To Bright Port

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Author's Note:Okay so I am gonna stop doing it in perspectives sorta.It confuses me a bit on how to write it I don't know why,so yeah enjoy.

Lily packed her bag hurriedly and met Lord Aphmua at the docks.They both got in a boat,Lily having a few unannounced concerns about if it would get them there.It managed to get them there,a huge relief to Lily."You must be Garroth's friend."Azura said to Lord Aphmua as they both approached Bright Port."Yeah.....Garroth's not doing so well he was shot by a arrow and is in pretty bad shape.We need the Lord Of Bright ports help,I have heard he has healing magicks."Lord Aphmua explained."What!That's terrible!Not Garroth....He and I where friends when we where kids...This is horrible.Unfortunately,I cannot do anything to help.Where all out of imported goods since our lord has vanished.No one wants to do business with a village who's lord has vanished."Azura said,she seemed really sad but she hid most of it.It was just her voice,she fixed it almost immediately but it was enough to know she really cared about Garroth. "That's why I'm help find him."Lord Aphmua said."Our lord is very skilled in the talents of healing magicks.Very well,the only lead I have so far is from Merida,I think you might have met her once.She's Visher's wife.I would go see if you can come up with anything.Right now I have all my guards out looking for our lord and as time passes each guard starts to lose his/her memory.Not only that but the Lupine have been seen lurking around the village at night!Things are getting out of hand and I have no idea where to begin."Azura told her and then looked away,as if dismissing us."Lets go talk to this 'Merida'."Lily said beginning to walk into the village.Lord Aphmua followed and they started looking for her house.Finally they found it and they just walked in,Lord Aphmua morly following Lily as she just barged in but whatever."Good evening,Aphmua who is this?No matter,I trust you have taken care of the person...............who killed my husband?"Merida said upon them entering the house.Lily looked at Lord Aphmua confused for a moment.'I'll ask her to tell me about that sentence later.'Lily decided and stayed quiet,it would probably be best if Lord Aphmua handled this conversation."First off,this is Lily one of the newer guards of Phoenix Drop.Second,no I have not."She answered."Oh...........I see.."Merida said,her eyes beginning to study the floor as they gained a cold gleam to them."So have you heard anything about the missing lord?"Lord Aphmua asked after letting the room fall to silence for a while.Merida's eyes snapped back up to the Lord,she was glaring and her words were said in a even tone.She could hide rage,"Why should I tell you anything?You come to me without any leads as to who murdered my husband yet you expect me to help you!?I'm sorry please leave."Lily felt a bit of anger towards this woman but stayed silent,knowing that this was probably the best thing she could do in this situation.Lord Aphmua spotted a child in a corner of the house next to some beds,and she walked over Lily following."Miss I heard you talking to my mommy.Your looking for the Lord right?I-I can help you.But I need you to help me first.I have a friend who is in trouble......but none of the adults here will listen to me or....I don't think they'll even help me if I told them who he was..."The child who's name was John said."I'll help your friend John.We both will."Lord Aphmua told the little child.He smiled a little happy."Good!My friend is being held at the hunters cabin,he's locked up in the cellar below.Please help him out of town-don't show him to any adults.They'll just lock him up again.Please."John said.Lord Aphmua nodded and then walked out Lily following.'I wonder why adults wouldn't help a kid......that's just wrong.'Lily thought and once again this town made her anger rise.'Calm yourself Lily calm.'She thought to herself.A butcher they walked past called to them angerly,"Get lost jerks!"What was wrong with this town!"That's a bow,this is probably the place."Lord Aphmua commented noticing a bow hanging above a door."Well lets not mind anyone's privacy and barge in again."Lily said and proceded to walk in like she owned the house.Lord Aphmua followed behind with a small sigh."Is that the hunter?"Lord Aphmua questioned."Probably."Lily told her and then recoiled from the hunter having moved forward to see if he was near waking.His breath smelled of Root Beer (Thats what they call beer,wine,stuff like that in this series I think so just go with it.)Lord Aphmua pressed a button and slipped threw the door it opened before it closed,and Lily repeated the process."Its a wolf!"Lord Aphmua exclaimed seeing the pup."This has got to be the hunter's house that's John's friend."Lily said whipping out a button.She placed it next to the door and entered Lord Aphmua following."Who...Who are you?What do you want?Please don't hurt me!"The wold child whimpered."Where not going to hurt you!"Lily said softly."Where here to help you."Lord Aphmua then told the child"Y-You'll help me?....Thank you!Thank you so much!I just want to see my mommy!The wolf child said and then began to cry.Lord Aphmua pulled out a golden lasso,and put the pup in it."Lets go tell John his friend is fine."Lily said walking out of the hunters house Lord Aphmua beside her.

'Garroth,where getting closer to finding Bright Ports Lord,I know it.'

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