All Skibidi Toilet Episodes From 21-30

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Episode 21:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 41! [self-correcting] I mean, 21!

[The episode starts off with POV Cameraman walking up to a chained-up Skibidi Toilet in a dimly lit room containing a table in front of the chained-up hostage, scattered with multiple files and paperwork.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're going to interrogate a Normal Skibidi Toilet?!

[The episode resumes. Two other Cameramen can be seen standing right next to the chained-up toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, adding on] What are we going to ask the Skibidi?

[The episode resumes. The toilet then waks up and begins singing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem, only stopping to look at something off-screen.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] What's he looking at?

[The episode resumes. The POV turns to the left where a Cameraman holds up a picture of G-MAN Skibidi Toilet, pointing at it as a way of asking where he is.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Are they asking what is G-MAN's weakness or something?

[The episode resumes. The toilet would reply back mockingly, singing the Skibidi Anthem while smirking, seemingly not cooperating with the Cameramen in the room.]

Lilliana: [pausing the episode] What do you got in mind? Normal Skibidi Toilet.

[The episode resumes. The POV pans to the left one more time at the Cameraman who held the photo eariler, nodding breifly at POV Cameraman before slightly jerking when the toilet starts shaking and repeatedly shouting "SKIBIDI" loudly.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] Hurry! Flush him! He might be calling the "Boss" Skibidi Toilet!

[The episode resumes. Stunned by this, POV Cameraman signals to the Cameraman beside the toilet for it to be flushed, which occurs shortly after the signal has been given.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, relieved] Whew! It got me there for a minute!

[The episode resumes. However, G-MAN Skibidi Toilet heard the cry of the now-flushed Skibidi Toilet, appearing behind the window of the room, where two other Cameramen were running away from it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Uh oh! We got caught!

[The episode resumes. The entire room gets obliterated by G-MAN Skibidi Toilet when he fired his duel lasers from his eyes, into the room, annihilating all the Cameramen inside including POV Cameraman. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Well, time for Episode 22!

The next chapter is Episode 22!

Words: 361 

Episode 22:

Lilliana: Hey guys! I'm so excited to watch Episode 22 of the series! Let's get rolling!

[The episode begins with POV Cameraman over-looking a massive battle taking place within a canal-like area.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Ooh...a battle!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman of the episode seems to be watching from a nearby roof top.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] On a rooftop to have a better view!

[The episode resumes. From his perspective, we can see the Cameramen retreating back towards their frontline whilst multiple Camera Striders stand their ground and battle the approaching Skibidi Toilets armada.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, annoyed] Ugh! We're losing because of the Skibidi Toilets!

[The episode resumes. Noting from our perspective, a multitude of Skibidi Toilets can be seen making up the entire armada, with smaller variants and Spider Skibidi Toilets charging head first into the Cameramen's frontline whilst the larger variants stay back to escort and defend G-MAN Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] I guess we're doomed? Who knows? We might be saved by the Camera Titan!

[The episode resumes. Additionally, multiple Helicopter Skibidi Toilets can be seen flying above the entire charge, barely dodging the blue energy bolts fired by the Camera Striders, though some occasionally do get hit by the bolts which results them crashing down to the ground.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Yes! We might finally have a chance of winning!

[The episode resumes. As POV Cameraman looks at the battlefield, he spots G-MAN Toilet singing the infamous Skibidi Toilet Anthem whilst firing upon the retreating Cameramen with his duel, laser eyes.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, upset] Noo! Why G-MAN has to ruin the our chance of winning?!

[The episode resumes. Unbeknownst to the leader of toilets however, two Large Cameramen climbing atop G-MAN's water tank, heading towards his flusher with the intend of finally dispatching him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, excited] Let's good! Say your final goodbyes, G-MAN!

[The episode resumes. While firing another round of lasers from his eyes, the two Large Cameramen were able to pull the flusher, sending G-MAN's head into a sprailing frenzy, from which we can see G-MAN's face etched with fear, likely from the prospect of getting killed.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, smirking] We're going to end this war!

[The episode resumes. Unexpectedly, his head suddenly stops sprailing due to unknown reasons and his head proceeds to turn towards the two Large Cameramen in anger whilst repeatedly saying "SKIBIDI SKIBIDI" instead of singing the Skibidi Anthem as per-usual.

Lilliana: [pausing the short, frustrated] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why didn't you just flush?! Why why why?!

Anna: [off-screen] Can you keep down Lilliana?

Lilliana: Fine...

[The episode resumes. As if unfazed by the sudden prospects of being flushed, G-MAN Skibidi Toilet fires his lasers upon the two Large Cameramen, killing the both of them with ease before turning back towards the Cameramen frontline and proceeding to fire again at multiple targets off-screen.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, annoyed] With that little mischief smile of yours is going to ME when I destroy you!

[The episode resumes. Near the end of the episode, a head suddenly pops up from the right- hand side of the screen singing "Skibidi Skibidi" which catches the attention of POV Cameraman, who looks at it in surprise.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Another one? How many Skibidi Toilets are we fighting?!

[The episode resumes. It then suddenly retracts it's back to its main body, a toilet with three strider-like legs attached to it, which had four other heads protruding out of it that were singing out of sync with one another whilst extending their necks towards POV Cameraman.]

Lilliana:[pausing the short, jump scared and straighting her hair] AHH-OWWWW! I just burned my hand from the straightener because I got jump scared by this 5-Headed Skibidi Toilet!

[The episode resumes. As the heads closed in on POV Cameraman, said Cameraman proceeds to futilely punch one of the Skibidi Toilets' heads, which seemed to angered the toilet further rather than harm it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, scared] Uh-oh!

[The episode resumes. Unfazed and enraged by the punch, one of the heads on the Hydra Skibidi Toilet lunches at POV Cameraman, ending the episode in brief blue static, most likely caused from the attack. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [in pain] Oww! My hand still hurts. Anyways, time

 for Episode 23!

The next chapter is Episode 23

Words: 699

Episode 23:

Lilliana: Hey guys! Just came my from the doctor's appointment, I got my left hand wrapped in a cast. It looks like I've broke my wrist. Which is so hard since I'm left-handed. My whole family is left-handed and the only person who is left-handed and right-handed is Eliana. Anyways, time for Episode 23. I might watch the whole episode in one because I'm literally burned my dominant hand.

[The episode begins with Titan Cameraman being repaired from the boss fight on Episode 20 with numberous Scientist Cameramen and Engineer Cameramen and Camera Drones working on TCM, then an explosion is heard and an ambush of Normal Skibidi Toilets appear, however, as soon as they enter, they stopped in their tracks, frightened at tue sight of Titan Cameraman, they hastily retreat but their efforts are in vain as Titan Cameraman raises his finger and shoots a plasma ball at them, exploding and killing the Skibidi Toilets.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] This Titan is going to fire when he's all set to fight them!

[The episode resumes. The Cameramen then repairing Titan Cameraman. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Well, there isn't much in this episode but it was fire! He's going to be the strongest! Let's react to Episode 24! Wait that rhymes, Episode? 24? Ha! See you at Episode 24

The next chapter is Episode 24

Words: 221

Episode 24:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 24!

[The episode begins with the usual perspective of POV Cameraman, standing by the sidelines while many of his fellow Cameramen battle the Skibidi Toilets within the city's streets.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Why am I standing here? Don't I have to flush toilets? Or maybe cause I recore I don't have to work! It's my 30 minute break!

[The episode resumes. Notably, multiple dead bodies on both sides can be seen littering the streets of the city.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We lost some of our allies! But also the Skibidi Toilets! So it's also good and also bad! Or whatever.

[The episode resumes. An explosion would go off in the background, where a Large Skibidi Toilet alongside a Regular Skibidi Toilet can be seen advancing towards multiple Cameramen running away in fear.] 

Lilliana: [pausing the short, disappointed] Noo! Why do they have to ruin everything?! I talking about Skibidi Toilets btw.

[The episode resumes. Fleeing away from another Large Skibidi Toilet that is disturbingly consuming  a Large Cameraman, are two regular Cameramen making a hasty retreat down the street.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We HAVE to win this war! Of we don't wanna lose. We better stop running a fight!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman would zoom up and pan towards a Large Cameraman surrounded by three Skibidi Toilets that are repeatedly headbutting whilst said Cameraman can be seen desperately trying to crawl away.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, sad] Noo! Rip Large Cameraman.

[The episode resumes. As POV Cameraman zooms out once more, it wil abruptly pan towards two Skibidi Toilets charging towards whilst singing the Skibidi Toilets Anthem.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, in anger] Welp, The episode ended! Time for the next episode! Nah I just joking! Like, we're not even halfway!

[The episode resumes. Nevertheless, POV Cameraman would land a punch to the side of a Skibidi Toilet's head, subsequently flushing them before taking our their flusher and using it to stab the other Skibidi Toilet's head to the side following a finality flush soon after.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] LET'S GO!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman would look on as the Skibidi Toilet's head flushed into its toilet bowl.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We have no respect for these Skibidi Toilets! Keep singing that annoying song and your doomed.

]The episode resumes. However, multiple heavy stomps can be heard rapidly approaching POV Cameraman, who looks towards the source of the noise, only to discover the Hydra Skibidi Toilet charging towards it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, annoyed] Ugh! The Toilet who PURPOSELY made me burn my hand!

[The episode resumes. Knocked back and hitting the hard, concrete ground, POV Cameraman would be constantly bombarded by the Hydra Skibidi Toilet's five heads repeatedly spewing out the word 'SKIBIDI SKIBIDI'.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, desperate] Please! Don't kill me! I still have 83 years to live! 

[The episode resumes. As the heads of the Hydra closed in on POV Cameraman, the necks of the heads of the toilet will suddenly retract back towards their toilet bowl and be sent sprailing into the toilet bowl, getting flushed by one of the newly, introduced species of the Skibidi Verse, the Speakermen.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, blinking] Oh my god, I mean, gosh. Oh my gosh, is that a Speakerman? That can't be a Cameraman. But it looks like a Speaker on someone's head or a robot.

[The episode resumes. After the heads of the Hydra were fully flushed, the Speakerman that saved us would gently help POV Cameraman up whilst a Speakerman Carrier can be seen flying above a massive army of Speakermen marching on the city streets with Large Speakermen leading the march, all of them playing the Speakermen Anthem.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Wait. I heard this song before in a party. What is this song?! Why can't I remember it?! [Suddenly pops her head up] Oh I know! It's called Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears.

[The episode resumes. Interestingly, the Speakermen's Anthem would be the popular song called 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' by Tears for Fears.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, rocking out to the beat] This is my best song in the universe!!

[The episode resumes. The episode ends with a view of the Speakermen Army forcing the Skibidi Toilets to flee, multiple Helicopter Speakers can be seen flying above the city playing the Speakerman Anthem, many more Large Speakermen proudly march into the battle, and last but not least, a group of Speakermen can be seen dancing to their Anthem. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: This is my favorite far. Anyways, time for Episode 25!

The next chapter is Episode 25!

Words: 760

Episode 25:

Lilliana: Hey guys, let's react to Episode 25~

[The episode starts off with POV Cameraman looking down the street, where a T-section can be seen splitting into two different directions, with a Speakerman driving a Toilet Car appearing from the right side and leading an army of Skibidi Toilets towards a trap set by his fellow Speakermen.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, evil] Ha ha! We're gonna set up a trap, make them fall for the trap, then die!

[The episode resumes. In response, POV Cameraman shifts his gaze towards a nearby Normal Speakerman, who signals him to wear headphones in order to avoid being affected when the soundwaves of the Strider Speaker commences.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're going to destroy their eardrums but it also can destroy our eardrums??? Then how did they invent this weird-looking speaker?

[The episode resumes. As the Toilet Car approaches the designed ambush point, POV Cameraman turns around to see a fellow Normal Cameraman, arms crossed and wearing his headphones, along with a Large Speakerman stationed further back, intently observing the unfolding plan.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, impatient] I'm getting impatient! I want them Skibidi Toilets to be deaf, blind, annihilated, and stuff like that!

[The episode resumes. Concurrently, a Strider Speaker strides purposefully towards the ambush location, granting passage to the Normal Speakerman driving the Toilet Car, which subsequently triggers soundwaves of amplified music in FULL BLAST.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, covering her ears in pain] OWW! Warning you all. Don't watch this scene of Episode 25 of Skibidi Toilet in full blast. ITS GONNA HURT YOUR EARDRUMS!!!

[The episode resumes. The soundwaves emanating from the Strider Speaker causes the advancing Skibidi Toilets to recoil and be obliterated.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, lowering her volume to 25] Just lowered my volume and YES! There done! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!

[The episode resumes. The episode ends with the streets erupting in chaos as multiple Skibidi Toilets collide, resulting in explosions.] 

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Yea! Keep exploding! Say your last words before your entire army to be extinct!

[The episode resumes. The Normal Speakerman who previously stood besides POV Cameraman starts dancing, moving to the rhythm of the music emanating from the Strider Speaker. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Sheesh! That was one crazy episode! I looking forward to Episode 26!

The next chapter is Episode 26!

Words: 396

Episode 26:

Lilliana: Entering Episode..36! I mean, 26!

[The episode begins with POV Cameraman overlooking a battle between Skibidi Toilets and the Alliance.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're going to win this apocalypse!

[The episode resumes. He stands atop a building, observing the battle unfolding before him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] I really hope this episode isn't that quick.

[The episode resumes. Various Cameramen and Speakermen of different variants charge into the battle.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're stronger than the Skibidi Toilets because we got the Alliance and them Skibidi Toilets got nothing!

[The episode resumes. A Large Speakerman holds off a Large Skibidi Toilet until a Large Cameraman climbs atop the toilet's tank and flushes it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, unamused] Wow. I thought the Large Speakerman was stronger.

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman then shifts his gaze to the left, spotting a Normal Skibidi Toilet charging towards him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] Noo! The episode is going to end!!!

[The episode resumes. He delivers a powerful punch at the toilet's face, stopping its advance.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Let's goo! This episode is sick!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman swiftly runs towards the Assassin Skibidi Toilet, leaping into it and pushing both of them off the building.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, smirking😏] You finally get a taste of your own medicine! Like if you push me off a building, I'm gonna push you off a building too. Like, revenge is sweet!

[The episode resumes. As they fall, the Assassin Skibidi Toilet utters 'Skibidi' in an unsettling smile.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Sorry dude but sometimes, you get the unexpected. I saw so, what else can I do?

[The episode resumes. Upon impact with the ground, both POV Cameraman and the Assassin Skibidi Toilet remain unharmed, the toilet attempts an attack but is swiftly flushed by POV Cameraman, another Normal Skibidi Toilet approaches, only to be met with a flusher to its head after being stunned by a detached flusher from the earlier flushed Assassin Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're on fire!

[The episode resumes. Another Normal Skibidi Toilet advances, but POV Cameraman steps on its head before delivering another flusher blow, yet another Normal Skibidi Toilet approaches, prompting POV Cameraman to grab a decapitated Cameraman's head, using it to stroke and stun the toilet before flushing it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're finally gonna win for once!

[The episode resumes. As POV Cameraman kills the group of Skibidi Toilets, a Large Skibidi Toilet suddenly attacks from the side, pushing POV Cameraman down with its force, the Large Skibidi Toilet's head extends to consume POV Cameraman, but is flushed by a Large Speakerman from behind, who then ensures POV Cameraman is safe. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Whew! That was close from the ending the episode too quick🤣

[The episode resumes. Out of nowhere, an off-screen explosion occurs, causing POV Cameraman to turn his attention to the right, emerging from the smoke is the menacing Giant Robber Skibidi Toilet, approaching slowly while singing a slowed-down version of the Skibidi Toilet Anthem, the Giant Robber Skibidi Toilet is suddenly struck by a red energy orb fired from a massive figure, the Titan Speakerman, making its debut, the Titan Speakerman fights with the toilet till it is weak and flushes it. The episode is now paused.]

Lilliana: Now Titan Speakerman! This might be my new favorite episode!

[The episode resumes. Then after flushing the toilet, Titan Speakerman then sits on the toilet like a throne before looking at POV Cameraman, who gives a thumbs up. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: That was a crazy episode! Now, time for Episode 27! 

The next chapter is Episode 27!

Words: 624

Episode 27:

Liliana: The previous Episode was 26, today's 27, next's 28! Let's see what we got today!

[The episode begins in a secret hideout, presumably a base of Skibidi Toilets. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [curious] Hmm...let's see! What to find out about these Skibidi Toilets and destroy them! 

[The episode resumes. Two of the Camera Rovers spy on a group of Skibidi Toilets from the hangar ceiling. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Ohh! We're now Camera Rovers since Episode 16, our plan failed and we either retreated or died.

[The episode resumes. Suddenly, banging noises are heard, and our Camera Rover looks towards the door. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Omg, if G-MAN busts down the door, I'm retreating! Like adios!

[The episode resumes. The door bursts open, and a group of Alliance members rush to the Skibidi Toilets. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Let's go! Our Alliance of Cameramen and Speakermen is saving the day! 

[The episode resumes. While in the middle of the chaos,  a Normal Skibidi Toilet picks up a Camera Rover with its mouth, biting and damaging the Rover and yeeting it soon after. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Wait! [a screech is heard] I didn't mean to spy on you, it's just...I was forced to. Okay??

[The episode resumes. The Cameraman rushes to our Camera Rover, but a Cameraman arrives in time and flushes the Skibidi Toilets before it picks up the Camera Rover. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [thanking] Thank you so much! Cameraman...#459? But still, thank you so much! I don't know how to pay you back! Thank you so much!!!

[The episode resumes. The Cameraman shows a thumbs-up gesture at the Rover afterward. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [pretending to tear up because of her water allergy] That was a wholesome episode! [starts to fake cry] Anyways, time for the 28th Episode of the Series [continues to fake cry more]

The next chapter is Episode 28!

Words: 317

Episode 28:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 28! [bangs head of table] Oww!

[Episode 28 begins in a building with many Large Skibidi Toilets and Medium Skibidi Toilets. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Another meeting?! Again? Those stupid Toilets have no respect and their stupid leader is dumber than a rock!

[The episode resumes. They meet with a larger toilet called the Giant Mafia Skibidi Toilet. The episode is then paused.] 

Lilliana: In the years when black people were not treated equally, when should've killed him instead of killing the black people. Like, black people are my friends! Except for this dude!

[The episode resumes. The Giant Mafia Skibidi Toilet was talking with the Large Skibidi Toilets and the Medium Skibidi Toilet, until they detected that POV Cameraman was spying on them. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Ughh! Is this going to be a repeat of Episode 27 and/or Episode 16?!

[The episode resumes. The Skibidi Toilets attempted to attack POV Cameraman but Titan Speakerman and with his lasers destroys all the Skibidi Toilets in the area. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Let's go! My buddy TSM!

[The episode resumes. The Giant Mafia Skibidi Toilet that survived tried to escape by jetpack but Titan Speakerman slapped him in the face so hard that it completely destroys the Giant Mafia Skibidi Toilet, after all of the chaos, Titan Speakerman waves at us, ending the episode. The Episode ends.]

Lilliana: Ohh! My buddy TSM that is savage! Yo! Episode 29! We gotta react to that!

The next chapter is Episode 29

Words: 262

Episode 29:

Lilliana: Time for Episode 29! Episode 28 was on fire!

[The episode begins with members celebrating their victory through dancing or a party. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Yeah! That's my thing! Having a party! But doesn't that mean you're not taking the war seriously?

[The episode resumes. After a few seconds, a Skibidi Toilet sound can be heard, with The Alliance concerned. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [disapponited] Why does the Skibidi Toilet have to ruin the moment?! Actually, all Skibidi Toilets consume moments!

[The episode resumes. The Glitch Toilet unexpectedly appears, prompting a response from a Large Speakerman who approaches to flush it. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Should I call it Glitch Toilet? Like, it does have a blue spark around it.

[The episode resumes. The Glitch Toilet backs up briefly, only to suddenly collide with the head of the Large Speakerman. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [surprised] Woah! That's like the speed of Sonic the Hedgehog!

[The episode resumes. It then flashes through the street, with The Alliance worried. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [concerned] This is bad. Real bad.

[The episode resumes. The Large Cameraman looks around, looking for the Glitch Skibidi Toilet. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Run! Don't just stand there. Run!

[The episode resumes. Within moments, it proceeds to crash into the head of the Large Cameraman, followed by a Normal Speakerman and then a Normal Cameraman. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Yeah! Try to escape! You'll be free and tell our allies and create an ivention to outsmart it!

[The episode resumes. In a futile attempt to escape, a different Normal Speakerman starts to flee, but the Glitch Skibidi Toilet swiftly catches up, colliding with and incapacitating him, meanwhile, the Camerawoman  observes the scene, her gaze then shifting towards POV Cameraan, shortly after her attention turns to him, the Glitch Toilet lunges at her, crashing into her camera head, the Glitch Toilet then crashes to the ground, exploding the Helicopter Speaker, as the chaos ensues, POV Cameraman tries to flee, yet the Glitch Toilet intercepts him, blocking his path and colliding with him, the episode ends with a broken screen of the POV Cameraman with his head deattached. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: Ooh! MAybe don't run, anyways time for Episode 30!

The next chapter is Episode 30!

Words: 377

Episode 30:

Lilliana: We're in our thirties! Time for Episode 30!

[The episode begins as POV Cameraman gazing downard, evidently held in place by two Skibidi Toilets in a laboratory. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Now we're held hostage?! What a turn of events since Episode 21!

[The episode resumes.  As the camera ascends, a Large Cameraman comes into view, with multiple Cameramen corpses can be seen on the ground.]

Lilliana: Hey buddy! [awkwardly waves]

[The episode resumes. Following this, the Scientist Skibidi Toilet enters the roo, in his upgraded form with a hook.]

Lilliana: Wow! That looks like a strong toilet! I mean- a weak toilet!

[The episode resumes. The Scientist Skibidi Toilet then knocks the Large Cameraman out with his hookand opens his mouth, revealing a Parasitic Skibidi Toilet. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [digusted] What is that?! Eww!

[The episode resumes. The Parasitic Skibidi Toilet then jumps onto the Large Cameraman's head, and uses its tongue againest his neck. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: [realizing] Wait! It's going to control our buddy!

[The episode resumes. The Large Cameraman then gains conscious, but it doesn't seem his normal, as he sings a distorted rendition of the Skibidi Toilet Anthem. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Oh my god! They got so advanced that now THEY'RE CONTROLLING OUT SPECIES?!

[The episode resumes. The Infected Large Cameraman and Skibidi Toilets lock their gaze onto POV Cameraman, The Infected Large Cameraman then aggressivly punchs POV Cameraman and breaks his screen. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: [shocked] Wtf, we need to make a gun to destroy those parasites! Time for EPisode 31!

The next chapter after the next chapter is Episode 31!

Words: 266

The total words from parts 21-30 of 'Lilliana reacting to Skibidi Toilets':  4243

Total words from this part: 4241

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