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They dragged me through the city
While I looked back at the forest
I tried looking in front at the lights
But I got lost in the whispers of others
Trying to find my way back
I followed the leaves on the ground
They again dragged me back to the city
This time I stopped walking
I looked back at the forest
The laughter and joy from there danced in my ears
Tears streaming down as I tried to reach for it
They pushed me through the city
as I resisted and they finally let me go
As I looked back at the forest
It had disappeared into nothing
I again found myself lost in the whispers
I looked at the mirror with no reflection
I followed the footsteps in my heart
Which lead to the top of the building
I looked down as I saw the forest again
I jumped as I felt the happiest I could ever
Darkness took over me as my blood flowed on the streets that were once filled with lights
While I followed the forest leaving behind a trail of leaves 🍂

Someone told me I should write the explanation as well so here it is.
(In the explanation by I, I do not mean myself, it could be anyone)

I was happy in a place but others didn't like it. It wasn't what they were expecting of me. I was forced to go to where I didn't want to go. Even when I was there, I missed my past and waited for the time when I would be able to go back there. But while being where I didn't want to be, I lost myself into what others expected of me and what others would think and the place I once longed for was no longer there. This means that once time has passed it will never come back. I was filled with regret for wasting my life. Not wanting to go back to where I didn't want to, I acted on impulse and jumped off from the building. Before jumping, I saw the forest again. I thought if I jumped, I'll be able to go back there. But in fact, when I jumped I ended up dying. Only my trail was left behind as I was now lost.
You are not alone. Killing yourself is never the answer. And please please reach out to someone if you need help.
And if anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm right here.

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