⌜ thirty seven ⌟

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eun ji got inside the room once again after making sure that the former queen left her. she had her eyes scanning the place before getting inside and searched for a specific bunny. the bunny wasn't in her sight as she got in but she could hear sniffles and followed to where it was only to see the bunny hugging his knees and crying his heart out.

hey?❞ she crouched down, putting enough distance between them.

the bunny raised his head up once he heard a familiar voice. ❝they are going to hate me.

she had a frown on her face. mustering up the courage to move closer to him, she took his hand and held it tight as she stared straight right to his eyes that's swollen from crying. ❝you're talking about the king and the pudu, am i right?

nodding his head, the bunny bit his lower lip as he felt guilty for what he had done. he shouldn't have said anything about the two but that lioness went to extreme measures that made the bunny spill.

sadly, i think they have been captured and are brought back here.❞ the lioness panicked as she saw the bunny cry hard once more. she reached her hand out and went to wipe his tears, wanting to comfort him. ❝but it's okay, i have a plan.

actually, she doesn't have a plan in mind yet but whatever. she has to do at least something.

the bunny listened to her as he stayed silent, eating up his sobs as a lot of scenarios came inside his head as to what was going to happen to the king and to the pudu. especially the pudu, the bunny didn't want anything to happen to him knowing that he'd suffer the most.

i'm going to let the wedding happen.

the bunny's eyes widened, taking his hands quickly away from the lioness. eun ji noticed it and heaved a sigh, just crouching right in front of the bunny as she continued.

trust me on this.



donghyuck couldn't see anything at all. he couldn't move, and he couldn't stand up. he could just feel himself being laid down on a cold surface with what he can make up as the floor. he was blindfolded and he was tied up. he didn't know where on earth he was and he was scared. he was shaking in fear as he laid there.

where is mark?

where is his simba?

he quietly sobbed as he curled his knees closer to his chest. he wanted to be with the lion, feel his warmth, hear his comforting voice, and be secured in his arms.

"the king returned."

"i can't believe he had the guts to do so after leaving his own kingdom."

"the former queen ordered for a search and there we caught him together with this pudu."

"why are we following orders from her again?"

"it's the former queen, she still has a role. and plus, you know how she is when she gets mad."

"also, i'd rather follow orders from a former queen that has been with us than a king that left his own kingdom just to fulfill his pleasures with this pudu."

donghyuck didn't know why he still had to shut his eyes when he can't even see a thing at that moment. he didn't want to hear the conversation, all of them were talking bad about his simba. they were talking about how the king abandoned the kingdom just for a pudu and the former queen was just setting things right again. donghyuck didn't want to hear all of it. they don't know what his simba is, they don't know what mark is like, they don't know anything about the king. they have no right to talk shit behind his back.

the pudu doesn't know what mark's mother has been telling them but the king certainly didn't run away just to fulfill his pleasures and abandon his kingdom just like that. or did he?

"how are the cheetah and giraffe doing?"

donghyuck froze from his place when he heard them talking about those familiar animals. he then remembered ten and lucas. they are captured?

"the cheetah is a feisty one, i almost got my wings ripped by him."

"the giraffe is such a scaredy— hey! what are you doing here!?"

"we do not allow visitors—"

staying there, having nothing to do, the pudu's ears twitched when he heard painful groans and whines coming from the eagles that are probably guarding him. the next moment, he then heard clanking sounds which he couldn't figure out as to where that came from.

the pudu pushed himself back till he hit the hard cold wall when he could hear footsteps coming towards him. he breathed heavily as he felt warm hands behind his head, making him use his tied up legs to try and kick whoever was there close with him.

hyuck, hey.. it's okay.❞ the familiar voice made donghyuck pause for a moment before he could feel his tears welling up from his eyes.

as soon as the cloth was removed from covering his eyes, tears immediately dropped down nonstop and never has he ever felt so relieved seeing a familiar bunny coming to save him. this bunny was still in the middle of untying the ropes on the pudu's ankles and once he had done it, he went behind the pudu and untied the once circling around his wrist tightly. the bunny felt his chest clench after seeing the bruise being left behind as he finished untying every rope that restrained the pudu from moving.

and he was then thrown into a tight hug by donghyuck.

jaemin!❞ the pudu cried out as he had his arms wrapped tightly around the bunny's body, burying his head down on to his shoulder as he continued to let the tears fall down uncontrollably.

being in his friend's arms then made the bunny sob along with him, remembering what he had done. ❝i'm sorry, hyuck.

not knowing why he was apologizing for, donghyuck shook his head. ❝you did nothing—

this is all my fault!❞ jaemin cuts him off with his voice raised, startling the pudu that was still engulfing him in a tight hug. ❝i told her where you two are. i shouldn't have done it but she threatened to do something to my family and i.. i don't w-want anything t-to hurt them s-so i—

among everyone who knew where they are, donghyuck didn't expect that it would be jaemin who would expose their whereabouts he had to admit, he was taken aback by it but he couldn't stay mad at the bunny. heck, he couldn't get mad at him at all. jaemin had to do it or else his parents would get involved and donghyuck didn't want that to happen. ❝jaemin, don't blame yourself.

i am very sorry hyuck..❞ the bunny clutched on to the pudu's dirty clothes, not carrying about it, as he felt bad for what he did. ❝i ruined your time with the king..

pulling away, the pudu gathered up a smile just to comfort the bunny that crying as much as he was. using his thumb, donghyuck wiped the tears away and also brushed the bunny's hair that's covering his eyes. ❝this was bound to happen. we should have not let our guards down.

jaemin opened his mouth and was about to say something but a voice had stopped him from doing so that also surprised donghyuck as he didn't know that they were not the only ones there. turning around, donghyuck gasped as he saw a familiar eagle standing there, eyeing the other eagles that were laid unconscious down the ground.

what is jeno doing here?❞ donghyuck had his eyes widened.

i met him along the way and i needed his help in getting to your cell by pretending that i am one of those who needed to be captured.❞ jaemin explained, standing up but avoiding eye contact with the eagle who stared at him with a frown on his face.

cell..❞ it then hit the pudu like a truck, ❝we are in a dungeon!?

obviously.❞ the eagle finally spoke as he turned to check if they would meet a surprise. ❝we need to leave, now.

but jeno, what about mom?❞ donghyuck was told that jeno would be guarding her with his life, what is he doing there?

renjun is with her.❞ that caused for donghyuck to panic, he wasn't sure if renjun could protect her. that meerkat is small and donghyuck had no idea if renjun could even throw fist. ❝trust your friend, he can protect her for the meantime. i will immediately go to your mother once you get to escape here.

donghyuck, let's go.❞ jaemin helped the pudu stand up and once donghyuck successfully had done it, despite of his legs and feet being all numb, he was being pulled by the bunny out from his cell.

they were running with jeno leading the way but the pudu was put to a halt, causing for the other two to stop and look at him, as he remembered something. ❝ten hyung and lucas hyung are here.

who?❞ jeno furrowed his brows, not finding those name known to him.

but the bunny had his eyes wide like saucers once he heard the pudu mentioning them, not expecting for them to actually be here. how were they captured? it was then he made a wild guess that they went to his house to steal some strawberries and met both mark and donghyuck there. groaning, jaemin couldn't believe that a lot of them were getting involved in this mess.

donghyuck pulled jaemin's hand to the opposite direction. ❝we have to save them!

clicking his tongue, jaemin ruffled his hair and brought along jeno with him as they let donghyuck lead the way as to wherever their cell was. ❝do you even know where?

about that, the answer would be no. ❝but we can look around the place and—

"it means no worries, for the rest of your days.. it's our problem free philosophy.. hakuna matata.."

they then heard a voice singing a song that somewhat was change into a ballad version. jeno then spoke for the two, ❝or how about we follow that?

nodding their heads, the three of them started to run as to where their feet would bring them. fortunately for them, the voice kept on singing a song until it was getting louder and louder for them to hear which indicated them that they were near as to where the giraffe and cheetah are.

laying down on the cold ground with his arms spread, the cheetah lost hope as his eyes were blank as ever. ❝you know what lucas? i'm just glad we met.

the giraffe sitting right next to him with crossed legs felt like crying and he held himself back from doing so as he didn't want to make their situation more emotional than ever. ❝i miss my jungwoo..

hey, i'm talking about our friendship here and yet you're talking about the love of your life.❞ the cheetah scoffed, planning to lift the mood up but then frowned as he remembered something that made him feel like sobbing. ❝you're not the only one, i also miss my giant.

we shouldn't have watched that live porn.❞ the giraffe sniffled, bringing his hands up to wipe the tears that are falling.

the cheetah had no choice but to nod his head, agreeing with what the giraffe had said. they should have just gone straight home than to watch that lion go to the river with that pudu. it was just that, they were worried that he might mess up his hakuna matata hours. they were also worried for their safety which is why they stayed and looked out for them. now look where they are now, inside this cell.

a sound of footsteps coming towards them then made the two of them get up being cautious, already at a stance where they were about to fight. the two were glued together and stared at each other with a nod. ❝here's the plan lucas, i dress in drag and do the hula,

while i be the life bait, got it.❞ the giraffe finished the sentence but then had his brows furrowed after realizing it. ❝hey! why do i get to be the life bait?

ten didn't have time to hit lucas behind his head when the shadows of whoever was coming for them were slowly coming in view. getting ready, ten immediately separated himself from lucas and went close to the metallic bars. this was their only time to escape. everything is on him now, lucas is relying on him and he shall not fail this task. taking a deep sigh, he knew it was his time to shine.


why the fuck do you still have the time to do the hula when we are in the middle of escaping here?❞ a frustrated bunny came into the view that made both the cheetah and giraffe drop their jaws.

it took them a while before their cell was opened with the key that the bunny had, making the two, ten and lucas, throw their bodies towards the bunny that came to save them. they hugged him tight without neither of them finding out that they were suffocating him.

oh my god! it's our little jaemin!❞ the cheetah cooed, still hugging the bunny very tight. ❝we are never stealing your family's strawberries ever again!

the giraffe opened his eyes and then pointed at someone familiar, ❝look, it's the deer! the king's boyfriend.

being called out, donghyuck had his hand rubbing on his nape. ❝i'm a pudu, actually.❞ very much aware that it's his second time reminding the giraffe that.

hearing his buddy say that made the cheetah pull away from the suffocating hug and then immediately had a glare as he spotted an eagle standing right next to, what lucas would like to call, deer. ❝lucas stand behind my back, there's an eagle.

that then alerted jaemin, blocking jeno from their way. ❝no, he's not a bad eagle.

and how should i be convinced that i shouldn't rip his wings apart?❞ the cheetah said, his glare still at the eagle behind jaemin.

imagining that then made jeno shiver in fear. he didn't know if it was possible for a cheetah to do that but seeing how determined this cheetah is right in front of them then the possibility of that possibility can possibly happen.

he helped me in rescuing donghyuck.❞ jaemin said, siding with the eagle. ❝he also gave me the keys to open your cell.

the cheetah knew that it wasn't the time but he remembered something not long ago when jaemin visited his parents and he had a talk with his father outside. he overheard it while trying to stealthily take strawberries behind their house. ❝jaemin, aren't you making moves on a meerkat?❞ it just made him curious as to jaemin had a different feeling with this eagle.

the bunny ran over to them and covered the cheetah's mouth as he was flustered. ❝why would you suddenly bring that up!?

tilting his head to the side, the eagle had his brows furrowed at the new information he had heard. ❝jaemin, you're making moves on my boyfriend?

his boyfriend? oh damn, the tea. the cheetah was loving this drama already. and as they were at it, lucas looked over to the pudu that stood there with a bitter chuckle as he watched the bunny almost taking the cheetah's breath away. it then made the giraffe wonder, not holding back from questioning out loud.

where's the king?

the question was all it took to get everyone's attention. neither, but one, of them knew where the king is. the pudu was the most worried, looking over to the eagle in hopes that he'd know where his simba is. jeno felt the pudu's gaze but he sadly shook his head, telling him that he had no clue where he is. the eagle only got the news of the king returning but he didn't see him around the palace when he was looking around. he just bumped into jaemin and when the bunny explained to him about donghyuck's situation, he went to help.

donghyuck's eyes went towards the bunny and saw jaemin having his head lowered.

he knows.

jaemin?❞ the pudu called out softly, taking small steps towards the bunny.

he's..❞ jaemin had his fist clenched, shutting his eyes tight as he didn't know how to break it to them. especially to the pudu, knowing he'd be devastated once he gets to know. ❝he's getting married.

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