new year

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Lina and her sister lisa are the only survivers from the car accident.
They are now models who live in la

This beautiful morning i got annoyed by lisa shouting "wakeup wakeup we have to go back to school shopping" i said to "okay im up go get dressed so we can go" she got out of my room singing i rolled my eyes and wenet to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth run out to my closet got out a black dress and ran into the bathroom took all of my clothe of and opened the warm water letting it take away my thoughts.... after i was done i got into my clothe and dried & straighten my hair put my makeup on and some exercised my self and than yelled to lisa "are you ready yet?" She showed up in front of me fully dressed i said "u look beautiful as usual" she said "thank u but im not beautiful as u" i sad "yes u are now let us go" i took my bag and stuffed it with 4000$ and my phone and my keys we ran out to my car got in lisa put on some music and we start singing the lyrics we first wenet to have some breakfast than wenet and shopped everywhere as usual and we got some clothe as a back to school clothing haul and than we drive back home got over 10 bags fulled with things than we both got our things and put them in their places and we put our backpack all ready for tomorrow and than changed into our pajamas lisa want to sleep with me so we did that last thing she said was "good night lina" i said to her "good night lisa" good night everyone

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