The Gala

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     Audrey Lim stood at the table with her drink, observing the crowd. She had successfully placed a young girl's heart back within her rib cage and was feeling quite accomplished. Her black dress complimented her figure, at least that's what the lady at the store had told her. Audrey was watching people mill around the gala, a few were dancing, but many were merely socializing.
     A small clunk drew her from her own thoughts. She looked up and saw that Neil Melendez had joined her. She smiled at him and he gave a bit of a lopsided grin back. He leaned against the table, looking across the crowd.
     "Heard you had a liver transplant," Audrey said.
     "And I heard that you placed a heart back inside the chest," Neil returned, turning his head to look at her.
     Audrey stood a bit taller and smiled. "I did."
The two clinked their glasses and drank to their celebrations. Audrey sat her's down and swallowed, her brows furrowed.
Audrey tilted her head. "Your doner was in prison, wasn't he?"
     Neil nodded. "The kid wants to write a letter to the man's family to let him know what their son did."
     Audrey cast her eyes at her drink. "That's sweet of him."
     Neil nodded. He and Audrey stood in silence for a bit, smiled on their faces and drinks at their fingertips. Audrey took a sip and sat her's down, running her finger around the rim. Neil took a swig and then faced the table.
     "Remember when we were residents?" Neil asked.
     Audrey looked up at him. "Yeah, you were cocky as hell."
     Neil chuckled. "And you were so stubborn. Always insisting you were right."
     Audrey laughed. "Well I was." She paused and gave him a teasing glance. "Well, most of the time."
     Neil laughed along as they chatted about old times. Audrey leaned heavily on the table as Neil recalled a time when they both were competing against each other.
"And neither of us actually got the surgery," Neil chuckled.
"But you were so sure that you were going to above me," Audrey laughed.
Audrey leaned closer as Neil laughed and spoke of more times. She ducked her head as they continued to laugh about his first impression of her.
    "You were such a tom boy!" Neil laughed.
     "And I'm not anymore?" Audrey joked.
     Neil shrugged with a grin. "Well, you look very nice tonight."
     Audrey brushed a piece of hair away and rested her chin on her bent wrist. "Well, thanks. You don't look to shabby yourself."
     Neil gave somewhat of a snort and rolled his eyes playfully. "Thanks."
     As the night went on, the two of them reminisced and chatted, laughing the night away. As it came time to leave, Audrey and Neil helped stack up some of the chairs and roll the tables onto the carts. Audrey and Neil walked out side by side.
     "Had a nice time," Neil said as he dropped her off at her car.
     Audrey's lips curled into a smile. "So did I. See you tomorrow?"
     Neil nodded and gave her one last smile before walking to his own car. Both drove home and laid in their beds. Audrey pulled her covers up as she smiled. Neil grinned in his bed.
     They were both falling hopelessly in love, but neither of them would ever admit that to the other. At least not now.
First one shot!
However, full disclosure, this is a "I will update as I write one shots, but I'm not hurrying on any one shots".
Basically, I would love your feedback, but I don't know when the next one shot will be posted(I am in the process of writing the next one)

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