Profile: Rikiyama Ikima

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Full Name: Rikiyama Ikima (力山 一真' = Powerful Mountain, Single Truth)

Nickname(s):Ricky, Riki, Richan.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Mustafu, Japan

Date of Birth: 7/30/20XX

Star Sign: Leo

Quirk: Conviction (Mutation with Transformative Properties)


Height: 5'11

Weight: 185

Skin Color: Fair

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Long, Tied Messily

Eye Color: Blue

Clothing: Casual wear is usually a tank top and jeans with black slides. In colder temperatures he wears a blue jean jacket with white fur at the collar. Rikiyama's UA uniform jacket is left unbuttoned, and his tie is often done unevenly.


Conviction (Mutation with Transformation Properties): Conviction is a mutation quirk based in both the adrenal glands and the parts of the brain that control fear response and emotional regulation. His brain's response to fear has been altered so that he can act under said fear with greater clarity, while completely upending his "Fight or Flight '' instinct towards the former. This causes him to be much more prone to conflict, even (or perhaps especially) when said conflict is impossible to win. As more power is added, Rikiyama's eyes begin to glow a brighter blue. In extreme cases visible electricity can begin to be expelled from his body.

Its transformation quality  overdrives Rikiyama's body's response to adrenaline, enhancing all factors of his body in proportion with how actively he is responding to danger. Put succinctly: the more determined he is, the physically better he is. Able to move quicker, hit harder, go longer, even think faster. The growth rate isn't exact because of the emotional requirement, but scenarios that more strongly trigger a "Fight or Flight" response, such as involving mortal danger towards himself, provide more of a boost than if that threat were directed towards someone else.

The flaws of Conviction lie in how it is influenced by both his conscious and unconscious thoughts. While having the upper hand in a fight can provide a feedback loop that causes growth, that feedback can be inverted by being put onto the back foot or by a loss in confidence, leaving him powerless at the exact wrong moment. The rate of power gained by Conviction is also majorly dependent on the direct threat towards Rikiyama, meaning that he could be weaker in one situation than another based on if he's being targeted or not.


Skills: Rikiyama has spent four years training at a local boxing gym formed for people with quirks that give them an unfair physical advantage over other boxers. He prefers to stay light on his feet, moving fast and striking faster. He has a lesser talent for analysis than Midoriya, but still one of note. He also handles pain well, though has no additional resistance to it.

Last Resort: As he begins to grow closer to "defeat", Conviction begins to strengthen him further. The closer he grows to losing, the more determined he is not to lose.

Strengths: Rikiyama is large and strong for his age, with fast footwork and the ability to take a strong hit and stand up afterwards even without being empowered by Conviction. While he doesn't excel in Academics, his quick thinking approach and instinct for combat and rescue is near the likes of Bakugo and Midoriya, though not matching the two in either subject. His greatest strength comes from how Conviction has influenced his brain and thought process, Rikiyama suffers no hindrance in thought or action as a result of something as paltry as mortal danger and certain doom. His willpower and refusal to acknowledge pain make him a daunting for to face.

Weaknesses: Fear may not hinder him, but fearlessness certainly does. Rikiyama is incredibly aggressive in a fight regardless of the odds stacked against him, he has no instinct to flee from a strong opponent and will always choose to stand his ground and fight. Besides this, Rikiyama also faces difficulty in relating to the fear people feel when in danger which makes him instinctively unsuited to comforting people in crisis, as well as making him sound thoughtless and apathetic. Rikiyama does realize this, and has attempted to work on being more personable. Despite his ability to move at high speeds he struggles with moving creatively or non-laterally, rarely thinking of ways to dodge beyond ducks and slips.


    Rikiyama Ikima was born on the thirtieth of July in Mustafu, Japan. His mother, Rinka Ikima, and father, Naoki Ikima, had been dating for several years before his birth and only after Rinka discovered she was pregnant did Naoki find the courage to propose. Rikiyama inherited his quirk from his father Naoki, although Naoki's form of Conviction did not have the mutant property that inhibits the fear response. Rinka, by contrast, is quirkless. Naoki is a meek and quiet man, Rinka being the more proactive and brave of the two. Rikiyama proved to be a troublesome child, not by intention, but by his seemingly complete ignorance to any and all sources of danger. Rinka admired heroes deeply and dreamed as a child of becoming one, and passed that passion onto Rikiyama.

When he was less than a year old his parents took a job within the financial division in a local hero agency, and the three moved into an apartment complex which is where Rinka befriended Inko Midoriya and Mitsuki Bakugo. The three women became fast friends and began to arrange play dates between their children, who got along similarly well. Rikiyama, Izuku, and Katuski kept their friendship up until kindergarten, where tragedy struck the Ikima family.

A small group of villains who had previously been arrested by one of the heroes connected to the agency Rinka worked under decided to retaliate by attacking the agency building directly. Rinka, despite not having the power to do so, attempted to help her coworkers escape the building and evacuate to safety. Naoki, unable to overcome his fear and unused to violence, followed the crowd to safety. Rinka was killed during the attack, shot through the back as she ushered those she had no obligation to save away from danger. Naoki survived unharmed, and was found by paramedics as he cradled his wife's body and apologized for not saving her.

Rikiyama never learned the exact details of how his mother was killed, but knew from how Naoki apologized both to him and to his mother that his father had failed in some way. Naoki, unable to bear living in the same place that he had met and lost the love of his life, chose to move himself and his son into the home of his brother Yuusei in America, having gotten a job at a different agency with a little help as an apology from the hero whose agency was attacked. Rikiyama shared a tearful goodbye with his friends as he and his father boarded the plane to New York City, where the two would spend the next eleven years.

Rikiyama was determined to become a hero even before he and his father moved to America, but this drive only intensified with time. On his fifth birthday the transformative properties of his quirk manifested while he was doing schoolwork, Rikiyama suddenly able to write and think faster and faster as he became more determined to succeed. After a medical examination confirmed he had inherited Conviction, a brain scan revealed that the parts of his brain that controlled fear and adrenaline were almost completely different than normal, a fact which retroactively explained the close calls with danger his parents had to guide him away from as a child.

As he entered middle school, Rikiyama began to ask his father to allow him to take martial arts classes to prepare him for becoming a hero. Naoki, now more afraid of losing his son to violence than ever, refused, and begged his son to reconsider his dreams. Naoki's refusal to support him combined with the unresolved tension left from the death of Rinka led to Rikiyama growing further and further apart from his father. Rikiyama began to overcompensate in an attempt to prove to himself that he can be a hero by fighting the bullies at his school. This almost led to Rikiyama being expelled, though his education was saved by his father begging the school executives to allow his son leniency.

His aggressive pursuance of heroism eventually led him to attempt to intervene when a local convenience store was robbed. He succeeded in stopping the robbery, and while the American laws towards using a quirk in self-defense kept him from being charged with vigilantism, he was still given a warning not to do anything of the sort again.

For as much as Naoki had tried to sway him away from it, he knew that Rikiyama was going to become a hero or get into all sorts of trouble trying. Despite the plethora of hero academies in int the United States, Rikiyama's dream was still to attend UA High School. Naoki got back in contact with Inko Midoriya and asked her to give Rikiyama a place to stay until he could arrange for an apartment of some kind. Inko agreed, and Naoki surprised his son with the news a week before he graduated middle school.

Rikiyama is now arriving by cab in Mustafu, and intends to surprise his old friends Izuku and Katsuki on their way home from school.


Likes: Sewing clothes, breakfast foods, self-help videos.

Dislikes: People who refuse to fight or stand up for themselves, hypocrisy, people chewing, fish.

Hobbies: Watching hero documentaries and reality shows,

Goals: Become the best hero possible, save as many people as he can, be better than his father.

Habits: He likes to fidget with the hems of his school jacket during lessons.

Fears: While he is chemically unable to feel fear, he does feel discomfort around fish.

Trivia: He inherited his looks and high metabolism from his father, while his hairstyle and fashion comes from what he remembers his mother wearing during childhood.


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