The Queen's New Toy

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Chapter One:

Henry Mills has arranged his daughter's marriage in order to bring prosperity to their kingdom, and let's just say that Regina isn't thrilled with with idea. Written for 2015 Swan Queen Week, Day Three: arranged marriage AU.


The queen threw the closest item she could find across the room, which just so happened to be a goblet. It shattered into pieces, wine running down the stone walls on her bedroom, but the slight destruction didn't do much to alleviate the woman's frustration. So Regina continued to destroy small things in her bedroom. She tossed the dining platter to the floor, spilling out its contents to the marble floor. Her wardrobe was scattered along the room, various dresses and robes tossed to the floor and bed. Regina's tantrum perhaps had gotten out of hand as she scorched her drapes with flames from her hand, but she had proper reasoning.

Just a few moments ago her father, bless his heart, had informed Regina that he had arranged her marriage in order to, quote, "bring prosperity to the dark kingdom and create a much needed alliance". And as angry as the evil queen was, it was not completely directed to her father, but to the fact that she would be married, yet again, by someone she hadn't chosen. It brought horrid memories to life, reminding the queen of the sleepless nights she was forced to spend with Leopold, naked and helpless while he had his wicked way with her, slowly corrupting her heart with every ineffective and lazy thrust. The evil queen shivered at the memory, and pushed it into the back of her mind, just as she always did.

Regina surveyed her damage, and with a wave of her hand, the bedroom was restored to proper order: clothes hanging in her wardrobe, new drapes hanging over her balcony, even the goblet fixed and placed on the platter, wine filled as if nothing had happened. Then again, this procedure was frequent and welcomed by the queen since it was what Regina was best at. This was exactly how the woman put herself back together when she fell apart, which was frequently, but no one besides her father could vouch for that. As far as any of these peasants knew, she was the evil queen, she had no feelings, no remorse, no compassion.

With a quick gesture of her hands, Regina changed her clothing, dressing into a long black gown that cinched at her hips while the neckline dipped into a v-shaped and traveled to the middle of her chest. This was one of her favorite outfits, and it seemed to make her seem as if she truly cared about who was coming. She just wanted to make her father proud, just as she always desired. Of course that was the reason, she couldn't care less regarding how her suitor thought of her.

Waving her hands once more, she transported herself into her throne room, patiently waiting for her father and future husband. She knew nothing more about the man asides from the fact that he came from the House of Swan, but it didn't matter, Regina would never allow the man to have any power over her. The woman had already decided that they would sleep in different chambers if she were to marry him, and, if he made one false move, the queen would scorch him to a crisp. Regina chuckled to herself darkly, but was interrupted shortly after by rapping at her throne door.

"Enter," she called out, intimidation resonating off of her voice. She wanted to scare the man.

Without hesitation, her father emerged from the large, double doors, accompanied with a woman. She was fairly beautiful: golden hair cascading down her shoulders and back in loose curls. Her bright green eyes resembled that of emeralds, contrasting with thin lips painted in the lightest of pinks. A light blue gown tumbled down her rather petite frame, silver shining off of the hem and corset. Nonetheless, Regina hadn't a clue who the woman was and she most certainly did not want her here.

"Who is this?"

"My dear," her father said calmly, a look of indifference upon his tired face, "may I introduce Princess Emma of the House of Swan."

Raising a sculpted eyebrow, Regina stood from her throne and approached them, heels clicking against the floor. She encircled the woman referred to as Emma a few times, seizing up the woman.

Lifting the blonde's chin up, the queen stared into her eyes, curiosity engulfed in mocha eyes. "And what are you doing here, Princess? Have you come to deliver news regarding your Prince?"

"No, your majesty," Emma bowed, her voice like honey. "The House of Swan has no Prince, but only a Princess."

It clicked in the queen's mind what her father was suggesting. He had set her to marry royalty, but a Princess, nonetheless! Certainly Regina was in no such way a prude, but there was no reasoning for her father to suggest such a thing, unless he had heard the servants' stories that had spread through the kingdom.

"And you expect me," Regina paused with a chuckle, turning on her heel and strutting back to her throne, "to wed you. How preposterous."

"Regina dear, please listen to me," Henry begged, approaching the queen with pleading eyes. "This is what's best for the kingdom, and you know it. If you wed the Princess, the kingdom will prosper tremendously, and we'll have gained an ally in preparation of future wars."

"My kingdom already prospers!" Regina exclaimed, darting from her chair with astonishment on her face.

Her kingdom was abundantly fruitful. There was little poverty, ever peasant had a way of making some type of living, and they had lower crime rates than any of the neighboring kingdoms, mainly out of fear of the Evil Queen.

Henry stood in front of Regina and placed his hand on her cheek tenderly. "My dear, I meant no disrespect, but can't you see how beneficial it would be? I wouldn't dare force you into such a position, but please, at least consider seeing it from my perspective, and every persons' living within the kingdom."

Sighing heavily, the woman knew her father was correct. This would be highly beneficial, especially towards her kingdom and forming future alliances. It still stung to admit that she was wrong, but she was not forced to voice such a thing. Regina was the queen after all.

"Fine," Regina agreed, smiling towards her father, then pressing her scarlet lips into a thin line. "I will agree to this, but on my terms. The princess will stay here for one moon's time and if I have not ripped her heart out by then, I shall wed her. If at any moment that we reach a discrepancy and can not solve it, the arrangement is canceled."

Her father nodded, then kissed her cheek gingerly, whispering a "thank you" in the process before retiring to his bedchambers and leaving the women alone. Regina huffed in annoyance at the girl as she stood improperly, back hunched and shoulders slouching, staring blankly at the woman. Beckoning the blonde with her finger, Regina lead her through the castle, familiarizing the Princess with all the necessities before taking her to the queen's own bedchamber.

"Am I sleeping in here as well?" Emma questioned, her tone almost shy.

"Of course, Princess. If you are to be my wife, then we will share a bedchamber, unless you are uncomfortable with the arrangement."

Hell, why should Regina be concerned if the Princess was comfortable or not? She shouldn't. She had no feelings towards the child, but she couldn't help but care, even slightly.

"Oh, no!" The princess interjected, eyes doe-eyed, "I was just, um, wondering if I was, uh, my apologies, your majesty."

Snorting to herself, the queen couldn't help but glance at the flustered princess with endearment. There was something about the innocent blonde that Regina fantasized about, remembering how she had once been similar to the girl. Perhaps the girl was naturally innocent with a pure heart, but on the other hand, she could have been a wicked child, capable of atrocious and lustful acts. And of course Regina would admit that the girl was attractive, in her own...perky manner, but the woman still lusted after the, hopefully, virgin body.

"Manage to control yourself, Princess," Regina chastised half-heartedly, picturing the blonde on her bed, spread, and bare as the day she was born, writhing and whimpering for the queen. The image sent a wave of arousal through the queen, but she knew how to control herself, but how long would this self restraint last? She hadn't any idea.

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