All Skibidi Toilet Episodes From 11-20

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Episode 11:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha!

[This episode starts with an Unidentified Cameraman Dropship throwing Cameramen and Large Cameramen to land and head-on facing many Large Skibidi Toilets and Triple Giant Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] WOAHH! There's a Giant Skibidi! Or should I say, Giant Twinset Skibidi Toilet!

[The episode resumes. The third head doesn't appear until the second and first heads sing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem and the second time sings the third head. The episode ends with the three heads directed toward the POV Cameraman and probably ending his life. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [shocked] Wait what?! It's a Triple Skibidi Toilet?! I need more information, you know what? Let's just watch Episode 12, maybe the Episode will give us some information about the Triple Skibidi Toilet, I thought to view the Fandom but I don't want to spoil future episodes. Let's just watch Episode 12!

The next chapter is Episode 12

Words: 153

Episode 12:

Lilliana: Whop! Whop! Time for Episode Whop! Episode 12! Tiiiiiimmmme for Episode 12!

[The episode starts with POV Cameraman looking at some other Cameramen fighting the Skibidi Toilets, it is unknown who was actually winning.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Those Large/Small Cameramen VS Skibidi Toilets, the Alliance wins by 1,000,000,000 while the Skibidi Toilets have a whopping zero!

[The episode resumes. All of a sudden, a Skibidi Toilet appears and attempts to attack POV Cameraman but the attempt fails as the Skibidi Toilet's head gets pushed to the side and flushed.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] The Alliance gets a whopping 500 million points!  1,500,000,000 and the Skibidi Toilets still got nothing!

[The episode resumes. Another toilet appears and knocks POV Cameraman down to the floor but a Large Cameraman appears and throws the toilet when it lands, G-MAN appears and shoots all the other fighting Cameramen, making some retreat and some die. G-MAN faces our way and shoots us with its laser eyes too, ending the episode. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [shocked] Super G-MAN?! He can shoot lasers out of its eyes?! Well, just for that, Skibidi Toilets got a whopping two million points. But still isn't enough to beat the Alliance. Anyways, time for Episode 1-3, 1-3, 1-3 makes...Episode 13! 

The next chapter is Episode 13

Words: 211

Episode 13:

Lilliana: Episode 13! I said, Episode 13! [laughs] Time for...Episode 13!

[The episode begins as we are shown a Cameraman Strider preparing to fire from its cannon at a target while Cameramen stand around fighting.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] What is that? A Spider Cameraman? Can I have the autograph? [holds up a piece of paper] Just shoot a hole here! 

[The episode resumes. We then cut to a Giant Flying Laser Skibidi Toilet firing its lasers eyes at the Camera Strider, promptly destroying it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Now there are two G-MANS?! That's not fair! They have two toilets that can shoot lasers out of their eyes and we have none!  I mean, the Cameramen are good but they can't shoot lasers out of their eyes.

[The episode resumes. Then, the Cameraman Dropship drops some Cameramen to flush the Flying Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Finally! Time to flush G-MAN's twin.

[The episode resumes. After it is sucessfully flushed, it's toilet falls to the ground.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] One G-MAN DOWN!!!!

[The episode resumes. We then see a Flaming Giant Skibidi Toilet rapidly falling towards the POV Cameraman. The episode then ends. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [disappointed] I didn't get an autograph from the Spider Cameram. I am sad. Anyways, let's get into Episode 14...

The next chapter is Episode 14

Words: 215

Episode 14:

Lilliana: Time for Episode fourteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!

[Episode 14 starts with an army of Cameramen and Large Cameramen going to fight the Giant Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Now it's a war between Giant Skibidi Toilers and Cameramen! 

[The episode resumes. Then they sing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem like always but in the back, we see a Skibidi Toilet back coming fast and fast until he destroys all even the Skibidi Toilets and Cameramen [also large] and the episode ends with the mysterious and fast Skibidi Toilet called the Giant Rocket Skibidi Toilet. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: That was a short episode! Time for Episode 15!

Words: 103

Episode 15:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 15!!

[When the episode starts we see a Black Cameraman attracting some Skibidi Toilets (Medium Skibidi Toilets, Normal Skibidi Toilets, and the Black Skibidi Toilet) And then we see that POV Cameraman with a button called bababooey.]

Lilliaan: [pausing the short] BABABOOEY! What an accurate name for a button. [laughs] 

[The episode resumes. When we see this, the Cameraman pushes the button and destroys the group of Skibidi Toilets (except for the Brown Skibidi Toilet ) in the area (those who followed the Black Cameraman) We think that POV Cameraman wins but then Assassin Skibidi Toilet appears and pushes POV Cameraman off the building and incapacitated POV Cameraman. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: I don't really care about this Episode except for BABABOOEY! Time for BABABOOEY (Episode) 16!

The NExt Cahpter is Episode 16! BABABOOEY! Words: 131

Episode 16:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 16!

[This episode takes place outside of a Skibidi Toilet Lab, with it most likely being destroyed.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, puzzled] Is that the Skibidi Toilet base?

[The episode resumes. CCTV Toilet is looking at POV Cameraman, and he shows the CCTV Toilet a gesture to go to the laboratory of the Skibidi Toilets as shown from the first Skibidi Toilet Logo on the same mentioned lab.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Ohh! Now we're going to spy on them! [laughs evily]

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman spies from the tablet as the Skibidi Toilet Anthem starts.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] And we're going to look on from the tablet.

[The episode resumes. The camera first focuses on the Scientist Skibidi Toilet and some Skibidi Toilets working, the Scientist Skibidi Toilet sings the Skibidi Toilet Anthem while walking, and later that toilet leaves, most likely coming back as the commotion continues as the CCTV Toilet is spotted, then the camera zooms in on another Scientist Toilet singing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem, and another one, and then three more including the famous Cat Toilet, and then the face of the Spider Skibidi Toilet is caught on camera, and a few seconds later in the lab, something explodes.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] We got caught! I have to run, run run away!

[The episode resumes. Spider Skibidi Toilet itself comes out of the smoke and it attacks POV Cameraman, mostly likely killing him, ending the episode. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Well that was one heck of an episode! Well time for Episode 17, it's also one of the most popular Skibidi Toilet episodes of the series!

The next chapter is Episode 17!

Words: 275

Episode 17:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 17! Holy-Moly! 207,866,989 views! [There was a silent sound with crickets chipping or whatever] What? I checked the description.

[The episode begins with POV Cameraman walking towards two Cameramen who seem to be secretly surveying something.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] What are they planning to do? [smirks evily] Whatever it is, I like it!

[The episode resumes. The two Cameramen briefly stare at POV Cameramn, with one of them holding a device motioning us to keep our mouths shut.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] And I hope the plan works so we can defeat the Dumb Skibidi Toilets!

[The episode resumes. then they turn back to what they were staring at previously, with POV Cameraman panning towards the direction of their gaze, where it reveals a massive meeting of Skibidi Toilets taking place which is being held by the boss of the toilets, G-MAN Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] Oh. They're having a meeting...I guess they heard about our plan and now...[puts on a headband with devil horns on the top] time for a Plan B.

[The episode resumes. Speaking of which, G-MAN Skibidi Toilet then pops out of his toilet bowl, singing the iconic and well-known Skibidi Toilet Anthem to a large group of Skibidi Toilets surrounding him, as if waiting for orders to be distributed to them which is presumably happening]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, disgusted] Eww! What's that bald head over there? Eww! This is where they get their stupidity from? They get stupid from the "Boss Skibidi Toilet?" I mean like, I do like people when they're bald as a friend, bu Skibidi Toilet are an exception, 'cause in the Skibidi Toilet Verse, you can bully the Skibidi Toilets as long as you like!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman then pans back towards the two Cameramen with the device being activated through a button by the Cameraman pressing it, who was looking up.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Now, we're going to destroy them once and for all1 But, there are a lot more episode! Like this series is going to be unlimited!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman looks up and see an Oribital Camera positioned directly above the meeting, getting ready to fire a blue beam at the meeting where G-MAN Skibidi Toilet was now staring at POV Cameraman, with the remaining Skibidi Toilets surrounding him, looking up towards the Orbital Camera.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Wait, let me explain before you burn me to death with those lasers of yours, I had nothing to do with this, dead serious!

[The episode resumes. With a resounding boom, the beam impact produces a massive explosion that would have annihilated the toilets but to the dismay of the Cameramen and POV Cameraman, two pair of yellow lasers shoot out from the smoke and towards the Oribital Camera, oblitering it effortlessly.]

Lilliana: [pausing the episode, concerned] didi the beam now destroy the Skibidi Toilets but got destroyed by the "Boss?" was it not strong enough or did they just randomly survive?

[The episode resumes. In an unfortunate turn of events, the Skibidi Toilets would starts their pursuit for POV Cameraman, with the other two Cameramen getting impaled by the legs of a Spider Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, desperate] Pls! I'm too young to die! I'm only 17!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman then proceeds to look down once he heard the heavy stomping coming fromm the Spider Skibidi Toilet making his way up the building to probably impale POV Cameraman.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, hopeless] Just kill me! I actullay hate my life, I don't, but it's not the best.

[The episode resumes. Seeing this, POV Cameraman tries to run away only to get stopped by G-MAN Skibidi Toilet suddenly rising up in front of us before firing its duel yellow lasers as us, presumably annihilating POV Cameraman and ending the episode there. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: I don't really care, I'm immortal! Well, from my Point Of View. They probably switch POV Cameraman when he dies to a different Cameraman taking the job. Anyways, time for Episode 18!

The next chapter is Episode 18! 

Words: 675

Episode 18:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 18! It has 148,128,607 views! So many views! the sixth viewed short of this series!

[The episode starts with a Large Cameraman fighting an army of Normal Skibidi Toilets with one about to be strecthed out and killed but Large Camouflage Toilet comes in and most likely kills the fighting Skibidi Toilets and the Large Cameraman.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Wait, it's the end of the short already?!

[The episode resumes. He turns and goes for POV Cameraman but somebody stomps on it, causing it to get crushed, then another toilet comes in and it's a Giant Toilet, but this one guts kicked into a building by the same Cameraman.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, crossing the short] I hope this wonderful Cameraman doesn't die. Fingers crossed! But, [puts on sunglasses] Reminder for Skibidi Toilets: GET WREKT!

[The episode resumes. For one last time, a Spider Skibidi Toilet comes in and attempts to kill POV Cameraman but luckily gets grabbed and exploded, giving us a good look at the new, Titan Cameraman.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Is that a Titan?! Our first Titan! We're definitely going to win now!

[The episode resumes. Once all toilets are gone, Titan cameraman gives POV Cameraman a thumbs up, ending the episode. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Now we got our savior! We are winnign, if he gets destroyed but by the next 4 episodes and we don't get any reinforcements, I'm switching sides. Anyways, time for Episode 19!

The next chaoter is Episode 19!

Words: 248

Episode 19:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 19!!!

[The episode begins with Cameramen eating snacks while watching Titan Cameraman destroy toilets, like Giant Skibidi Toilets, until the Triplets come in and attack Titan Cameraman.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] I don't want to eat snacks, I'm on a diet! [Eats a sour patch whole and takes two big gulps of pink lemonade, then, she realizes that she's recording and smile sheepishly] But pink lemonade and sour patchs are an exception. also, I want to help the Titan Cameraman instead of watching him destroy all Skibidi Toilets like it's a movie.

[The episode resumes. the battle starts and one Triplet gets flushed but the other bites Titan Cameraman which hurts him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] No!! We HAVE to help him! Even if it's not our size.

[The episode resumes. But luckily, the one Triplet gets flushed before it can do anything else.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Yay! We flushed 2/3!

[The episode resumes. The third Triplet comes in and tries to attack the Titan Cameraman, but the flush is farther away from the Titan Cameraman to flush him but luckily he uses his Light Beam attack and Skibidi gets obliterated by the beam causing it to fall and die.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] It it the end? There are just a few seconds left. 

[The episode resumes. Titan Cameraman looks around and POV Cameraman claps for Titan Cameraman. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Well, now we're going into our twenties! Time for Episode 20!

The next chapter is Episdoe 20

Words: 246

Episode 20: 

Lilliana: Time for Episode 20! Why do I feel like the Titan Cameraman is going to get destroyed?

[The episode begins with Titan Cameraman squashing some Spider Skibidi Toilet until G-MAN comes flying down and starts to shoot lasers from his eyes, luckily, Titan Cameraman comes prepared and pulls out his shield.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Yes!! He's not getting destroyed!

[The episode resumes. the attacks get blocked until all of a sudden, G-MAN stops; but then Rocket Toilet sacrifices himself for G-MAN and breaks the shield.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, disappointed] Noo! We need some reinforcements!

[The episode resumes. the land hits but no hope, the shield is boken and part of Titan Cameraman's arm is gone, he struggles to fly away as G-MAN continues to shoot him, causing more damage; luckily, he gets away, now there is no one to protect POV Cameraman and G-MAN goes for him and kills him, ending the episode. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: See! This is why you have to help others! Anyways, time for Episode 21!

The next chapter after the next chapter is Episode 21!

Words: 180

The total words from parts 11-20 of 'Lilliana reacting to SKIBIDI TOILETS': 2,437

Total words from this part: 2,459

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