New Start, New People

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This chapter is truly only introducing characters, if you played the game feel free to skim to the bottom, I'll have a quick summary there.


The sun shining on my face wakes me up from my fitful sleep, I glance at my watch; 6:04. I smile as I swing my legs off the bed, there's no way I'm getting any more sleep today. I stand, smoothing my rumpled clothes since I hadn't bothered changing, not that I had anything to change into. Who knows were my stuff is, I hadn't seen a glimpse of my old Wagon yet. I slip out of my bedroom and into the bathroom, after splashing some water on my face I enter the main part of the house to survey my situation

Everything was dirty. The layer of dust now seemed less welcoming and more lie a laugh in my face. Grime covered the windows and a book case I hadn't noticed before looked like it needed some major love. I sigh and move to the windows first, pushing them up and throwing open the shutters. I lean outside and gaze at the beautiful property. When I drag myself away from the window I notice a door in the back by the kitchenette that I hadn't before. I go and twist the knob and am met with a little bit of resistance. I give it a good shove and shock runs though me as it gives with a small squeak and I stumble out into the light.

A patio. Chairs sit around a small table, wild flowers growing everywhere. A bit of fence loops around the space, cutting me off from the trees growing. I smile at the lovely surprise and find a broom leaning against the wall. Returning inside I begin to sweep up the dust humming and fully content.
A rapid knock on the door startles me out from my concentration. Sighing, I straighten, swiping a hand across my forehead to swipe away the sweat clinging there. I quickly make my way to the door. I swung the door open and smiled at my visitor.

"Good Morning, Lillian!" Rutger said cheerfully, "May I come in?"

"Of course,"I said, swinging the door open wider so he could enter. Shock had him stop only a few feet inside as he took in the houses new appearance. Everything seemed brighter with the shutters open, the floor free of dust had become a charming dark cherry color. The rug I had taken outside and beaten on the fence so the table was still pushed to the side. The windows were now clear of grime, same as the kitchen. The bookcase had polished off nicely when I'd used my old ruined clothes, dampened them a little, and scrubbed off the severe layer of dirt. Rutger smiled brightly and set the bag he'd been carrying on the table before pulling me in a hug, lifting me off my feet with a surprising amount of strength.

"You, young lady, are amazing. I was afraid this house would give you trouble but it looks as if you've done a week of work in here already!" I laugh as he squeezes me tight before retuning me to the ground.

"I just wanted to make it feel like a home as soon as possible and since there wasn't any other work I really needed to do I figured cleaning up was a priority.

Rutger beamed at me, "Ah that's right, I brought you some tools as promised."

"Thanks you so much!" I said taking the sack and began moving the items to my satchel. He watched me fondly as I pulled out an old hoe, a sickle and watering can and then.... a milker? I frowned at it.
"I thank you for you kindness, but I don't have a cow yet." I said, trying to return the obviously new and expensive tool to him, how could I accept such an expensive gift when it may sit at the bottom of my storage chest for who knows how long?

He laughed, pure joy across his face, "Come outside now, I want to show you something!" He practically skipped outside, confused, I turned and followed him. Blinking in the sun my eyes focused on a beautiful black spotted cow and a fluffy white chick.

"Oh wow." I gasped, startled.

Rutger was practically bouncing, he had a lot of energy for being so old, "A house warming gift!" He said gesturing at the animals. A middle aged woman stood proudly by the cows,

"My name's Jessica, I own the animal store in town. You can by anything you need to take care of these darlings from there."

"Thank you so much!" I hug Rutger as he laughs once more rapping his arms around me.

"Pick a name for them." He commands, smiling.
I run my hand across the cow's snout and she muzzled my palm, letting out a soft moo.

I smiled at her, "Her name is Melody." Rutger and Jessica nodded, smiling to themselves as they watched me kneel before the fluffy chicken. I ran a hand though her feathers and she seemed to press into my touch, "Her name is Chirp." I grin as she responds with a disapproving cluck, as if that would have been better but she'll settle for my choice.

"Wonderful names, I'm sure you'll take great care of them just make sure they always have food and water, oh, and here's a brush for Melody." Jessica smiled as she passed me a red brush with hard bristles.

"Thank you once again, I'll be sure to stop by your shop!" I say waving.

"My children would love that, see you around." Jessica turned and left leaving Rutger and me standing next to the two animals. He looked over at me, eyes smiling.

"I see your new clothes fit great. My wife will be pleased, that's why we requested you measurements when you said you were interested in coming to live here. She wanted to make you feel a part of our community. Everything but the boots are new, your feet are so small we had to ask Georgia to find one of her old pairs from when she was younger." He chuckled, shaking his head as a blush darkened my cheeks. I was small. I barley came to his chin.

Rutger patted my arm, "Come by the town hall any time you want to see me or need help, why don't you check out the town after you tend to Melody and chirp?" He asked.

"I'd love to, thanks again Rutger." I grin at him.
"Anytime." He tuned down the path leaving me with my new animals. I stroked melody's nose.
Let's go," I told her, giving her a light push towards the pasture in front of the barn, I swung open the gate and led her in, smiling to myself.

I'd finally finished up preparing the spaces set aside for my animals. I grinned at Melody as she ambled about nibbling on the green grass. I glanced at my watch, 1:14. Pretty good time seeing how the animal part had only taken an hour compared to the five hours of cleaning I'd done this morning. I set down the path towards town ready to see it for myself and introduce myself to the towns people. I came onto the path leading to the main part of town and smiled as the wind combed its fingers though my hair, brushing my face with the soft cherry blossoms it held as its cargo. My feet met cobblestone and I looked up to find Bluebell.
Beautiful houses nestled among patches of wildflowers seemed to greet me in the noon day sun. In either side of me were green pastures harbored by white picket fences. One of which had horses, one horse I recognized.

"Whisper!" I called out, rushing to the fence and scaling it quickly. I hoped over and heard the responding neigh of my beautifulness horse. She did a little limping trot towards me as I rushed up to her. I ran my fingers though her mane as she leaned down and muzzled my face.

"You must be Lillian!" A cheery voice said behind me, I turned to find a pretty girl with long wavy hair. She had on a tan jacket that she'd paired with her herb green pants.

I smiled at her sheepishly, "Sorry I didn't see you there. Yes I'm the new farmer, I've been worried sick about Whisper so when I saw her all I could think about was getting to her." Whisper let out a whine in agreement, butting my shoulder playfully.
The girl laughed, "The name's Georgia," She said in a cute southern accent, "I understand. Yer horse will be just fine in about a week than ya can take her home. Yer cart I'm afraid is lost, and most of yer belongings were destroyed but we were able to save some of them. Ya can always get a new cart from my daddy, we sell pets too!" She added cheerfully. "Ya horse is wonderful, I can tell you've taken good care of her an it's obvious she loves ya."

"Thank you, you don't mind if I visit her until she gets better?" I asked, hope in my voice.

"Of course not!" Georgia said waving a hand, "Come see her anytime!"

I grin, "Thanks, oh and thanks for taking care of her!"
"Any time, I wasn't about to let that stupid Kana in the other village take this darlin, I didn't care if ya chose the their village, she needed the best help and thats here with us." She said confidently.

"Who's Kana?"

"Just some stupid kid who thinks he knows a thing bout horses." She said shaking her head.

I laughed, "Thanks again Georgia, I'll see you around. Bye Whisper, I'll be back." Georgia waved to me as I jumped over the fence. Pure relief washed over me, Whisper seemed to be in good hands. I was making my way back to the main part of the road when I heard voices from the other pasture.

"AAAAASSSHHHHH! Play with meeee!!" I heard a young girl whine.

"Cheryl not now, you know I have work to do." I frowned at the sign on the building in front of the fence. Jessica's animals. Oh, those must be her kids.

"But Ash, I wanna play with you now." I smiled as I slipped up to the fence and hoped on top of it. Looking down among cows, sheep, and chickens I spotted them. A young boy probably a couple years older than me was kneeling next to a pail of soapy water, a red checked hat covered the tips of his ears and golden hair had fallen in his eyes. He wore work boots and dark pair of pants, his crisp whites shirt was smudged with dirt and seemed a little wet as if the cows weren't the only thing getting hit by soapy water. He had suspenders on but they hung at his waist as if he'd slipped them off for his work. The young girl beside him had bright honey pigtails and an emerald green dress, her flower embroidered apron didn't seem very dirty unlike her brothers clothes. I smiled as I approached them, unaware of me they continued the argument.

The boy sighed, defeated. "When I'm done washing up the animals I'll play with you, okay?"

"Yay! I love you so much!" The girl went from moody attitude to pure joy as she wrapped her arms around her brother's neck. She looked about 7 or 8.

"Hey, my name's Lillian, I'm the new farmer." I said bringing their attention to me. The boy, shocked, blinked at me before straitening up, a smile spreading across his face.

"You can call me Ash." He said, reaching out to shake. His hand felt strong and firm as it swallowed my tiny one. "Oh and this is Cheryl," He wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders as she glared up at me.

"Get away! You can't have my brother!" I stepped back, shocked.

"Cheryl!" Ash gasped, horrified.

"Oh! I'm not going to take your brother away. I just came to introduce myself." I crouched down a little bit to look her in the eye, "Hey Cheryl, will you be my friend? I don't have any but I really want to play with you sometime."

A smile spread across the girls face, replacing her scowl, "YES! I'll be your friend, but only if you play with me right now!" Ash was looking at me in shock as if he'd never seen anything like this coming.

I smiled at her, "Why not? Cheryl why don't you show me around town and point out the best places to play?"

"Okay!" She skipped over to the fence and began to pull her self up I turned to Ash.

"Sorry about that," He said drawing the rim of his hat down. "She gets really jealous, but I can't believe she just switched like that, I've never seen her accept anyone so fast."

"Oh no, it wasn't anything special, I just said I'd play with her," I shrugged, "Anyways I think she's waiting for me, I'll get in trouble if I don't hurry up."

Ash laughed, "Oh yeah, she'll set you straight if you don't get to her in time."
"LILLLLIANNNNNN!" Cheryl's voice whined as if in cue, "Lets go!"

I giggled, "See you later Ash, I guess I gotta go."
"Have fun and thanks for taking care of her, it'll be nice to have a break." I waved good bye before turning back to the fence.

"I'm coming Cheryl!" I called out as I vaulted over. "Ready to go?"
"I told you I was now come onnnn." She turned impatiently and set off, laughing, I followed her.

Summary; Lillian gets a cow and chicken, she names them Melody and Chirp. And cleans up the house. She discovers a door to the patio out back. She goes into town and meets Ash, Cheryl, and Georgia (Ash mulls over the memory next chapter although skips over Cheryl yelling for her to get away), she finds her horse, Whisper, in Georgia's care who promises a weeks recovery at most. Cheryl decides she'll be Lillian's friend since Lillian asked if she would play with her. The chapter ends with Cheryl taking Lillian into the main part of the town.
There, hope this part was a bit more interesting, although I haven't gotten to a fun part yet, the picture I found on the internet and since I felt it summed up Lillian meeting Ash and Cheryl pretty good. Gosh this introduction is taking forever. Oh, and I know you can't really see the 'patio' space in the game until after you make a space for bees but I had to include it 'cause it's adorable! Thanks for reading!

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