Chap 1

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Hello so for now I will be writing wit no schedule because of my other book and so this will update randomly so heres the first chapter enjoy

My other book:

Toph x Fem reader [Do it for her]


(Y/N) was sitting at her messy desk scattered with many case reports, paperwork, pens, a radio and many more miscellaneous items here and there. Today was just like any other day for her, many police reports and handling the paperwork the Chief couldn't. It had been pretty calm until there was a sudden transmission from the radio "requesting for officers to come downtown eastern plaza, wild bending fight happening. Could be potentially dangerous."

Without a moment to lose (Y/N) jumped up grabbing her war hammers and Keys to her Car rushing towards the scene with sirens blaring at full volume, seeing earth, fire and water being flown into the air around the where there had been a fight reported. Her Car skidded to a stop as she pulled up on a very damaged road and many stores were destroyed, one looking like a car had run through it and a Woman in water tribe clothing seemingly coming from the south.

She sighed as she walked towards the woman slowly and cautiously, her weapons swinging against her belt, the woman looked back at her and smiled saying "Officer! I caught the bad guys for you!." Her polar bear dog howled at the airships which were sounding their alarms as the metalbending officers dropped down ready to capture her at (Y/N)'s command.

From the airship an intercom boomed out loudly towards the watertribe girl "Police! Freeze where you are!" The gangsters slowly stumbled out of the stores window with smoke coming out from the broken down expensive looking car, (Y/N) quickly points towards the group of people and says in a calm and collective voice "Arrest them" three cops run forward and bend their metal cables to secure the three thugs. With their arms tied to their body, as they fall down.

Slowly, (Y/N) walks over towards the watertribe girl crossing her arms saying "You're under arrest too, you know?" she said raising an eyebrow at the smug looking girl who now stepped back in shock with her hands up "What do you mean I'm under arrest? Those are the bad guys over there! They were smashing up a shop!" (Y/N) takes a good look around and sighs disappointedly "Looks like you smashed a lot more than that."

In one swift movement (Y/N) was behind the girl about to cuff her as one of the remaining officers metal bent a cable towards her to restrain any more movement, the girl quickly menovers out of the way "Wait, you - you can't arrest me! Let me explain!" (Y/N) had a sharp glare on her now and said "Of course, You can explain yourself all you like, down at headquarters." She quickly released her war hammers from her belt allowing her to maneuver them around, the officer managed to withdraw the cables, and charged Korra along with (Y/N) who carefully planned out her movements.

She quickly swung one hammer at her missing on purpose to launch the other hammer at her stomach landing a direct hit, winding her and pinning her to the ground to give the Officer enough time. He bends the cables again at her, who rolled out of the way and tumbles backward. The polar bear dog grunts, and comes to the defense of her owner, pushing the officer down from behind and attempting to do the same with (Y/N) who just jumps backwards over the dog and Dashes towards the girl picking up her other hammer on the way. At this point there were more metalbending cops now, looking shocked and angered at the events occurring in front of them, and they rushed forward to apprehend the girl.

The girl had already taken off on the Polar-bear dog so (Y/N) quickly jumped into her car and gave chase to this girl, she noticed how her metal bending officers were in hot pursuit as well, sliding on metal cables chasing after the girl on the Polar bear dog and after a good ten minutes they were finally able to catch her. (Y/N) with a huge sigh of relief and a sense of success washed over her and she did a sharp U turn and drove back to the station.

There she helped the officers and lead the girl towards the main interrogation room of the station ignoring her excuses and just focusing on the job at hand, she pushed her inside of the room getting a metalbending officer to shut it before pushing her down into a seat and releasing the cuffs from before and cuffing her wrists now to the table. The girl pleaded to be let go saying "Listen I'm the avatar, It's my duty to save people!" (Y/N) just pinched the bridge of her nose saying "Will you shut it, you're such a loudmouth. Listen we're waiting for someone to integrate you alright, just sit tight"

The girl slouched in defeat and as the minutes ticked on there was a mumble of voices outside and the sliding of metal was heard, the echo of footsteps rang through the silent room as a voice was heard "Let's see. Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property..." The voice was all too familiar to (Y/N), it was gruff but also had a kind of softness to it, the voice of your girlfriend...Chief Lin Beifong.

She stood across from the criminal and (Y/N) reading everything off the clipboard she held in her hands "not to mention evading arrest ... You're in a whole mess of trouble, young lady." She quickly slammed the clipboard onto the table not sounding very happy with the girl, all (Y/N) could do was listen and wait to take orders from her. Even if she was her girlfriend during work she was second in command therefore (Y/N) answers to her chief which was Lin.

The girl quickly tried to defend herself with the same excuse as before "But there were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper, and I had it ..." To which Lin quickly interrupts while picking up the clipboard "Can it! You should have called the police and stayed out of the way." Again she used the same excuse she used on (Y/N) which made her eyes roll "But I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. It's my duty to help people..... See, I'm the Avatar." Lin quickly responded with something (Y/N) did not expect "Oh, I am well aware of who you are. And your Avatar title might impress some people," She said in a low and soft voice leaning towards the Avatar but quickly hardened her voice and straightens up again."but not me."

The Avatar then looks confidently at her saying "All right, fine. Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge." This almost made (Y/N) laugh, she was able to keep her composure but couldn't hide the smile from the pure enjoyment that the scene was turning out to be. Lin sits down saying "You're talking to her. I'm Chief Beifong, and who's standing next to you is my second in command (Y/N)" she said, ushering her hand towards (Y/N) formally.

The Avatar began piecing things together and said "Wait, Beifong? Lin Beifong? You're Toph's daughter!" She raised a quick eyebrow "What of it?"The avatar explains how their parents were friends and saved the world which made (Y/N) roll her eyes even more "That's ancient history. And it's got diddly-squat to do with the mess you're in right now. You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place!" She looked pretty angry now and just as she was to continue an officer popped his head in "Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here."

You could see the anger bubbling even more when she heard his name being said but said "Let him in", (Y/N) could tell that one wrong move would set her off so she moved to Lin's side of the table as Tenzin walked in, The Avatar explained her situation nervously to the obviously annoyed Tenzin but ignored her and looked at (Y/N) and Lin. Mostly Lin. "Lin, you are looking radiant as usual. (Y/N) looks like you're doing well" (Y/N) glared at him basically saying 'one wrong move and you're getting beat up' while placing her hands on her hips.

Lin, already having enough of Tenzin responded furiously "Cut the garbage, Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her." She and (Y/N) both hand their arms crossed and waiting for an answer, Tenzin who sighed in disappointment looked over at the Avatar "My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay put."

The Avatar tried to protest but Tenzing quickly shut her down " If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's regrettable events and cover all the damages." Lin looked over at (Y/N) for her opinion, she gave a slight nod not keeping her eyes off Tenzin as Lin sighed and waved her hand allowing the metal cuffs to unlock with a click. Lin sighed angrily "Fine. Get her out of my city." Tenzin nodded and began walking off "Always a pleasure, Lin. Let's go, Korra."

Korra follows Tenzin, still rubbing her wrists. As she passes Lin, both eye each other in discontent. Lin points with her index and pinky at her eyes and back to Korra, glaring at her. (y/N) stayed out of the situation since Lin was already pissed enough. As the metal wall moves aside again to let Tenzin and Korra out. Korra eyes Lin in malcontent. Angered, Korra bends over and exaggeratedly and mockingly mimics Lin's gesture that she will keep an eye on her, before picking up speed and leaving the room. Both Lin and (Y/N) look bewildered by what happened.

(Y/N) let out a huff of anger and told the metalbending officer "Give us a minute" he nodded and walked away, she heard Lin sit down in a chair with her forehead resting on her hand, letting out a sigh of frustration. (Y/N) looked over and sat down opposite to her "Hey you okay" She reached out to Lin rest her hand on Lin's but immediately it gets slapped away "I'm....fine" Lin said standing up both hands on the table now instructing her in a more formal and serious tone "please get back to what you were doing before, I'll be on my way."

She let out a small sigh nodding and standing up as well "yes, chief" giving her one last concerned look before walking out and leaving Lin be, she slowly walked past her co-workers greeting a couple as she walked towards her office. She slowly trudged into the mess that was her office "I really need to tidy up" She mumbled before taking off the weapons from her belt and setting them inside a large cupboard and locking it, only leaving the dagger on her belt just in case. She slumped back down into her chair and continued on filling in case reports, as she worked her mind had wondered elsewhere since when she checked the time it was 10:30.

Slowly she gathered everything she wanted to bring home and stuffed it into her duffle bag, she slung it over her shoulder and began walking home. The station was basically empty by now with only a couple officers on duty, she clocked out and continued walking home which wasn't too far.

She got to the door and quickly took out her keys fiddling to get the right one "Damn it" she grumbled obviously tired from today but eventually she was able to open it, she pushed the door open and slowly dragged herself over to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. Still needing to finish up some reports she sat down sluggishly at the kitchen table with a big cup of coffee and many reports in front of her.

The hours dragged on as she filled in report after report and eventually she heard the front door open, she paid no mind to it and just continued to write. Until two arms wrapped around her and a chin on her shoulder "I thought you'd be in bed by now" Lin said in a quiet and caring tone. This was the side only (Y/N) got to see people think of her as heartless and rude, but she is just really well guarded ever since her last heartbreak.

(Y/N) shrugged softly saying "Well if i don't finish these Chief will get mad at me" (Y/N) having enough energy to play around with Lin which earnt her a quiet laugh from the Chief herself "I think she'd understand, you need some rest" (Y/N) still refused until Lin just swiftly scooped her up "Lin!!" she said annoyed trying to get out "go to sleep, I don't want you coming into work drowsy" She walked them to their bedroom causing (Y/N) to groan "Fine" Lin smiled and said "Good get out of your uniform and get changed while i'll go freshen up."

Lin walked out of the room and (Y/N) sighed as she changed into a black tank top and some pajama shorts, she was exhausted and just collapsed onto the bed almost falling asleep. The mattress dipped and she felt two arms snake around her once again causing (Y/N) to sigh happily just falling asleep into eachothers arms.

The following morning (Y/N) had gotten up and was just drinking a cup of coffee while listening to the morning news, Lin had just come into the room and (Y/N) handed her her coffee "thank you" she said taking a sip. Suddenly the radio had brought in their attention when a familiar voice spoke "Hello? I'm Korra, your new Avatar." (Y/N) looked over to Lin who already had a sour face on and as they continued listening it only got worse "This day couldn't get any worse...." 

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