Chapter 2- The Sorting Hat

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"First years! First years over here please!" Hagrid yelled from over near the lake. "All first years get into a boat. Three students to a boat please." Lily, Jilli, and Rose walked over to the lake and got in the first open boat. Each boat had a lantern with a flame that flickered from yellow to orange. Hagrid was toting a pink polkadotted umbrella, which head of Gryffindor.

"Hello, I'm Professor Brown, Transfiguration teacher and head of the Gryffindor house. Soon, all of you will get sorted into one of four houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slythrin, and Hufflepuff.  Please wait here until we are ready for you." said Professor Brown.

"I'm so excited! I just hope we get into the same house!" Rose exclaimed. Just then Professor Brown came back to tell everyone to follow her in the Great Hall, which was packed with students at four different tables. Lily looked up at the ceiling surprised to find it glittering with stars.

"It's programmed to mirror the outside sky." Jilli whispered. "I read it in 'Hogwarts, a History.'" Lily remembered something about that when she had skimmed the book.

"Good evening, Hogwarts. I am Professor Lovegood, Headmaster of this fine school. For the first year students, you will get sorted by the sorting hat." said Professor Lovegood, gesturing at a very tattered and patched brown hat sitting on a quaint three-legged stool at the front of the hall. "Now I will hand it over to Professor Brown, who will start the sorting ceremony."

"Now, when I call your name, please come up here and sit on the stool." said Professor Brown.

"Attle, Maria."        "Hufflepuff!"

"Brad, Connor."   "Slytherin!" This went on.

I will add more soon!


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