Chapter Fifteen

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I don't own the pictures.

Luna was heading to her next class when her girlfriend of a couple of months, Sam touched her shoulder.

"Luna, Tabby and I need to discuss some things with you." Sam said before the both of them went into a random room where Tabby was also waiting. For a couple of minutes, things were silent until Tabby broke it.

"Luna, Do you know why we called you here?" Tabby said.

"Yes." Luna said. There was no point trying to deny what was happening inside their house. It was already all over the news and everyone knew everything. 

"Good. Then we can straight into...What you all were thinking when you did all of that to your brother?" Sam said.

"We weren't thinking. We just...."Luna said before being interrupted by Tabby.

"That's the understatement of the century." Tabby said.

"As I was saying...We were never told what we were doing was bad." Luna said.

"Luna, that is the dumbest excuse that I've ever heard. You're fifteen years old and should know better than to do everything that you did." Sam said.

"Which includes threatening him into going to that Sadie Hawkins Dance and going on four separate dates. I thought he was a big jerk only to find out that he never wanted to go in the first place." Tabby said regretting her actions against Lincoln  back then.

"I..I.." Luna shuttered before Sam looked at her.

"Not to mention that stupid sister fight protocol that your sister invented. Seriously I get trying to fix your own problems but: kicking your brother out of his own room, stealing his sheets and making him leave the house is the wrong way to fix things." Sam said.

"But Lincoln wasn't innocent in everything..." Luna said.

"Of course we know that. No one is perfect yet you had the gall to treat your brother like  a pariah for things that none of you bothered to explain really annoys and angers me. Besides he did try to make you all happy yet you take advantage of it." Sam said.

"Which includes laughing at his costume and straight up bullying him to teach him a lesson. Tell me, Did you even realize what you were doing to him before he took off with your baby sister?" Tabby said.

"No. We just wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly so we kicked him out of the house so he wouldn't destroy our activities." Luna said.

"Your activities were not danger before your superstitious sister sprouted on and on about him being bad luck. You knew that she was a sore loser yet instead of brushing it instead decided to follow her words." Sam said.

"I know that we messed up, but we can fix it." Luna said.

"How? How will you fix this if you don't know where your brother is?" Tabby asked.

"We..." Luna started to say until she paused. They can't fix anything without knowing Lincoln's location and they didn't know where he went yet. He could be cold or starving somewhere in the world and they wouldn't know it. She was cut off from her thoughts when Sam started to speak again.

"Sigh...Luna, we came here to talk about the consequences of your own actions." Sam said.

"What are they?" Luna asked.

"We are kicking you out of the band." Tabby said.

"Kicking me out?" Luna said.

"Do you honestly expect us to let you stay after this entire situation? You excluded your brother, purposely blamed him for things that you did, and kicked him out of the house. What kind of image would you think people will have if they see your face with us?" Tabby said. 

"I see your point." Luna said quietly.

"The second consequence is that our relationship is on hold until you show that you're truly remorseful for your actions." Sam said.

"But..." Luna said.

"No buts. I also have a younger brother and I never treated him like you did your own. Sisters are supposed to protect and love their siblings yet it seems like you also enjoyed bullying him and blaming him for everything as well." Sam said.

"I guess that makes sense." Luna said.

"We'll still talk to you, but know that we don't trust you until you get your act together." Tabby said before they heard the bell ring. As the girls hurried towards their classes, Luna felt like those punishments were justified. Why did they blame and bully their brother so much? She didn't know nor did her other sisters. But that's besides the point. They had to make things right with their brother. No matter what they had to do to earn it.

(Pepper Pots was added per someone's request. She will also wear the superwoman armer to help her fight badguys)

(Mileena and some of the other ninja from Mortal Kombat will also be added in since I think that they will fit in with the League of Assassins. Who discovered all of them in a secret lab. Note: Some of them will be genderbended versions of some of the male versions minus Subzero)

(Fem Ben will be added in along with some of the other characters of the show. I loved Ben 10 as a child and am glad that I can add some elements to this fanfic)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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