⌜ thirty ⌟

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mom, dad,❞ jaemin heaved out a sigh as he gave his parents a look. ❝stop glaring at him.

fortunately for mark, his life was spared when jaemin immediately explained that he was not some wild predator. it took a little more convincing for the bunnies to drop their weapons but no matter jaemin would say, they still gave mark those glares. well, at least jaemin got them inside the house and had them seated now at their dining area which is connected with the kitchen.

what were you thinking, na jaemin?❞ the bunny's father then started, scolding his son. ❝you show up after months and you bring a lion here!?

the mother nodded her head, glancing at mark before turning back to their son. ❝inside our household, really?

jaemin rolled his eyes at how his parents were overreacting. if this lion right here was a threat then he would have been dead along the way by now. ❝don't say that to the ki—

mark lee.❞ the lion stood up from the wooden chair, that had a soft square pillow to sit on, and took a polite bow in front of the bunny's parents. he cuts jaemin off before the bunny starts to introduce him as someone coming from the throne. ❝i'm mark and i come here in peace together with my boyfriend.

boy—❞ the mother didn't get to continue her word as her eyes quickly went over to the pudu that has been in awe with the basic design that complimented well inside the cozy house. ❝boyfriend!?

but the father didn't catch up to the situation well, causing for him to misunderstand. ❝jaemin, this lion is your boyfriend!?

the bunny being mentioned then had his jaw dropped, long fluffy white ears perking up at how his father pointed it out. ❝wait, no—

and here i thought you were making moves on a meerkat!❞ the father said in a sudden outburst, huffing in disbelief.

meanwhile, the mother didn't even know what the two were talking about. it was just now that she knew that jaemin was making moves on someone. to make it more surprising, a meerkat. ❝jaemin likes a meerkat!?

the bunny had his face buried on his palms by now, watching the chaos in front of him. he couldn't believe that his father just exposed him like that. he actually mention to his father about liking a specific meerkat when he last visited here, not wanting to tell his mother since she was against loving another kind. jaemin's father was more open minded but even though his mother is like that, he knew she'll learn to accept it once she would get used to it.

but he didn't expect for her to know now.

i guess it's not a meerkat now.❞ the father bunny said as he had his brows furrowed once he faced mark who's clueless at what was going on. ❝you!

the lion flinched when the father had pointed a finger at him, almost touch the tip of his nose.

you better take good care of my son or else—

let me explain!❞ jaemin stood up, startling everyone, and slammed his palms down the table made out of wood. the father then had his eyes widened before taking a seat and scooting close to his wife as he looked like he was scolded by his own son.

jaemin didn't mean to shout at them, or simply shout at all, but his parents were wrongly pointing out on things. the only right statement that cane out from their mouths was probably when his father made mention about him making moves on a meerkat.

taking a deep breath, ❝i am not his boyfriend. heck, i don't have a boyfriend yet!❞ he started, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment as he told his parents that he was a single pringle. ❝his boyfriend is that pudu over there.

actually, it was just now, when they were in the middle of escaping, that jaemin found out about mark's and donghyuck's relationship. surprising for him but there was no time to be dramatic over it.

both the parents' eyes went to the pudu that is now by the living room watching the pictures being hanged on the wall and some in a frame placed down on the shelves. seconds after, they slowly nodded their heads and turned back to jaemin who's slowly composing himself down.

they came here because..❞ the bunny stood there, looking at the lion beside him. he then understood that mark didn't want him to say the reason why they were there. ❝they needed a place to stay for a while.

why, did they elope or something?❞ the father suddenly spoke, earning a smack on the arm by his wife telling him that it was rude to ask that.

more like that, but it doesn't seem like mark had plans on marrying donghyuck yet. isn't that what elope means? ❝no—

but mark just had to cut him off. ❝yes, we eloped.

jaemin's and his mother's jaw dropped as they surprisingly heard that from mark. meanwhile, the father cheered in victory as his guess was accurate. ❝told you they eloped— oh, not the right time, okay.❞ he then shut his mouth as he saw his wife and son glaring at him.

a-alright then..❞ jaemin furrowed his brows as he didn't expect to hear that from the king. ❝is my room still available?

we didn't clean it after you left.❞ the mother said, still recovering from the shock after hearing that this lion right here ran away from his pudu boyfriend. ❝if you want—

it's alright mrs. na,❞ the lion flashed her a small smile. ❝having a place to stay is already more than fine for us.

jaemin stood there for a couple of minutes before remembering something. ❝wait, if you didn't clean it then—❞ the bunny gasped as he remembered his not so innocent magazines being scattered on top of his bed.

without saying a word, the bunny quickly sprinted out from there, almost bumping the pudu who just planned on going to the dining area, and immediately ran up towards his room. he didn't forget to lock it up and shuffling sounds, along with things falling, were heard downstairs.

mark turned his head around and smiled after seeing his pudu walking towards him. not forgetting to be respectful and grateful, donghyuck took a polite bow to greet jaemin's parents before making his way to a seat where jaemin sat a while ago before rushing upstairs to clean his room.

being the first one to break the awkward tension between them, the mother cleared her throat. ❝you kids must be hungry? let me just make breakfast.❞ she said before standing up and started to make use of the kitchen.

still seated there, jaemin's father then tapped the table and caught the lion's attention while donghyuck's eyes were on jaemin's mother and contemplated in helping her.

the father then spoke, ❝listen kid, there's more in marriage life you need to know. you might want to reconsider—

don't start talking about how much of a monster wives can be!❞ jaemin's mother spat her words at her husband, gritting her teeth as she grabbed a knife and some vegetables. ❝you just don't know how to handle me.

the male bunny shrugged. ❝as i was saying—

okay, room is cleaned!❞ there appeared a sweaty jaemin with a bright smile on his face. he looked like he had a war inside his room, judging by his disheveled hair and crumpled clothes. ❝mark, donghyuck, let's go.

the father clicked his tongue as he kept on being cut off. still having his eyes on the lion, he pointed a finger at him. ❝let's have a session about this later.❞ he said before letting the two excuse themselves and follow jaemin.

with donghyuck following jaemin first, mark turned back to jaemin's father and gave him a genuine smile. ❝thank you, mr. na.

with that, he became the last one to go upstairs, not seeing the figures of the two. seeing a room by the end with the door opened, mark guessed that it was jaemin's room. the lion strode towards the room and then heard some voices inside. after reaching there, he stood himself by the door and leaned towards the door frame as he watched to converse with bright smiles on their faces.

your room is comfortable,❞ donghyuck complimented. ❝i wouldn't mind staying here forever.

jaemin chuckled at the pudu, ❝would you even want to stay long enough here?

that immediately made the pudu replace his smile with a frown, remembering his mother at the palace. ❝jaemin, do you think she'll be fine?

the bunny nodded his head, ruffling the pudu's hair. ❝jeno is protecting her.

jaemin is right.❞ mark finally spoke, getting the two's attention. he then walked over to them and crouched down in front of the worried pudu that's sitting on the bunny's bed. ❝nothing will happen to your mother, okay sunshine?

pressing his lips into a thin line, donghyuck nodded his head. bringing both his hands up on the lion's face, donghyuck leaned down and had calm himself down after placing a soft peck on mark's lips, earning a chuckle from the lion and gagging sounds from the bunny.

okay, lovebirds.❞ jaemin pushed himself up from the bed and went to open his wardrobe. ❝i have clothes here that would probably fit for the both of you. i guess you two haven't brought anything with you, am i right?

both the pudu and the lion nodded their head as their eyes followed jaemin as to where he was walking.

this is the bathroom.❞ passing an angelic smile to the two, ❝please don't do it inside the holy bathroom.❞ he begged.

with a blush visible on donghyuck's face, the lion only laughed at jaemin. he then decided to tease the blushing pudu and also to annoy jaemin. ❝can't reassure you that jaemin. but i promise you, we won't be loud.

the lion then received a slap on the arm, a hard one, by donghyuck that made him groan in pain and jaemin couldn't help but threatened to raise his fist up to hit mark but composed himself as he was reminded that the lion was king. ❝moving on, my parents would be up early to work in the farm so i hope it won't be a bother.

rubbing the sore spot where donghyuck slapped him, mark shook his head telling the bunny that it won't bother them at all. he even volunteered, ❝can i help, if ever?

the bunny raised a brow, holding back an amusing smile. does this king even know what to do in a farm, how to farm, and which to plant? ❝if you want, you can. i think my father would love a helping hand.

great.❞ honestly, he doesn't know how but he helped his grandfather inside their secret garden, that experience might be enough.

you two get some rest.❞ jaemin said, making his way towards the door after giving his room to the both of them. ❝i'll go help my mom.

but before he could step out, a lion stopped him. ❝jaemin, i want to talk to you.

who is he to say no? nodding his head, jaemin went outside his room with the lion following after leaving a kiss on top of the pudu's forehead. with the two of them outside, mark made sure to close the door and let the pudu rest while he goes and talk with jaemin.

seeing the bunny leaning by the wall right next to the door, mark took his place in front of jaemin and took a low bow. ❝thank you.

the bunny widened his eyes, his hands doing complicated gestures as he didn't know what to do at the king who took a bow. ❝your highness—

and i'm sorry that we didn't start of well at first.❞ the lion admitted, now standing up and looking straight to the bunny. ❝i just.. it started when i saw you hanging out with donghyuck that one time at the garden. i don't know what has gotten to me, we weren't even together back then. but it made me jealous when i saw you two and i—

the king's rambles was put to a halt when the bunny started to let out a laugh with snorts here and there.

the action made mark frown, ❝hey, don't laugh.

i'm sorry, it's just that..❞ jaemin clamped his lips tight when another fit of laugh were threatening to come out from his mouth.

the next second, it was mark's turn to laugh. not a moment after, the two were laughing for no good reason. they just found the situation funny and if someone were to catch them, they'd surely think that they were out of their minds.

i don't even know why i'm laughing..❞ jaemin finally voiced out, wiping the tears that cane out while he was having a hard time breathing as he laughed.

having his laugh died down, mark then showed him a smile. ❝i hope it's not yet too late.❞ jaemin blinked as he couldn't understand what the king was saying. the bunny's eyes then went to the lion's hand that was reached out for a handshake. ❝friends?

taking the lion's hand, jaemin nodded his head. ❝friends.


hiding behind the wall, she clicked her tongue at the sight she just saw. ❝damn it, she has an eagle guarding her.

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