⌜ nine ⌟

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waiting patiently for his lunch-

actually no, mark isn't even hungry. he's just waiting patiently to see a specific pudu. after the meeting he had with him the last time, which was yesterday, that pudu didn't even dare to personally serve his meals to him.

closing the book he has been staring at for minutes, mark slammed it down the desk before throwing his body down the bed. ❝he had the guts not to show up after slamming the door on my face.

it has been bothering him since lunch time yesterday when donghyuck didn't show up but asked one of the aunt pudu's to bring the food up. mark even went down the dinning for dinner, hoping to see him but he didn't spot a familiar looking pudu at all.

too into his thoughts, mark didn't even hear the knock on his door.

he had just realized when a meerkat went inside.

again, he had hoped for it to be donghyuck. ❝renjun?

the meerkat gave him a grin while showing the tray with his meal on it. ❝lunch, mark.

at least one knew that he wasn't in the mood to face a friend that would call him with honorifics. ❝did donghyuck run out of pudus to ask to bring my meals here?❞ he scoffed, not remembering assigning renjun for his meals.

even though mark didn't mean it for renjun to hear but the meerkats heard it and can only chuckle at how hopeless he looked. ❝you look like you haven't eaten even though we bring you food everyday.

you're exaggerating.❞ he's upset and may have looked like he didn't get to have sleep last night but it's not because of donghyuck, not because of him at all.

i apologize in his behalf.❞ renjun placed the tray down to a mini table before taking a low bow at mark who stared at him with bored eyes.

the lion didn't really try asking the meerkat about the pudu's whereabouts. renjun may know where he has been since they are friends, but mark didn't want the meerkat to have different thoughts about them.

mark had no choice anyways, he wanted to know where donghyuck is. ❝is he busy?

putting up a polite smile, renjun shook his head as a no before walking towards the door. ❝donghyuck is sick.❞ then continued before excusing himself, ❝but i can reassure you that it was donghyuck who made meals for you.

mark saw renjun exiting himself from the room and carefully closed the door, leaving him alone inside the room once again. the lion took a deep breath before closing his eyes, feeling bad all of a sudden.

turning to his side, mark grabbed the lion plushie he had been keeping since he was young and held it tight in his arms. he hoped to comfort himself from the uneasiness.

he made me meals even though he is sick.

on the other hand, renjun had felt so guilty lying to mark. to a friend, what's more is that it's a king that he lied to. he cursed at donghyuck inside his head, wondering why the pudu is such a coward to simply bring the king's meals up to his room. it's not like mark is doing anything more than thanking him for his meals.

renjun just hoped that mark won't find out that he lied.

that pudu is going to get it from me.❞ the meerkat groaned before making his way back to the kitchen to return the tray.

along the way, his attention was then snatched by two specific males that's hanging out by the garden. he raised a brow and released a scoff from his mouth when he saw the sick laughing like there's no tomorrow.

but what made him feel things was the one the pudu is with. he could see the bunny smiling but he felt like there was something behind that smile.

looking away, renjun then fastened his steps. ❝i'm going to find jeno.

talking about their embarrassing pasts, donghyuck couldn't help but laugh at jaemin who shared the reason why he had started working inside the palace. he had no connections inside here, except for a friend namely doyoung but other than that, he didn't have anyone. his parents worked at a farm way far from the town and the reason why he got here is by a delivery truck.

so you were just supposed to be stealing a carrot,❞ donghyuck prepared himself to laugh again. ❝but got stuck inside the cart and decided to hide there?

jaemin nodded his head. ❝the next thing i know, i'm already working here.

donghyuck raised his hand and lightly slapped the bunny by his biceps, his laugh in par with the sun that's shining down on him. ❝i don't even know why i'm laughing but i actually thought that you got in because of your amazing skills in making bouquets.

jaemin rolled his eyes, ❝i don't even know how to do it till doyoung hyung taught me how to.

finally on a serious note, donghyuck gave jaemin a look of worry. ❝then what about your parents? has it been long since you last saw them?

puffing his cheeks, jaemin shook his head. ❝i visited them last summer. i'm also going to do that this summer.

how did they react to you suddenly working inside the palace?

shocked, very.❞ jaemin chuckled, remembering the disbelief looks his parents were giving him. they were worried for him thinking that he had ran away from home. ❝they were thinking that i was a meal for the king or any predators here.

that was me when i finally got to walk around the palace.❞ donghyuck shared, looking at jaemim who stared at him being playfully envy.

good for you!❞ the bunny whined. ❝i'm just stuck here in the garden and out quarters. here and there, back and forth. i'm getting bored of my surroundings already.

you got to walk around during coronation though.

but was wasn't even close to the deepest part of the palace.❞ motioning his fingers for donghyuck to lean closer, he whispered. ❝every castle has its secrets.

the pudu's eyes sparkled in curiosity once jaemin said that. ❝then, this palace-

has a secret, and i'm going to find what it is once i get at the right age.

donghyuck's excitement then died down when he had realized something, ❝wouldn't you get in trouble for that though?

not if i would be careful.❞ jaemin said, wiggling his brows at donghyuck who nudged him playfully.

this makes me want to join you.❞ the pudu stated then with a pout after. ❝but i don't want to burden my mother. getting in trouble may cause a lot to my mother.

jaemin scooted closer to the pudu, ❝like i said, we won't get in trouble if no one finds out.

displaying his smile, donghyuck pushed jaemin away from him. ❝you sly bunny!

they didn't know when they had gotten closer but they have just discovered that their presence were comfortable. they didn't mind if they'd hang out more after this. jaemin actually thought wrong of donghyuck being annoying, the pudu is just being a baby he is. meanwhile, donghyuck had already known that jaemin had that fun inside him.

i wonder why you and renjun always fight,❞ donghyuck started after moments of silence passed by. ❝you seem like nice person to be with.

hearing the meerkat's name caught jaemin off guard. memories of what he had seen between the meerkat and eagle flashed back inside his head and tried to shake them off. he wanted to tell donghyuck about it but it'll be rude if he does, he didn't want to cause trouble for anyone.

maybe we are just not compatible with each other.❞ he joked, lowkey hurting himself on the inside.

no.❞ donghyuck didn't think so, ❝i think renjun will like you if he gets to know you.

will he?❞ giving hope for himself.

nodding his head, the pudu gave the bunny a reassuring smile. speaking of renjun, donghyuck wanted to spill it to jaemin since they are now friends. ❝do you know something about renjun and that eagle?

jaemin's eyes widened, ❝w-what?❞ did donghyuck already know about it?

the pudu hummed, looking like a detective trying to match the puzzle pieces together. ❝they are always together, i'm suspecting something.

heaving a sigh, donghyuck doesn't know. jaemin didn't even know why he was relieved but he just was. clearing his throat, he started to act like he had no clue. ❝maybe they are just close friends.

maybe.❞ but donghyuck felt like there's something more than that.

too immersed in their own conversation, neither of the two even felt a pair of eyes looking at them from a distance. eyes showing annoyance, that's what it was called.

clicking his tongue at the sight, the lion turned away and started to get going to his next schedule for the day. the picture of the two being together still stuck inside his head.

sick my ass.❞ he can't believe that he actually felt bad for someone who lied.


after giving his mother his goodnights, donghyuck settled himself down the bed that's enough for him to feel comfortable and stared at the beautiful night sky.

he wanted to sleep but he felt like he forgot to do something.

closing his eyes with furrowed brows, donghyuck was about to drift off to dreamland but then had thought of the king all of a sudden.

his dinner!❞ the pudu gasped and quickly stood up from his bed.

wearing pajamas with animated sunflower prints on it didn't matter anymore, he needed to quickly make dinner for the king. he was too busy hanging out with jaemin that he completely forgot how his life inside the kingdom turned around after his birthday.

he mentally hit himself as he made his way towards the kitchen. the dark hallways didn't scare him that much since he was busy thinking of the possibilities once he gets to serve the king his dinner.

most of them are probably sleeping by now.❞ he didn't know much animals inside the palace that could help him bring the food up to the king's room.

he had no choice but to do it. crossed fingers, he hoped for the best and the lion is in his deep sleep.

catching his breath, donghyuck pushed the large wooden door open and was greeted by darkness inside the kitchen. his eyes widened and tried to remember where the switch was located. minutes had passed but had felt no switch. whining in the most silent way, donghyuck stretched his arms in the dark, waiting to feel the kitchen island and go around it.

the switch might probably be at the other side of the room-


the pudu's heart raised when a hand went to cover his mouth and the other held him around his waist. he was leaning by a chest and he was scared to find out who it was, thinking it was some kind of wild predators out loose to eat him.

but the palace is guarded, there's no way a loose predator can get in.

don't scream.

finding the raspy voice very familiar, donghyuck didn't even know why his body reacted and bit the hand resulting for the other to let go of him and let out a groan in pain.

quickly, donghyuck didn't know what he grabbed but he took what was near to him and was in a position to hit the predator with it.

seconds later, being surrounded by darkness, the lights were turned on and donghyuck's eyes traveled to the person who hissed and shaking hand. blinking innocently, donghyuck turned to look at his weapon and dropped the pan he was holding once finding out who it was.

why would you scare me like that!?

the lion gasped at donghyuck suddenly shouting at him. ❝why did you bite me!?

you scared me!

you didn't have to bite me!

clenching his fists, donghyuck shouted back. ❝it was for defense purposes!

i'm not even a wild predator!❞ the lion shot back. ❝i'm clearly tamed as you can see.

but what if you were!?

but i'm not!

what if-❞ donghyuck paused for a moment thinking that shouting at night could only cause some ruckus that could wake the others up. ❝enough of this. what are you doing here?

what are you doing here?❞ mark asked back, having his arms crossed. his eyes scanned the pudu who wore cute pajamas.

as you can see, he was holding back a grin.

i asked you first, mark.

oh, so now donghyuck decides to call him by his name if he is mad. ❝i asked you second, donghyuck.

he wanted to argue with him but it was too childish to do and plus, it's night. skeletons of dead animals might rise from the dead if they continue to argue. ❝i just want to make dinner for you since i kinda forgot to do so.

the lion scoffed, ❝you still had the audacity to remember me after being with that bunny.

luckily for him, donghyuck didn't hear it that well. ❝what are you mumbling all about?

mark rolled his eyes at the pudu's attitude towards him, completely different when they had first met. ❝this aunt pudu had already made dinner for me.

by aunt pudu, donghyuck just wished it wasn't his mother. he had already caused a lot of trouble to her. ❝then, i'll get going back to my quarter. i'm sorry to disturb whatever you are doing here.


donghyuck raised a brow at the king who was rubbing his nape, looking nervous if you ask the pudu. ❝what?

cook dinner for me.

he was confused hearing that from mark. ❝didn't you say that you had your dinner already?

yeah, but i'm still hungry.❞ mark turned around, making his way to the door that leads to the dinning are. ❝i'll be waiting outside.

donghyuck had no choice but to do what he ordered him to do, he's the king after all. so much for trying to avoid the lion, at the end of the day they still have to face each other. it's as if destiny didn't want to separate them at all.

mark stopped before leaving, ❝and by the way?

the pudu raised his head after picking up the pan from the kitchen island. ❝yeah?

starting from now, i don't care if it's you who made the meal but if you won't serve it to me in person then i won't eat it.

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