Chapter One

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The pictures don't belong to me...they belong to their creators 

 An eleven year old boy was just getting off the train with his sleeping one year old sister. He was new to Gotham City and hoped to get on his feet after running away from his family. A family who were surely happy that he was gone so his "bad luck" wouldn't affect them. 

"We're here Lily. How let's find somewhere to rest for the night." The boy said to himself as he walked towards an ally way unaware that he was being followed by a curious Bruce Wayne. He was heading to his car when he saw two children heading over to an alleyway.  Normally this would be common to see considering the number of orphans walking around the city. But, these children had clean clothes and didn't have a speck of dirt on them.

"Sigh...I'm sorry that I had to drag you into this Lily, but I couldn't leave you behind." The boy said until Bruce coughed. 

"Excuse me. But why are the two of you in this alleyway?" He asked which startled Lincoln and caused him to stare at him.

"It's actually a long story." The boy said.

(Insert NSL storyline)

"I'm sorry that this happen to you." Bruce said.

"You shouldn't be. My parents have always favored my sisters more than me anyway and tried to force me into a relationship with a close friend of mine." Lincoln said.

"Then do you want to come home with me?" Bruce asked which shocked Lincoln.

"I don't want to be a burden to you...Mr.?" Lincoln asked. 

"Bruce Wayne. And it's no bother....I already have four girls at home and I'm sure that my wife and I can handle two more children." Bruce said. Lincoln weighed his options and eventually agreed to Bruce's proposal. At the same time, The Loud family was just returning home after watching a terrible game in which the Royal Woods Squirrels lost to an opposing team. 

"When I get my hands on Lincoln, I'm going to make sure that he regrets being born." Lynn said as she rushed out of the van and headed to the backyard. Only to find that Lincoln wasn't there which only made her more mad.

"WHERE IS HE?" Lynn shouted causing her family to jump and look at each other.  Lincoln wasn't there? Which could mean a couple of things:

He went back inside the house or he ran away from the house.

The rest of the Louds minus Lily and Lynn hoped that it wasn't the last option since that would mean that they finally pushed their son too far. Unaware that it would be years until they realize their mistake and try to gain his trust and respect again.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 

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