Lessons (Oneshot)

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Puro was busy reading and putting the books up where they belong. Well that was until.

He heard laughing, from Lin... And someone familiar..

Just then, Lin, and a latex leopard come walking into the room, laughing and chatting.

"Human." Puro said, and he sounded serious, "Who is this?" he asked.

Lin looked at the leopard, then at Puro, "Well you see.. This is the leopard that attacked me before, he came to say sorry and wants to be my friend." he said smiling as the leopard laughed.

Puro stood there for a minute and watched Lin, he walked off.

"What did I do?" the leopard asked, "I think I did it." Lin replied.

Puro came back acting a little weird, "Puro, you okay?" Lin asked.

"Oh I'm fine.. Just one thing." Puro said and stood straight as he held something behind his back.

"And that is?" the leopard asked.

Thats when Puro quickly pulled out a spray bottle full of water and sprayed the leopard with it.

Half the bottle was gone when the leopard replied, "That won't work on me."

Puro looked at the leopard then at tge bottle, he threw it the leopard and sighed in defeat.

"Wanna try to catch a shark in the flooded part of the lab?" The leopard asked.

"If I get transfurred its on your head." Lin told the leopard.

~About an hour and a half later~

Puro was ready for the leopard to come back this time, having a lighter and can of spray, when the door opened up, he was surprised, "Human?! Is that you?!"

Lin walked into the room, a bit mad, "Yeah yeah." he said and growled, "Look at me." he said.

The top part of his body was sharl until the bottom part of his body, which was leopard.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Puro asked.

"Yes, two, I know how to capture sharks now... And never trust anyone but you." Lin said.

"I'll see if Dr. K can help." Puro said and left.

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