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1 Year Ago

"Come on! We've got to go!" an agitated Harry yelled to his family. They needed to leave in 5 minutes or else they would get stuck in traffic, therefore missing the Hogwart's Express. "James, give Lily her fairy wings back, this is no time for pranks! Albus, please try to get all of your things in your trunk! And Lily, stop trying to eat the cookies we baked yesterday, you know they are for your grandmother!" He picked up 10-year-old Lily, pulling her away from the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Ginny flicked her wand, putting all of the trunks in the back of the car. Harry and Ginny gathered up their children, bringing them out to the car.

"Wait! We can't leave yet!" Albus yelled, getting out of the car. "I forgot my wand!"

"Merlin's beard Albus! Get it quick!" Ginny said. Albus ran out thirty seconds later with his wand in his hand, nearly tripping over his untied shoelaces. He got in the car just as the family started driving to King's Cross Station, where they would board the Hogwart's Express.

Harry parked the car and everyone got out, grabbing their assorted trunks, pets, and wands. They rushed through the station, going through the barrier as quickly as possible.

"Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually going to Hogwart's this year!" Albus said excitedly as he said goodbye to his family. He dragged his trunk behind him and carried a cage with an owl in it as he walked towards the train. He and James got on and Albus poked his head out of a window and waved to his parents and Lily.

"Goodbye mum, goodbye dad! Bye Lily!" He waved. He reentered the train car, his black hair disappearing into the depths of the train.

As the train pulled away from the station, Lily waved goodbye to her brother Albus as he waved back from the moving train. She was filled with sadness, both from Albus leaving and her not being able to go to Hogwarts yet. She knew that he would have many amazing times at Hogwarts, while she would not be able to have those times for another year.

"Cheer up Lily!" Harry said. "It's only a year—plus, you get to be the only child in the house for an entire school year. How about we start out with a trip to Diagon Alley to get you some ice cream. How does that sound?" Harry smiled, hoping to get Lily to crack a smile.

"Really?" Lily looked up, her eyes gleaming. Harry nodded, which made Lily smile. The small family walked out of Platform 9 ¾ and headed to the 3 Broomsticks, which had the secret passageway to Diagon Alley. They headed to the back room, which had normal wallpapered walls except for one brick wall. Harry tapped 3 bricks in a specific order and the wall opened up into a bustling road where people were going in and out of shops, carrying packages and bags filled with items. Ginny took Lily's hand and led her to her favorite ice cream shop in Diagon Alley. They took a seat at one of the outdoor tables under a red umbrella. A perky waiter came up to them with a notebook in hand and a pencil tucked behind his ear.

"May I take your order?" He said, smiling at the family.

"I'll have chocolate, and the ladies will each have strawberry." Harry said with a grin.

"I'll be right back." The waiter jotted down their order and then went back into the store to fulfill their orders.

"Lily!" Rose Weasley appeared, her parents Hermione and Ron and her brother Hugo closely following behind her.

"Rose!" Lily got out of her chair and surveyed her best friend. Rose's strawberry blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she was carrying a new book she got from the bookstore. "Want to have ice cream with us?" Rose looked at her parents expectantly. Ron looked at Hermione and back at Rose.

"Of course, Rose." Ron smiled and then sat down next to Harry and Ginny. The waiter came back with the ice cream and set it in front of Lily, Harry, and Ginny. The waiter took out his pad again, seeing that there were new people to take orders from.

"I'll have vanilla." Rose said. Hugo ordered chocolate, Hermione ordered cookies and cream, and Ron ordered mint chocolate chip. The waiter nodded and headed back to get their ice creams.

Lily ate a bite of her ice cream. "It's so good!" Lily smiled as the waiter came back out again, this time with Rose, Hugo, Ron, and Hermione's ice cream. Rose took a spoon from the container in the middle of the table and ate a spoonful.

"So is mine!" Rose laughed. They continued eating their ice cream while their parents talked for a while.

When they were finished with their ice cream, Harry and Ron decided to take their families to the Quidditch shop down the street, since Lily and Rose needed new brooms, and they wanted to see the new model, the MoonStreak. It was the newest broom of the season, and it was said to be able to go very fast. It was a sleek midnight blue colour, and the handle was decorated with the phases of the moon.

They entered Quality Quidditch Supplies. There was a wall that was fully lined in brooms, from ancient models like the Cleansweep, to newer ones like the Nimbus 2001 and the Firebolt. The MoonStreak was the newest broom that had come out since Harry had been in his 3rd year of Hogwarts. Tables were covered in keeper gloves and robes representing famous Quidditch teams and the Hogwarts Houses. In a stack in the back of the room, there were complete Quidditch sets, with a quaffle, two bludgers, two bats, a set of keeper's gloves, and a snitch. Lily and Rose walked over to the brooms. Hugo and Ron went over to the kid's Quidditch section, and Hugo chose a small broom. Meanwhile, Rose and Lily looked at each one of the brooms. Lily chose the MoonStreak, while Rose chose the Firebolt. They were very similar in size and shape, but the Firebolt was orange while the MoonStreak was a midnight blue.

They bought their items and left the store. Everyone was happy with their newfound items. Lily's mind wandered back to when Albus and James left, and she wished with all her heart that it was her turn to go to Hogwarts. What she didn't know was that her first year of Hogwarts was going to be anything but normal.

Hope you guys liked it! Please don't be a silent reader! Give your opinion!

As always,




and Follow moi!

Love and cherry starbursts,

Emma xx

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