The Truth Of The Past Is Revealed

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Previously on the chapter Lincoln and Ronnie Anne found his mother in Time Square. Now Chapter 18 the Truth Of The Past Is Revealed.

Rita: Oh my baby boy I've missed you for all these years

Lincoln: Mom I can't believe that we finally found you

Ronnie Anne: I never lost hope that we could find you Mrs. Loud

Rita: Thank you for taking care of my son Ronnie Anne

Ronnie Anne: I'm his girlfriend it's my job

Lincoln: Mom what happened in the past, what started this

Rita: It's a long story my baby boy but I'll explain it in my apartment, it's not safe to explain it here

Rita took Lincoln and Ronnie Anne to her apartment where the truth where be revealed.

Lincoln: Mom tell us what happened in the past, why are my sisters trying to kill

Rita: It all happened before you were born, your father and I were once a happy married couple with five beautiful girls and you but one day....

Ronnie Anne: What happened?

Rita: Your father got fired from his job and began to drink, a couple of weeks later I thought he had change but I was wrong, he began to be paranoid thinking that you weren't his son, he turned your sisters against us and so we ran away

Lincoln: I don't believe it

Rita: I had to leave you in custody of the CPS in order to protect you, when your father and sisters were in prison, I tried to get you back they told me that they lost you, for years I've been searching for you, I've missed you all these years please forgive for abandoning you

Lincoln: *Hugs Rita* I forgive you I understand that you were trying to protect me

Lucy: Mom we're home

Lola: Who are these two mom?

Rita: Girls this is your older brother Lincoln

Lana: Wow we have a brother

Lisa: This is incredible

Lily: Are you really our big brother?

Lincoln: Yes kiddo I am your brother and she's my girlfriend Ronnie Anne Santiago

Ronnie Anne: It's great to meet you kids

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