. If you are writing poetry, it can be a chapter of your Poetry book.

Genre: Romance

Word limit for Short Story: 4000-4500 words

Word limit for Poem: 500-1000 words

Deadline: 29th February 11 P.M [EST]


1) One character thinks their relationship is a fling — the other thinks it's destiny. How does it end?

2) Two agents. One mission. What happens when sparks fly once again and this time, they cannot stay away. 

3) "It's born from just one single glance

But it dies, a million little times" - Taylor Swift

4) You're stuck with your crush in space. Suddenly, you land on a planet that has life, but to stay there you need to follow their traditions; getting married to each other. 

5) You meet your celebrity crush but that is not all, your celebrity crush seems to have a crush on you!

6) "So many places, I never stay in love" -

- But then you met your soulmate. 

7) Write a poem that captures the essence of moonlight with a correlation to love.

8) Write a poem where you first saw the love of your life.

9) Write a poem that draws parallels between the blooming of flowers in spring and the blossoming of love.

10) Write a poem that describes what love means to you. 

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