Part 11: Clean Up

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True to their word...after breakfast, The Loud parents and the sisters went to the store to get some storage boxes and some new sheets for Luna's new bed.

"Explain to me again why you're buying me some sheets and some pillows?" Luna asked.

"Well...since Luan won't be using her bunk...we thought that that would be a waste of space to leave in there. So I thought that we could use Lori's bed as your own bed." Rita said.

"Why can't we just buy a new bed?" Leni asked.

"Because that will cost us a lot of money. Besides we're not going to waste money when there two vacant ones. Besides there will be enough room for it once we clean up all of Luan's things." Rita said.

The girls nodded at the explanation and started to carry the storage boxes to the van. As they were heading back home...Lynn Sr. started to talk about another subject. 

"Guys...I've been thinking about Vanzilla and I think that we need to get rid of her." Lynn Sr. Said.

"But Dad...This is a family heirloom!" Lola said.

"I know. Which is why I'm suggesting that we get a new van. Look...Vanzilla has a lot of problems and could die at any point on the street. Besides we know how much you all hate pushing this van around when it does die. Except for Lola who doesn't help at all." Lynn Sr. Said while glancing at his daughter. 

"Your father's right. And Lana...we called the zoo about some of your pets and they're coming to pick them up this afternoon." Rita said.

"But.." Lana said before Lola interrupted her.

"Lana...those pets of yours can be dangerous. Look at El Diablo...He could eat and kill any of us at any point in time. We don't even know if he's poisonous or not...besides do you even know how much money..Mom and Dad have to spend when they have to take them to the vet." Lola said.

"Fine. At least this gives me time to say goodbye." Lana said.

"Wow Lola...I didn't think that you could say that nicely." Luna said.

"Well the conversation with Mom and Dad opened my eyes. I need to lose the attitude and start treating you guys better. Especially you Lana." Lola said.

When the Louds finally arrived back home...they quickly started to work on packing all of the things that their three former sisters left behind.

"I still have to get used to the lack of jokes." Luna said as she packed some of Luan's clown shoes  while Lola packed Mr. Coconuts.

"Yeah. This was the first time in all of my six years where we wouldn't be pranked as soon as we get up." Lola said.

"Or have to listen to those awful puns." Luna said.

"Sigh...So much is changing. And all it took was for Lincoln to be beaten up and taken to the hospital." Lola said before Luna hugged her.

"It hurts doesn't it. In a way...the only positive thing that happened is that Mom and Dad finally started to take their parenting seriously." Luna said. 

"Yeah. However you forgot something else that's positive." Lola said.

"What?" Luna said.

"We don't have to live in terror on April first anymore." Lola said making Luna laugh while they continued to work. Meanwhile...Lucy and Lana were working on getting Lynn's stuff packed.

"Wow...I know that she likes sports, but does she have to have this many balls laying around." Lana said.

"Unfortunately...she does. Just be thankful that you don't share a room with her." Lucy said.

"'re finally going to have a room for yourself. How does it feel?" Lana said as she placed some of Lynn's shoes away.

"Horrible. I know that I should be glad for the opportunity, but...I hate that Lincoln had to be hurt to make me have it." Lucy said.

"Yeah. It's minute everything's normal and the next...chaos. I just wish that the events that happened yesterday could've been different. Especially since I lost a role model in the process." Lana said while wiping her tears away before she felt Lucy's hand on her shoulder.

"I know that I don't really say anything positive...but, think of all the things that we gained because of what happened. Lincoln's in the hospital, but he'll get better and once he's out of there...he'll see how much improvement has happened in our lives. I know that you lost a role model, but that doesn't mean that you can't find someone else to relate to." Lucy said.

"Thanks for that Lucy." Lana said.

"No problem. Now come on...we need to place some of these pictures in the storage box." Lucy said. At the same time, Leni and Lisa were busy placing Lori's stuff minus the dresses in the storage boxes.

"Sigh...I remember making Lori this when I was six year old. I know that it was a prized possession  of hers, now look at where it's ending up." Leni said as she placed an bracelet in a storage box.

"Leni..How will we all deal with this?" Lisa said as she placed another picture of Lori and Bobby in the storage box besides her.

"What do you mean?" Leni asked.

"I mean...How will we all deal with the changes, the fact that Lincoln is in the hospital, and that three of our former sisters are in jail?" Lisa asked again. Leni looked at her for a second and noticed that she was shaking...when she noticed that Leni knew that Lisa was crying.

"Lisa...We'll deal with all of this as a family. Besides this will give us a chance to become closer than ever before." Leni said.

"But I never done any of that...I was so busy working on my experiments that I never developed any social skills." Lisa said.

"We can help you Lisa. One step at a time. know that Lincoln would want to see your face along with all of ours when he wakes up in the hospital. Now come on..let's finish this and then we'll figure out how to get you some more friends." Leni said before Lisa gave her a small smile and went back to work.

The girls may have have lost their sisters and their brother is in the hospital, but as long as they have each other...

The new possibilities are endless.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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