Chapter Seventeen

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I'm going to bring Ashi (Samurai Jack) into this fanfic since I want her to live. (Every one who watches the show knows what happens to her in the end and if you haven't than I'm not going to spoil it.) The pictures don't belong to me.

Penny was in Tori's lab waiting on an explanation on who Lincoln was and why he was living with her mentor. He was a couple of years younger than her and seemed to be a perfect gentlemen which was a big improvement than the rest of the boys at her school minus Harry of course. When Tori walked in ready to explain everything.

"Sorry about the wait Penny. Had to make sure Lincoln finished his work." Tori said.

"It's okay Mrs. Stark besides I'm more patient than Captain America is." Penny said which made Tori agree. Don't get her wrong, she was best friends with her however she was known to want answers quickly than just waiting for them.

"Well, Lincoln is my adopted son." Tori said.

"You're adopted son?! Why didn't I hear about this?" Penny said.

"I had to make sure that he's comfortable in his new environment so I can introduce him to everyone. Besides the kid hasn't had it easy given the circumstances in which he came here." Tori said.

"Explain." Penny said.

"Lincoln used to live with 13 family members in one tiny house. Now before you ask why he isn't with them know that they didn't treat him like one of their own." Tori said.

"Why wouldn't they treat him like a family member?" Penny asked.

"He didn't have a talent and often helped his sisters with their problems. It doesn't help that those same sisters stuck their noses into his business way too much and even tried to force him to date one of his best friends." Tori said. 

"Why exactly.." Penny asked.

"So the older sister could keep her beloved boyfriend. But that incident is not related to the one that brought him here to Gotham with his baby sister." Tori said.

"I'm not going to like it am I?" Penny said.

"Nope. Long story short..Lincoln was being forced to go to all his sisters activities with no time for himself. His older sister forced him to come to a softball game and when she lost..she called him bad luck. Which was a lie, but Lincoln used it to get some time for himself which backfired when they kicked him out of the house." Tori said.

"That was worse than I expected. What kind of people kick one of their own out of the house?" Penny said.

"The terrible kind. When he finally had enough..Lincoln packed up his things and took his little sister with him. Saying that he couldn't leave her with the rest of the family." Tori said.

"Wow. That clears everything up." Penny asked.

"Thank goodness, I didn't want to explain that story again. Anyway, I want you to promise that you won't swear a word towards anyone else about what you heard." Tori said.

"I promise, but what if someone already heard about Lincoln already?" Penny said.

"That won't happen. This place is locked up tight." Tori said.

"I was talking about it being heard outside of the house. You never know who could be listening." Penny said.

"Well..." Tori said before she started to frantically try to see if anyone heard anything while the four ladies continued to talk about their plan.

"It's so wonderful that you all agree. However, I have to ask..Do any of you have questions?" Selina asked.

"So we're going to tell everyone that Bruce adopted an eleven year old boy?" Pamela said.

"Well, I wanted to tell the entire supervillain and superhero community. The public doesn't need to know yet." Selina said knowing full well how the Bat Family will hunt her down for exposing their newest member to the entire world. 

"Can't say that I blame you. Bats can be scary once you piss him off."  Helena said.

"Besides we all know that sooner or later he's going to be exposed to the superhero life." Selena said. 

"Definitely. Not to mention there is a big possibility of him being a lady killer." Harley said.

"We'll cross that bridge when he's older. He is 11 after all." Selina said. 

"So he's an eleven year old child? Did you happen to hear his name?" Helena said.

"Lincoln. They didn't say his last name." Selina said.

"Hum..." Helena said. She was planning to get more information on the child that Bruce and Tori adopted. 

"What are you thinking Helena?" Harley said.

"I'm thinking on gaining more information on the child so we can understand his backstory better." Helena said.

"Good idea. You go ahead and do that while spreading the world about him. Hopefully the news will bring some life back into Gotham." Selina said. After concluding their meeting, the four went there separate ways. At the same time,  Luan was just about to head towards her class when someone grabbed her and tossed her into an empty room.

"OW." Luan said as she grabbed her head. As she turned around, she came face to face with three teenage girls who looked like they had an ax to grind with her.

"Luan. Let's talk..." The first girl said. Setting the stage for a talk that will make or break Luan.

(I decided to do Black Panther after much thought. Don't get me wrong..I love Black Panther. I just miss Chadwick Boseman)

(I found a female green arrow. I was going to find one with her partner, Red Arrow..however I didn't like any of the female pictures that they had so this will be the last one with a bow and arrow)

(Lady Bug and Cat Noir are going to be in this because they are superheroes. Speaking of which..Do you guys want an all female JNPR and RWBY plus Sun and Neptune to be in here?)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye :)

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