The Danger Is Past

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Authors Note: So I'm going to try and do paragraphs and stuff again like I did in the beginning, lets see if I can do this.

Lily clung to the side of the S.S Awesome trying to control her feelings of unease. She never really liked large bodies of water. All of the large sharp-teethed creatures that resided in the oceans just made her want to stay away from it. With some effort she drew her thoughts from the terrors of the ocean and instead thought of her next move. She knew she couldn't stay in this world forever, she had to find a way home. To her mother, elementals, her sister, friends. 'What about Zane....' Lily sighed and looked out at the waves of the sea, she knew that he was hated here but...  Zane was her friend and seemingly all of the things that he had done where in the past. He was her best hope of getting back to her home world and fate is a powerful thing. She must have been brought here for a reason and when that reason is dealt with. Home would be her reward..

"Where almost back Lily," Lord Aphmau said interrupting her thoughts.

Lily looked up and saw that she was right. Phoenix Drop's docks where in sight. She let out a sigh as they pulled up to the docks a few moments later glad that she could step on land again.

"There's Brendan and Cuddlezilla! Cuddlezilla is to cute!" Aphmau exclaimed hopping out of the S.S Awesome and rushing over, Lily following quickly.

"Thank the heavens that you both are back, and not a moment too soon! Garroth lies on deaths door...Did you bring the lord of Bright Port?!" Brendan questioned seeming relived.

"No but I have a magic healing potion-should be just as good." Aphmau responded.

'Garroth's on deaths door? OH DEAR IRENE AND DEAR LORDY NOPE!' Lily thought. "Aphmau we need to-"

Brendan interrupted her, "Thank goodness. Quick take it to Garroth!"

'I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT!' Lily screamed in her head. Aphmau muttered random stuff to herself again and quickly ran up a hill to get to Phoenix Drop, Lily quickly followed.

Aphmau opened the door to the house that Garroth was left in, Kiki was there and so was Thorgi. Garroth was lieing where they had last left him. Aphmau walked to Garroth's side as calm as ever while Lily was struggling to control her worry and fear. "Garroth here is that potion." Aphmau said before proceeding to open the stopper and tip it into Garroths mouth. "Alright Garroth how are you feeling?" Lord Aphmau questioned gently.

"Wh-Where...Where am I...? WHERE IS ZENIX!?" Garroth shouted his eyes opening almost instantly.

Lily sighed in relief before trying to sooth Garroth, "Garroth calm down your safe."

"What happened?" Lord Aphmau gently pressed.

"What happened?...Last I remember Zenix and I where going to investigate a suspicious door....We suspected it might have been a hideout of the man that shot Brendan but...I went to the door and the next thing I know there was an arrow in my chest. Zenix said he saw a man in a mask who shot it and chased after him. Thats when I blacked out.." Garroth answered wincing when he remembered the arrow..

"Garroth...This may be hard to hear but when we went to find the Lord of Bright Port we ran into Zenix. He attacked and tried to kill us.." Lord Aphmau said after a moment of hesitation.

"....Zenix...Could he...Could he have been the one to do this,no I refuse to belive it. Sure when I found him he was a troubled lad but, I wouldn't think he would do something like this...He's like a son to me. No...Someone must have convinced him or...done something to make him do this." Garroth said in disbelief.

"Garroth I'm sorry but it's true," Lily said softly.

Garroth grunted in pain making Lily flinch,"ARGH! heart..I've heard that when people are sad their hearts can feel physical pain, it doesn't help that I actually have pain in my chest."

"Garroth we can continue this later you need to rest." Lord Aphmau said.

"Wait I want to...ARGH!I want to continue....but your right m' usauly...I'm just glad that you-your both home safe." Garroth sighed giving in.

"Aww thank you, and THORGI! I missed you! Aww look at you, you've been a good boy come on Thorgi! " Aphmau exclaimed rushing over to her dog. Lily leaned against a wall glad that Garroth was okay but her mind wasn't at ease. Someone was hurting the people of this village and it was her new job to protect them... Aphmau then walked over to Kiki Thorgi following happily wagging his tail. "Oh Kiki! I've got to tell you about the bunny and everything that happened!" Lord Aphmau said excitedly.

"Brendan was waiting for you at the shore since you and Lily left. He feels really guilt that the last of the original herb was used on him. He doesn't think highly of himself compared to Garroth," Kiki said unexpectedly.  Lily looked up at Kiki not having expected that.

"Kiki you know the bunny that you gave us before we left? Well apparently we met an old friend of yours named Boldof and he helped us find the Lord of Bright Port." Lord Aphmau said.

"...Boldof is,so he remembers me...This...this makes me so happy!" Kiki said as her eyes started to get watery.

"You should go see him sometime!" Aphmau said smiling.

"I don't think thats possible. Truth be told Boldof has confessed he has feeling for me, more than a werewolf should have. I don't think I could face him again. When I gave Boldof that bunny doll he gave it back under the guise that he couldn't have it because he was destined to be alpha. But..I really know why he gave it back..Maybe in another realm we could be together, but not this life-time. Though if Bright Port needs me to talk some sense into the wolves, I would gladly give up my pride  in the name of peace. Now I need a moment." Kiki said with a sigh.

Lord Aphmau gasped and walked out of the house, "OHHHHHHH THERE WAS A LOVE STORY AWWW! Thats kinda weird and sad." Lily mentally face palmed. "Lily thanks for your help in finding the Lord, you can go rest now." Aphmau said.

Lily sighed and nodded before walking off. She walked to her house and entered it turning on the lights. She empted her stuff in her basement storage area before heading upstairs to her room. Once there she collapsed on her bed and pulled out Carrott and hugged her to her chest. Sitting up she pulled out a small leather bound book and a quill and some ink.  A small blue ball of fire was on the cover and inside was her whole adventure. From the moment her mother went missing to when she found her at The Cave Of The Elements. She twisted off the lid and picked up the quill. Dipping it into the ink she began to write. About how she worried about Garroth on the whole adventure to save him, her fear of the ocean. How she didn't really know what she should do. About how much she missed her family and old friends. When she wrote bye at the end of her entry as she always did a tear slid down her face. She quickly twisted the lid back on the bottle of ink and closed her Journal before slipping it back into her bag. She hugged Carrott and cried softly letting it all out.

"Fate I hope what you brought me here for was worth it...And I hope you bring me and Zane together again."

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