The Shocking News

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Previously where we left off. Lincoln and Ronnie had no choice but to fight their own friends, nearly injuring Ronnie Anne. Our heroes nearly lost until two new Kamen Rider came to their aid.

The two new Kamen Riders revealed to be Fabrizio and Evelyn. Now they're taking an injured Ronnie Anne to the hospital, waiting for the results.

Fabrizio: Calm down Lincoln

Evelyn: Everything is going to be ok, we're get her here just on time

Lincoln: I know but it's my fault for letting this happen, I know this was too dangerous

Fabrizio: Don't blame yourself, not all battles you can win without having a scratch

Evelyn: That's right

Then the doctor came with the results. This doctor is the only one who knows their Kamen Rider secret.

Lincoln: How is my girlfriend, doctor?

Doctor: Don't worry son, she's ok but she won't be able fight for the rest of the year, she's pregnant

Lincoln, Fabrizio & Evelyn: *Gasp*

Lincoln went into Ronnie Anne's room and saw that she's getting better.

Ronnie Anne: Hi mi amor

Lincoln: Hi mon amour, why didn't tell me that you were pregnant

Ronnie Anne: I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you wouldn't accept it

Lincoln: Are you kidding me? I do want to be a father *hugs Ronnie Anne* seeing that you're ok, this the important to me, you're my entire universe and I want to be there for our child

Ronnie Anne: *Hugs Lincoln* I love you Lincoln

Lincoln: I love you too my Ronnie Anne

Fabrizio: Don't worry about Lincoln, Ronnie Anne

Evelyn: Now that we're Kamen Riders as well, we'll help Lincoln

Ronnie Anne: Thank you so much

Evelyn: Anything for a friend

Fabrizio: For now, remain with your family, we called your family and they'll be here to pick you up

Evelyn: And don't worry about the medical bills, Helga paid it all, she said anything for the Kamen Riders

Fabrizio: There another attack

Lincoln: Come let's go guys

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln please be careful out there

Lincoln: I will, I promise *kisses Ronnie Anne in the fourth head*

Lincoln, Fabrizio and Evelyn got on their motorcycles and rode them towards the direction of the screams were coming from.

Dark Slasher: Look darling, they're back

Shadow Moon: You came back for a rematch

Lincoln: That's right, you messed with my girl

Dark Slasher: Aww mr softy

Medusa: She's weak just like you

Fabrizio: We'll see about that, snake freak

Lincoln, Fabrizio and Evelyn: HENSHIN!!!! *transform*

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Let's do this

Kamen Rider Birth: Right

Kamen Rider Kiva-La: Let's win this

Greed: Kill them all

Kamen Rider Black Rx and his two new allies began to fight against their enemies. Fabrizio/Kamen Rider Birth found a way to few Clyde/Shadow Moon and Sid/Dark Slasher but he'll need a clear shot.

Kamen Rider Black Rx activated his revolcane saber and pierced Medusa in the chest.

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Goodbye sister

Medusa: This isn't over

Kamen Rider Kiva-La: The others got away

Kamen Rider Birth: But I did find a way to free Clyde and Sid from their control but I'll need more time to design the weapon

Kamen Rider Black Rx: Ask my little sister Lisa to help you, she maybe a four year old but she's a gifted child

Kamen Rider Birth: Ok then

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