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Location: Termina


It was easily morning. They had just finished their first morning in this 'cursed' Land called Termina. One thing most noticeable when they went to eat, was the eldest heroes absence.

"Hey Ranch-hand, where's Old man, you shared a room right?" Legend asked

"He wern't in his bed when I woke up, so I dunno really." He responded tiredly

"Your never usually this tired, or up in your full attire. What happened to Time." Warriors said.

Twilight allowed his head to drop back when he sat on a chair. He looked up, his eyes now a bright yellow.

"Woah, Twilight your eyes!" Wind said, curiously.

"Boo~" He said, his voice deeper if possible

He jumped up through the porch roof, it collapsed around the heroes who jumped out in time. Twilight stood on the roof, staring daggers into the heroes souls.

"Wait, I've seen those eyes before..." Wild quickly looked through his Sheika slate.

The heroes looked around, some still fixed on Twilight.

"Damnit." Wild cursed

"What? Whats wrong?" Hyrule asked

"My Majora's Mask isint present. It had the same eyes as Twilight. And I'm guessing that what took Time. The mask houses a dormant demon, waiting for the right time to strike." Wild explained, examining the empty slot in his inventory

"Well that ain't good..." Sky said.

Twilight jumped up, as he did, clouds parted, Revealing a big moon. It had a sinister grin. And the same bright yellow eyes.

The heroes visbaly froze, Wilds slate falling into the ground. Twilight was seen waving and disappearing into it. The moon's course seemed to be straight for Clock Town.

"What in the name of Hylia...." Four uttered in shock, retaining himself.

"That looks fake..." Legend said in disbelief

"Oh no it's real alright" Warriors said.

"Oh and how do you know captain?" Legend asked

"Well, I knew someone called 'Child Link.' He had a weird adult blue and white form that he gained from a mask. He could somehow summon the moon to attack the enemies when I was fighting in the war." He briefly explained

The chain just looked at him, seeing as he and Wild knew the most about this occurrence, the others, this was surreal.

"Well the mask doesn't do much in daylight, but if I wore it at night, it would be difficult to take off, and I could seem to command the enemies somehow. It was weird but if they somehow have those masks, they would be unstoppable and more powerful at night" Wild explained.

"Well, if that's the case, we aren't gonna see them to night so I'm going back to bed" Sky said.

The others followed, all going back into the Inn and sleeping once more.


Night fell over Termina. Wild and Wind went around waking up the rest of them.

"So now what?" Four asked

"We wait dummie" Hryule said

And that they did. They all say around, gazing at the stars or the oncoming moon.

Eventually two figures appeared, illuminated by the yellow eyes. They sat stop the Clock Tower.

"Hey guys! It's them" Wild said, standing up, his and on the hilt of his sword.

One of them seemed to have spikes on their face, larger eyes and a hat.

Both jumped down, each wielding Thier weapons.

"Oi, Time, Twilight, are you okay?" Warriors asked

They just stood there, the one made out as Twilight grabbed a mask from behind him, he placed it on his face. He fell down due to pain, and a shrilling shriek erupted from him. Black and purple mist followed, then he was standing up, taller than all the heroes. He had glowing white eyes and a twisting claymore in his hands.

The one with the other mask laughed as the mask shook on his face. He had a noticeable Ocarina in his hand which he played, the moon roared and moved slowly down to the heroes.

Warriors ran forward trying to attack the Ocarina holder, the taller stopped him and sent him flying with a one handed blow of the sword.

"WARRIORS!" Wind shrieked, causing the taller to get angry, and throw him high in the air.

"Holy fuck..." Legend said.

He quickly changed out some jewelry, readying his fire rod.

Wild got out his Royal Guards Blade and Hylian shield. He chucked Sky a sword with identical weight to the master sword to Sky, knowing he can't use the blade as they are still technically 'Allies'.

Wild also knelt down, Wind appeared for.nowhere as he was launched high up in the air. He caught wind, who climbed on his back as he glided safely down.

The others where already in combat.

The pair joined.


They seemed to be winning the fight against them. 6-2. Warriors hasent joined back yet.

That's when something unusual happened. Majora mask wearer was elevated up in the air, then dropped, the mask wass till there. If managed to grow limbs and a sufficient demonic body, landing back down. It had thousands of teeth, all over its body. The mask was in its stomach. It was arms that looked like they where badly sewn onto Whips. It towered over them. It had another set of arms that where spiked at the end. Then a usual set underneath. It was pure nightmare fuel, especially with no face, just alot of teeth.

The heroes stopped. Twilight bowed down to the monster, whom, turned, seeing it's form and stabbed a spike through him, lifting him up, using a hand to rip off the mask, which looked like skin being torn off. Twilight was normal underneath, screaming in pain as his second skin was being ripped off. All the masks powers melted into it, which resided in the demons hand. Twilight was left, elevated, being merely held up by a spike.

The spike was removed as he was seemingly teleported away, reappearing, just clinging to life, on the tip of the Moons nose. There was a noticeable hole even from this distance. It showed the moon, Twilight's eyes dimmed as his life was slipping away.

The hero clad in green was put in the Demons form, Moulded in. Sky gritted his teeth, dropping Wilds sword on the ground.

He reluctantly grabbed the Master sword, biting the inside of his cheek from the burning pain on his hands that traveled through his body. He used one hand initially, Raising it skyward. It refused to fall down. He used his other hand to no avail. His Triforce glowed a bright gold, A pair of sleek pale hands appeared from out of it, holding the sword, trying to help int down. He struggled the sword now pushing him backwards.

The chain saw his struggles, Coming and holding his hands, and the glowing ones pushing the sword down. With one final blow, they did it. The sword toppled down, sending a blue strike at the demon, knocking it back, letting the person fall out.

The demon was still stunned. Sky was confused as now the hand with the Triforce, was full. Not just courage, all 3 pieces. He saw this once but gave it to Zelda, Who offered it to Hylia.

He examined it. Wild then shouted at him


"I- I DONT KNOW HOW!" He responded.

Wild ran over, telling him quick fire instructions. The sky turned a fiery red, the moon edging closer, showing a yellow glow.

"Just, think about the one you love most and raise your hand at it, and most of all, don't be scared." Wild said, the demon regained itself, seeing the Triforce Sky had, that it wanted so badly.

Sky did as told, raising his hand outstretched at the Demon. He though about Zelda, Groose, Pipit, all the happy memories of Skyloft. He strengthened it, mainly Zelda clouded his angered mind.

He took a deep breath, Focousing on one memory from when they had their First kiss. His triforce erupted a bright yellow glow. The heores flinched at the bright light, Wild and Sky stood unfazed. Wild nodded at him.

Sky whatched at thr Demon withered away, back into the mask. He did not let up this newfound power. Banishing the demon into the mask.

He let his hand fall. Then, his knees gave way as he toppled to the ground, passing out immediately from the overuse of a new power.

The moon turned into ash. Wild used the updraft ability again, Saving Twilight, Whom, was now dead.

He layed him on the ground, Pouring a Fairy tonic on his wound, it started to heal. He also used a couple fairies on him. He still layed still. The chain rushed over.

"C'mon rancher" Legend said, eagerly.

Twilight took a deep breath, opening his eyes and sitting up, only to wince and lie down again. His head and body hurt so badly.

"Glad to have you back, Link" Hyrule said.

Warriors walked back, helping the Hero clad in Green up. He had the usual large hat and the same hairdo as Time. He did not speak at all, Merely grabbing his ocarina, and playing a soft song. He grew a bit, Turning into the Time they all knew and loved.

"Welcome back old man, remember much? Either of you?" Warriors asked

"Nope. I remember falling asleep and now." He said.

"I remember falling asleep, Then getting my should ripped from me and a ungodly pain when the demon stabbed me, and now. " Twilight said.

"What exactly happened?" Time asked

"Now that's a story for another day." Sky said.

A faint clapping was heard, then more and more. The sun arose, the locals came out of their houses, Clapping at the heores Bravery. They stood, welcoming the applause. Warriors and Time helped eachother to Stand, Hryule helped Sky and Legend and Wild helped Twilight. Four and Wind just waved at them.

It was a lovely way to start the morning. This way all that happened could be classified as a Nightmare.



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