Sibling Royal Rumble

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After Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, showed his mother and sisters that they are Kamen Riders, they decided to keep it a secret and continue having a good time in Coney Island but suddenly there was an explosion, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne saw a lot of people running for their lives and out of the mist they saw the evil five older Loud sisters.

Lori: Hello mother

Rita: *Gasps*

Luna: Long time, no see mommy

Rita: You're finally out

Luan: Yes after you abandoned us

Luna: Now it's time to finish what we started

Lincoln: You want my mother, you'll have to get through us

Ronnie Anne: That's right

Luna: We're going to enjoy this

Lincoln: Ready Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne: Yeah

Lincoln & Ronnie Anne: HENSHIN *transforms*

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Time to end this

Kamen Rider Femme: Agreed

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Mom, girls get to safety, we'll handle this

Medusa: Kill them

Blanc Visor: Sword Vent

Kamen Rider Femme: I don't think so snake freak

Dopant: I'm going to use your light sabor as a tooth pick after I eat you

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Go ahead and try, REVOLCANE!!

Dopant: Grr

Kamen Rider Black Rx: It's time to finish this

Roidmude: *Enraged* COME HERE

Meanwhile With Kamen Rider Femme

Kamen Rider Femme: You girls never learn, you never mess with the family of Kamen Rider

Medusa: Why are you even involve in this, this is between us and Lincoln

Kamen Rider Femme: He's my future husband, if you mess with him, you mess with me

Onycho Magia: How adorable, we'll bury you together

Kamen Rider Femme: Go ahead and try bitch

Blanc Visor: BLANCWING

Medusa and Onycho Magia saw Kamen Rider Femme's giant swan attacking and were strike by it.

Meanwhile With Kamen Rider Black Rx

Kamen Rider Black Rx: What's the price of selling out your own planet and people

Dopant: With a lot of power in the universe, we'll have everything we ever wanted

Greed: And a lot of men, it's going to be fun

Kamen Rider Black Rx: You're going to the last five women to have a date, that's not fun, that's sad and pathetic

Greed: Shut up

Dopant: You have right to insult us

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Don't the player hate the game bitch

Kamen Rider Black Rx and Kamen Rider Femme combine their final strike to take down the evil older Loud sisters. When the mist lifted there was no sign of them.

Rita: Lincoln, Ronnie Anne where are you?

Lincoln: We're right here

Rita: *Hugs both Lincoln and Ronnie Anne* thank god you're both ok

Ronnie Anne: We're a team, we fight together

Lincoln: Let's go get some ice cream, it's finally over

Or so they think.

                             To Be Continued

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