⌜ forty two ⌟

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"you know, it's my first time seeing a king not having the privilege to sleep inside his room."

yeah, because jaehyun was kicked out of the room by his upset wifey. so much for having the power of being the king when he can't even get to sleep in his own room. it's all because of the mess where he had to unfortunately meet his ex and taeyong just happens to be there and get roasted by his ex. for a moment there, he actually had expected for the two to have a cat fight but luckily it didn't happen or things would get worst.

he'd actually get to sleep in the kitchen if that happens.

hearing the eagles talk about it, jaehyun's eyes filled with fury diverted to their direction and it was enough to shut them up. with a sigh, jaehyun's attention went back to the lion and the pudu in front of him that had their head lowered down as they were present there to take responsibility of their decision in running away.

both mark and donghyuck turned their heads to the side just to look at each only to release a deep breath, not knowing they'd still be in so much trouble even after everything.

those eagles who sided along with the former queen, i want you to take a step forward.❞ jaehyun announced, having everyone inside the palace gathered at the lobby to give them their consequences for causing such trouble inside the kingdom. ❝did none of you hear what i have just said!?

those guilty eagles scrambled in the middle, standing behind the pudu and the lion, and also had their heads lowered down, getting ready for what they were about to face. they knew better than to follow the former queen's order but nope, they just had to be scared of her and do what she had ordered.

"see? that would have been us if we had captured that bunny and that meerkat."

"yeah, damn i wonder how they are doing right now."

"i heard that one of the eagles here joined them."

a familiar group of eagles then caught jaehyun's attention but he decided to entertain them later as he still had many to call out. ❝na jaemin, step out here.

upon seeing a bunny walking out from the crowd, the group of eagles that were familiar with him widened their eyes. they didn't expect for the king to call him and let him face some consequences. heck, they didn't even know what the bunny did.

except for kissing the meerkat, that is.

you are asked a week of suspension for taking part of the plan in letting these two run away.❞ jaehyun announced, causing for some to widened their eyes in surprise while jaemin stood there with a nod, accepting what was given to him.

both the pudu and the lion raised their heads at the same time, not expecting for jaemin to be included in those who are taking punishments. mark knew he had to say something about this, knowing very well that jaemin didn't deserve this kind of treatment after everything he had done. ❝jaehyun

unlike mark who didn't want formalities between friends, jaehyun wanted to change that for the sake of everyone to be aware as to who is superior inside the palace and who they should prioritize in taking orders from. he's not greedy for his position, he just didn't want for what happened in mark's era to happen again. ❝i do not remember giving you permission in calling me by my first name, mark lee.

rolling his eyes, the lion knew that jaehyun was internally enjoying this very much. ❝your highness, jaemin has nothing to do with this.

he helped you escaped the palace, brought you to his house, and let you stay there for quite a while.❞ the king said, stating the facts at what jaemin had done.

but you also let us escape in the first place—

mark was cut off when jaehyun raised his palm up, ordering for the lion to zip his mouth up. clicking his tongue, mark could only look back at the bunny who stood there behind the eagle with a long frown. while he was feeling guilty for putting the bunny into this mess, a meerkat and an eagle went to step forward without being ordered to do so. they caught jaehyun's eyes but that didn't let them go back to their places.

"oh look, it's that meerkat."

"is jeno the eagle you were talking about in joining them?"

"damn, i didn't even know it was jeno. i actually thought it was secretly you."

jaehyun could feel losing his temper as he heard the group of eagles talking a little bit too loud again. taking a deep breath, he held himself back as he had a much more bigger problem to deal here and that is the meerkat and eagle stepping out. ❝what are you two doing?

jeno had his brows furrowed as he turned his head to the side only to be surprised in seeing the meerkat also stepping out for jaemin. with a smile that made him confident, the eagle was the first to speak. ❝i didn't do my duties in guarding during the night and let the bunny get away with the former king's diary. i do think i also deserve a week of suspension with that, your highness.

pressing his lips into a thin line, renjun promised his own self that he wouldn't join this mess even if he is a part of it. then again, he found it unfair as to why jaemin is only one facing that consequences when they were also part of it. ❝i helped along the pudu's and the lion's escape. just like the eagle, your highness, i also think that i deserve a week of suspension.

jaemin slowly turned around and looked at both the meerkat and eagle who's giving him a reassuring smile. biting his lower lip, he couldn't believe that the two would actually turn themselves in and it is making him emotional. meanwhile, mark held back the urge to roll his eyes for the second time at how the two were giving up their duties for a week just for jaemin.

of that isn't obvious enough that there is something blooming between the three of them then mark doesn't know what is.

i am glad that you two admitted it yourselves.❞ the king said, nodding his head and motioning his hands for both the meerkat and eagle to follow where they would stand and that was right next to the bunny.

with the two of them standing right next to him, the bunny didn't have the courage to look up and just had his head down. it was till then he felt his hands being held by the two and when he raised his head up to look at them, they only gave him a small smile. it wasn't at the right moment, since the three of them were suspended and it was something not to be happy about, but he felt heat rising up to his cheeks and tightened his hold with the two's hand.

"fuck, look at how cute they are!"

"quiet down, jesus, we'd get caught talking in this state."

"but he's right, look at their hands! i suddenly don't know what the laws of nature are."

hearing them again, jaehyun couldn't take it anymore. ❝those three guards over there!

with everyone's eyes following behind, the three obvious eagles also turned around to see where they were looking at and who were those guards the king was referring to, not knowing that it was them. not until one guard whispered something to them that made them gulp at the same time and quickly took a low bow in front of the king.

they kept on nudging each other, blaming as to whose fault it was for getting the king's attention, that made jaehyun sigh, finding them hopeless.

but he can't punish them since they did nothing but to annoy him.

with jeno's absence, i look forward as to how you would lead the eagles.❞ he announced, making the three stand there dumbfounded.

at least he made them shut up, that's something.

the three eagles being handed down such duty froze there with jeno turning around with his brow rased at them. still respecting the eagle who is given a week of suspension, they took a bow and reassured the eagle that they'd try their best to lead the eagle while he is away.

jaehyun smiled at the sight at how the palace was going back to how it was before, he removed his attention to them and lowered his eyes on to the pudu and lion that is still in front of him. going down the platform, he placed his hands on both their shoulders, standing in between the two. ❝you two are not allowed to leave the palace till you make up for your mistakes.

knowing very well that these two planned on leaving once again.

mark groaned. ❝come on, why do we have—

you dare go up against the king, mark lee?❞ with a deadly glare, jaehyun eyed the lion beside him.

cheeks puffed and arms crossed, the younger lion shook his head. ❝no, your highness.

yep, jaehyun sure is having fun being king.


how is he?❞ getting inside a garden that he had no idea that existed inside the palace, mark's father frowned upon knowing that this was kept a secret from him.

grumbling, mark threw himself down the grass and scared the butterflies away. ❝he's enjoying alright.

chuckling, his father stood there while looking down at the young lion who is rolling down the grass as he let out tons of complaints about their king. ❝i wish i didn't have let you go through all of those.

staring up at the lion, mark showed a smile and shook his head. ❝it's okay, at least i get to know what it's like to be a king.

the father's eyes sparked in excitement upon guessing that maybe, just maybe, his son would like to take the throne one day. ❝then—

i finally know that i won't ever be king again!❞ mark exclaimed, causing for his father to frown in disappointment.

well, he can't force him if he doesn't like it.

settling himself down to his son, he never knew how much he missed in his life. he missed most of it not being with his son and just letting him be with his father. now look what they have done in being together, making this beautiful garden that he didn't even get the idea to do so. mark glanced up at him while still laying down and had a smile plastered in his face as he caught his father admiring the garden.

neither of them were pressured to talk or to make a noise, they just enjoyed the comfortable silence between them.

you know,❞ not until mark's father had decided to break the ice. ❝i didn't expect for both you and dad to be in love with a pudu.

mark let out a chuckle. ❝i didn't even know grandfather loved a pudu.

i thought i was alone.

that one sentence immediately made the young lion shot himself up from the ground and snap his head towards his father with a surprised look on. ❝you also loved a pudu!?❞ covering his mouth dramatically, ❝don't tell me it's donghyuck's mother—

mark didn't get to finish his guess when his father clicked his tongue and lightly pushed him back down. the young lion groaned at the sudden action and sat back up while dusting his back, waiting for what his father had to say.

there's this baboon that took care of me ever since i was announced ill.❞ the father started, spacing out with a loving smile on his face. ❝but i have to keep it from your mother or she would hurt her.

huffing, mark crossed his arms. ❝why did you even marry her in the first place?

are you asking not to be born?❞ the father snapped back at his son.

letting a sound of disbelief, ❝the only right thing she has done was bring me to this world.❞ he told him.

the father then sighed, part of him agreeing with what his son had said. ❝we are born in a royal family, it's normal for us to be in forced marriages.❞ mark couldn't believe that he'd be agreeing with it but his father had a point.

he just got lucky that he rebelled on the rules and got away with it easily.

but now that she's gone,❞ mark laid back down the grass and heaved a relieving sigh, closing his eyes after. ❝do you have plans with the baboon?

smirking, the father planed to tease the young lion. ❝donghyuck's mother is quite beautiful despite of her age if you ask me.

having his eyes shot open, mark went to charge his father. ❝dad, don't even think about it!

letting out a loud laugh, the father managed to stand up quickly and ran away from his son that's now chasing after him. the two were running around the garden, not noticing a pair of eyes looking at them with a small smile. turning around, the lioness started to walk away and decided not to disturb the two. she was supposed to talk to one of them and ask about the former queen but seems like she doesn't need to do that anymore seeing that the two were happy without her presence. nevertheless, she had permission with the king already so might as well finish her job so that she can finally go back to her kingdom.

walking gracefully down the corridors, she greeted anyone she would pass by with with a bright smile before making her way down to a part of the palace that turned dark. grabbing a kerosene lamp that an eagle handed to her by the entrance, she had asked the eagle to follow her from behind and guard her. with that, she continued to walk down the dark part of the palace and heard wails coming from where she was headed to.

the dungeon.

noticing a familiar pair of eagles, she gave them a smile before walking over to them and checking the cell that they were guarding. a lioness was curled there with her hair being messed up and face now covered with coal stain and her dress covered with dusts. she sighed, pitying the lioness as she didn't get the chance to even change her clothes from the wedding that failed.

eun ji's thoughts were then cut off by an odd chuckle coming from the lioness inside the cell, making her look at the former queen with her brows raised. ❝i know i'd be out of here one way or another.

with a smile, eun ji ordered one eagle to open the cell and bring the former queen out. ❝nice guess, but can you guess where you will be brought to?

the former queen was grabbed by a pair of eagles and she didn't get the chance to escape no matter how much she squirmed. eun ji kept a smile on her face as she watched her struggle.

hint, definitely not to your majestic room.

the former queen's eyes widened as she finally had an idea as to where she will be brought to. eun ji followed the guards from behind as she let them drag her out from the dungeon and planned to bring the former queen to her kingdom and deal with her there as she promised the king that she won't let this former queen disturb their kingdom ever again.


donghyuck had a small smile on his face as he actually didn't know that he'd be missing cooking inside the kitchen. he helped the other pudu's in getting ready for the king's supper even though the pudu insisted for him not to move a muscle. let's just say, after his relationship with mark was exposed inside the palace, he was treated differently even thought mark isn't the king anymore. he liked it how they were careful of him but didn't want to be treated like a princess and serve him, he didn't like that part.

hyuck, someone is here to meet you!❞ one of the pudu's shouted across the kitchen.

but donghyuck didn't bother turning around. ❝if it's renjun, tell him to go and eat jeno's face!❞ he grumbled, continuing to chop the vegetables. ❝or jaemin's.

before he could put the chopped vegetables down the pot, the pudu felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and it startled him for a short second till he found the warmth quite familiar. with a contented smile, donghyuck continued in cooking as he let that so-called visitor hug him from behind.

but what if it's mark,❞ the voice said near to his ears, sending him shivers down to his spine. ❝would you tell him to go and eat his sunshine's face?

donghyuck rolled his eyes before turning the fire on the stove down just to turn around and capture the lion's lips by surprise. there were still a lot of pudu's present inside the kitchen which surprised mark at how donghyuck became to bold to kiss him in public. nonetheless, the lion didn't mind the stares and went to kiss back, pulling the pudu close till their chest were glued together.

the pudu parted his lips and just as when mark was about to insert his tongue inside, donghyuck pulled away with an innocent smirk on his face. the lion leaned forward in hopes to catch the pudu's lips once more but donghyuck had escaped from the lion's arms swiftly.

if it's mark lee,❞ donghyuck busied himself, not bothering to check how upset mark was for not continuing their kiss. ❝i'd tell him to go to his room and wait for his meal there.

that caused for the lion's ears to perk up, finding interest in what the pudu had just said. ❝could my meal be perhaps..❞ he tried to look like he was thinking hard with his finger tapping his chin. ❝a pudu?

not holding back a wide grin, donghyuck decided to disregard whatever he was doing there in the kitchen and threw his arms behind the lion's neck with mark wrapping his arms back on his waist to catch the two of them from stumbling back.

leaning forward towards the lion's ears, donghyuck whispered in the most softest way that made mark feel things that he shouldn't be feeling in public. ❝i don't know but i heard his name is donghyuck.

and let's just say the two had to be separated once donghyuck's mother arrived inside the kitchen. donghyuck immediately rushed to continue making supper for the king and mark went off grabbing a spatula, eyeing it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. the pudu's mother raised a brow at how the two were acting strange but she didn't have to get answers from them when she could see the other pudu nodding their heads at her, telling her that they had done something.

sighing, ❝mark, i'll be the one serving you dinner for tonight.❞ the mother said.

it caused donghyuck widen his eyes. ❝but mom—

would you want my son for dinner?

eyes sparkling, mark was shameless in nodding his head aggressively while donghyuck stood there with his face heating up. he turned his head to the side and saw all the pudu chuckling at their state. his mother then gave the lion a sweet smile before blocking his view from her son.

no, not yet.

both the pudu and the lion exchanged glances while being clueless but had a small smile the next second, chuckling at the situation they were in.

things ended well for them after for so many obstacles.

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