Skibidi Toilet 26

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Lilliana: Entering Episode..36! I mean, 26!

[The episode begins with POV Cameraman overlooking a battle between Skibidi Toilets and the Alliance.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're going to win this apocalypse!

[The episode resumes. He stands atop a building, observing the battle unfolding before him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] I really hope this episode isn't that quick.

[The episode resumes. Various Cameramen and Speakermen of different variants charge into the battle.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're stronger than the Skibidi Toilets because we got the Alliance and them Skibidi Toilets got nothing!

[The episode resumes. A Large Speakerman holds off a Large Skibidi Toilet until a Large Cameraman climbs atop the toilet's tank and flushes it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, unamused] Wow. I thought the Large Speakerman was stronger.

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman then shifts his gaze to the left, spotting a Normal Skibidi Toilet charging towards him.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, worried] Noo! The episode is going to end!!!

[The episode resumes. He delivers a powerful punch at the toilet's face, stopping its advance.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Let's goo! This episode is sick!

[The episode resumes. POV Cameraman swiftly runs towards the Assassin Skibidi Toilet, leaping into it and pushing both of them off the building.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short, smirking😏] You finally get a taste of your own medicine! Like if you push me off a building, I'm gonna push you off a building too. Like, revenge is sweet!

[The episode resumes. As they fall, the Assassin Skibidi Toilet utters 'Skibidi' in an unsettling smile.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] Sorry dude but sometimes, you get the unexpected. I saw so, what else can I do?

[The episode resumes. Upon impact with the ground, both POV Cameraman and the Assassin Skibidi Toilet remain unharmed, the toilet attempts an attack but is swiftly flushed by POV Cameraman, another Normal Skibidi Toilet approaches, only to be met with a flusher to its head after being stunned by a detached flusher from the earlier flushed Assassin Skibidi Toilet.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're on fire!

[The episode resumes. Another Normal Skibidi Toilet advances, but POV Cameraman steps on its head before delivering another flusher blow, yet another Normal Skibidi Toilet approaches, prompting POV Cameraman to grab a decapitated Cameraman's head, using it to stroke and stun the toilet before flushing it.]

Lilliana: [pausing the short] We're finally gonna win for once!

[The episode resumes. As POV Cameraman kills the group of Skibidi Toilets, a Large Skibidi Toilet suddenly attacks from the side, pushing POV Cameraman down with its force, the Large Skibidi Toilet's head extends to consume POV Cameraman, but is flushed by a Large Speakerman from behind, who then ensures POV Cameraman is safe. The episode is then paused.]

Lilliana: Whew! That was close from the ending the episode too quick🤣

[The episode resumes. Out of nowhere, an off-screen explosion occurs, causing POV Cameraman to turn his attention to the right, emerging from the smoke is the menacing Giant Robber Skibidi Toilet, approaching slowly while singing a slowed-down version of the Skibidi Toilet Anthem, the Giant Robber Skibidi Toilet is suddenly struck by a red energy orb fired from a massive figure, the Titan Speakerman, making its debut, the Titan Speakerman fights with the toilet till it is weak and flushes it. The episode is now paused.]

Lilliana: Now Titan Speakerman! This might be my new favorite episode!

[The episode resumes. Then after flushing the toilet, Titan Speakerman then sits on the toilet like a throne before looking at POV Cameraman, who gives a thumbs up. The episode ends.]

Lilliana: That was a crazy episode! Now, time for Episode 27!

The next chapter is Episode 27!

Words: 624

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