Chapter One

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At St. Olga's Church for little girls, A small girl with tan skin and long black hair was doing her homework for school. The girl was almost finished when someone knocked at her door and entered the room.

"Cassandra. Are you almost finished? A nice couple is coming and you need to look your best." The nun said.

"Almost Sister Maggie. I just need to answer this last question and I'll be finished." Cassandra said.

"Good." Sister Maggie said as she closed the door. Afterwards, Cassandra finished her work and placed it in her backpack and left her room unaware that she was being watched by someone. As she closed the door..A 17 year old boy stepped out of the shadows and looked at the door.

"Sigh...I wish that I can tell you the truth about who you really are Lily. But I don't want you to end up like the others." The boy said before he transported back to the base.

"Hello Lincoln. How was your sister?" Black Hat asked.

"She's doing fine. Taking her away from the Louds was painful, but if I didn't then who knows what those people would do to her." Lincoln said.

"Speaking of those hasn't been easy for them since you left and took Lily away from them." Black Hat said. 

"I don't care how those people are living their lives. They had it coming especially since they could blame all of their problems on me instead of owning up on their mistakes themselves. If I didn't take Lily away when I did then they would do the same thing to her." Lincoln said.

"Your anger is understandable Lincoln, but you shouldn't let it consume you. Anger clouds the mind and we need to stay focused if we want to stay one step ahead of those superheros and police. But enough about that..Demencia is waiting and you know how she gets when you're late for your date." Black Hat said.

"Sigh...Things were so much simpler when she still had feelings for you Dad." Lincoln said as he went to his room to change for his date making Black Hat chuckle. Demencia has long gotten over her crush on Black Hat and started to set her eyes on Lincoln who agreed to become her boyfriend after being fed up by her persistence and stalking habits became too much. 

After a while, Black Hat stopped smiling and started to think of his son's hatred of the Louds. While it wasn't too could become a problem later if they were around. Maybe it's time for a family reunion minus Lily which will allow his son to have his revenge which will clear the air between them and him.

As both the Louds and Lincoln continued on their current activities, they had no idea that they would be reunited. With disastrous consequences for the Louds.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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