Chapter 17: [Y/N]... Just stop, no really just stop...

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Pokemon. Here is chapter 19. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"So, about the news we saw on television about the aquarium been badly destroy was due to you right [Y/N]?" Ash ask with scary smile while you guys head to your next trial area which is the grand trial located at Iki town. You just smile innocently while asking him what he mean while you guys walk pass the route 3.

"That aside, why are we taking a huge detour around the island to Ikki town for our grand trial or whatever it is call?" You ask the girls as you try and change the topic only to heard Ash making a huge fuss at the back. "Well since it our first time at this region, I want to see every corner of this region which I am sure you do too hence we are taking a detour." Serena said as you shrug while you enjoy the scenery around you.

After walking for quite some time, you guys arrive at near a cave entrance where there is a sign stating that Melemele Meadow lies ahead. You could help to find it suspicious while Ash was telling you all to take a look. You look at him and ask him if he don't even find anything suspicious at all but only to see him looking at you in confuse like an idiot.

"For a fact, meadow don't appear randomly in cave... I mean how on the Arceus can one grow in a cave at all?" You ask as the group look at you in surprise. "What is it?" You ask in annoy knowing that they must be thinking something stupid. "No...actually I did not know you know something so logical at all? I mean I am kind of surprise you seem to have knowledge other than the on destroying things." Serena said as you glare at them in annoy.

"Whatever..." You said as you watch the group enter the cave as you accompany them.

However, when you enter, your jaws drop upon seeing a meadow indeed grow in a cave. "What the holy Arceus is going on with this region? Pokemon aside, first I see rotom can become a pokedex and next I see flowers growing in cave...Haha...ahahaha..." You thought to yourself as you started to laugh causing the three to look at you with an uneasy expression.

"I swear one of this days I really might sink on of the 4 islands in this region to release myself from this mental stress that I am currently experiencing now..." You mumble under your breath as you watch Lillie and Serena run to collect some flower to make flower crown.

As they are making the crown while forcing, you notice that there is a weird looking bird currently doing some kind of ritual dance in a distance. Finding curious, you took out your rotom pokedex as you check out the pokemon in the distance.

"So that is a pokemon call Oricorio. A pokemon base on the colour of the flower honey that they drink from, the current form of this one is electric/flying and known as Pom-Pom style... Now that some plain weird not to mention they drink honey to change it form. I wonder what happen if they drink black honey will they become dark type? ... On the second thought I don't think that will work thou... Well then... I guess I will catch this little fellow to add it to my team. It not often that I find an electric/flying type pokemon." You thought to yourself as you sneak up to it and threw a Quick ball at it resulting in catching it.

You then went to pick it up and keep it while wondering when it is the best time to use. Just as you lost in thought, Lillie approach you and put on the flower crown on your head as she smiles at you. You let out a wryly smile as you could feel that you look ridiculous right now with it.

As the time pass by quick, it was already mid-afternoon and you guys decided to continue your way to Ikki town. When you reach route 1, Lillie suggest to you all that it might be a good idea to stay at Sun house, which is nearby, for a day before heading to Ikki town tomorrow for the grand trial since it is getting a little late.

Ash and Serena agree to it while you reluctantly nodded in silence not liking the fact that you are staying at a champion house who is sort of close with your girlfriend. Able to sort of understanding your thought, Lillie smile as she walks up to you and hold your hand shyly as she assures you that you don't have to worry about anything.

You guys than proceed to Sun house. Upon reaching the house and knocking on the door, you notice a young woman open the door as she greeted you all. Seeing that she is Sun mom, you introduce yourself as Serena and Ash did the same.

"Oh, my you are that [Y/N]? Are you perhaps the little brother of the legendary trainer, Red?" She asks as she lead you all to the guest room. You nodded as you ask her how she knows about you and your brother.

"Ah, me apologise. My son, Sun was a huge fan of your brother hence he did a lot of research on Red hoping to become a trainer like him. From that, I heard a lot from him and decided to look up about your brother when we are back in Kanto and that is where I personally know about you and sort of look up to you as a fan. To think that I would be able to see my idol living in my house... I must be blessed.

Thou I don't think my son know that Red have a little brother... I wonder what happen if he knows that you are his little brother..." Carin, Sun mother, said as you smile in wryly known for a fact that Sun might actually drag you for a battle thou it not like you actually mind at all.

(AN: I decided to give Sun Mother a random name so that I don't have to keep using Sun Mother as a reference. Note that this is not her actual name and the last thing I want to do is to use her nickname.)

"Ha...If only she known that [Y/N] is also known as the legendary trainer in a different way, she will confirm not look up to him but instead fear of him destroying the house and the world...Ouch!" Ash mumble under his breath as you smile at him while stomping on his foot.

After you all have settle your things down, Carin said that she will head out to buy the ingredient for tonight dinner and told you all not to worry about it. "Oh Lillie, if you are looking for Sun, he should be in the room with Luna now. I will see you all kids later." Carin said before leaving the house.

"Who is Luna?" You ask Lillie as you think you heard of her name before. "Did I not tell you all? She is Sun girlfriend." Lillie said as you all follow her to Sun room. "Hmm...Must have forgotten at some point I guess." You said as you try and recall if she did mention about her before.

As you guys knock and open Sun door, both Serena and Lillie face turn scarlet red, while Ash mouth just drop as you just whistle away. You guys saw Luna and Sun making out on the bed with only undergarment on them.

"Wow things is getting a little hot here, I should have brought along an ice type pokemon to cool down this place. Hey I suddenly have a great idea! Now is the time to use the Oricorio that I caught just now. Oricorio, come out and start using cheerleading dance to cheer those two lovebirds out." You said in a playful tone as you send out Oricorio, who was currently dancing upon your command. Ash, Serena and Lillie just look at you with their jaws dropping this time.

"Are you serious now? Like at this kind of time?" Ash ask.

"Yeah" You reply with a serious expression. 


"Ah~ You just ruin the fun that I am having... Oh and the two of you, don mind us and continue to make out in front of us. If you like, I could provide some background music for you all too..." You grin at them as you took out your phone as you go online to search for good song to play.

"JUST STOP IT ALREADY [Y/N]! DON'T MAKE THIS EVEN WORST!" Everyone just shouted at you along with Luna and Sun blush in embarrassment upon been seen making out. You sigh with a shrug as decided to stop playing around as you could tell that if you try anything more than this, you might seriously get kick in the ass big time later on. "I guess now I have a blackmail material for Sun...hehehehe..." You thought to yourself as you decided to save the picture that you have taken.


Okay, let stop here for now. I hope you have enjoy this chapter especially the last part. Sorry for the delay as the past few days I have not much rest and was getting a little bump out. Until then, Peace out! 😊

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