⌜ three ⌟

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donghyuck come here.❞ the meerkat called out the shaking pudu that was towered over the eagle who let out a chuckle.

jeno side eyed the pudu just to check on him before turning back to renjun who's frowning. ❝i don't think you can do that.

the bunny, who was silent, decided to speak and to top it off, he actually agreed with the eagle. ❝he's right renjun, he's an eagle and you're just a simple meerkat.

jaemin then had his fluffy ears perked up as he was startled with renjun turning to him with a glare, ❝shut up. or, do you want me to also give you to that eagle?❞ the meerkat threatened, making the bunny raise his hands in defeat. ❝now, jeno hand me over the pudu.

r-renjun❞ the pudu's soft voice melted right inside their ears but was quickly cut off when the eagle turned around to give him a look. donghyuck could feel his tail wiggling and ears twitching out of fear.

but despite of those sharp eyes looking at him, it was as if the eagle is giving him a chance to run to renjun.

which the pudu didn't waste anymore second and ran to the arms of a small meerkat and didn't dare to look back at the eagle, afraid that he'd catch him. renjun, seeing how scared donghyuck is, carefully gave the pudu to the bunny who was clueless as to what he should do, not noticing quickly that renjun was passing the responsibility in watching the pudu to him.

jaemin, go bring donghyuck back to his quarter.❞ the meerkat ordered, giving jaemin no choice but to follow him or else they'll be in grave danger. ❝you also need to go back to your own before someone else catches you.

jaemin rubbed circles behind the pudu's back while donghyuck was clinging to him. ❝and what about you?

i'll stay here,❞ renjun said, giving jeno a quick glance before turning to jaemin and showed him a reassuring smile. ❝and fix this problem.

jaemin eyed jeno for a split second, catching the eagle looking at him, before walking away with a scared pudu in his arms. both the meerkat and eagle waited for a few more minutes and embraced the silent air around them while at it.

finally making sure that jaemin and donghyuck were now far from where they are, renjun quickly walked over the eagle and gave him a light punch on the chest.

you didn't have to scare donghyuck like that!❞ renjun said with a pout, making the eagle go soft upon seeing it.

the eagle let out a chuckle as he used his wings to block the meerkat's punches. although, they were far from being a threat to him. ❝you told me to do anything just to make sure he won't go past the kitchen.

the meerkat then squealed when jeno took advantage of his wings and went to scoop renjun's small body close to his. ❝was scaring him the only option?

no,❞ jeno said, leaning down and burying his head on the meerkat's neck and inhaled his scent. ❝but it did the work.

the meerkat took in a deep breath, feeling his body tingling once he felt jeno's soft lips getting in touch with his skin. ❝are you the only guard on duty?

the eagle brought his kisses up to the meerkat's jaw before settling a peck on his lips with a small smile. ❝no but i made sure i get to be the one guarding in that pudu's quarter?❞ renjun asked him for it anyways.

he had already made sure to plan things out after making a promise to donghyuck. he just thanked the heavens of pride land that he's lucky enough to have an eagle boyfriend.

renjun widened his eyes, ❝what about jaemin's?

oh, that bunny?❞ jeno squinted his eyes, remembering the guards assigned in each quarter. ❝i don't remember—

jeno!❞ renjun then started to panic. ❝what's going to happen to him?

relax,❞ jeno smiled at the meerkat's panic state before engulfing him in a tight hug before renjun could run around the kingdom and get in trouble. ❝all the guards are busy for the coronation day tomorrow, they are guarding the prince as of the moment.

you're the only one patrolling?❞ the meerkat then received a nod from the eagle that made him heave a sigh in relief. ❝that's good to hear.

you look tired.❞ jeno brushed of the hair that's covering the meerkat's forehead and caressed his cheels which renjun leaned to the touch in no second. ❝want me to fly you back to your quarter?

seeing that there's no harm in doing so, renjun threw his arms around the eagle's neck and gave his boyfriend a peck. ❝please do.

jeno then brought the meerkat up to his arms, carrying him like a baby, before fully stretching his wings out once he stepped out of the kitchen. he made sure that renjun would be comfortable as he give the meerkat a ride, he also made sure that the small body he is holding won't fall.

while doing so, neither of the two noticed someone catching them.


with excited steps, a little bright pudu came out of his rooms as he greeted everyone that was very busy. after all, it was a very special day.

good morning donghyuck.

donghyuck took a bow and gave the woman his usual cute smile. ❝morning good! have you seen mom?

the woman, a pudu just like him and whom he also recognized as one of his mother's friends, had her mouth agape before pointing straight to the hallways they are in. ❝she's quite busy but you will probably catch her inside the kitchen.

as always.❞ he said before taking a bow once more and saying his gratitude. ❝thank you!

running down the hallways once he get to excuse himself, he decided to stop by the the last pillar and moved his body closer to the large window. his hands were placed on the glass windows while his eyes scanned for someone familiar, a friend he got close over night.

oh,❞ upon seeing that someone he has been looking for, he aggressively waved his hand with a wide smile. which was returned by that someone with his usual frown. ❝hi jaemin!

he knew he couldn't be heard but it was worth a shot.

being at the garden, where he is assigned to work along with other bunnies, jaemin had his head up and stared up at the pudu who looks excited and filled with energy while greeting him. his eyes filled with boredom was what he gave to the pudu, not really in the mood to pull out a smile.

ever since last night, he couldn't help by be bothered by what he had just discovered.

just then, another bunny stood right next to him and laughed after following where jaemin was looking at. ❝a new friend?

more like a baby i'm forced to babysit last night.❞ jaemin answered, turning around and didn't bother entertaining donghyuck anymore as he had tasks to do. ❝doyoung hyung, where do we put these flowers?

the tall bunny he is with then answer with his gummy smile, ❝the aisle that was prepared for the coronation.

i completely forgot that we are having a new king.❞ jaemin said in pure honesty as he followed the bunny from behind while bringing his share of flowers.

donghyuck huffed with a pout as he noticed the bunny not happy seeing him but nonetheless, he continued on with a bright aura surrounding him. if it was possible, his aura could be described as rainbows and butterflies. anyone that he would encounter along the way would immediately feel the happiness surrounding the pudu that walked towards the kitchen.

pushing the wooden doors open, he was greeted by women around his mother's age surrounding the cake that's on the kitchen island with his mother standing in the middle with a proud smile on.

happy birthday, our donghyuckie!

donghyuck didn't expect that one bit. everyone was so busy for the coronation day that even donghyuck forgot it was his birthday. he expected to see a busy view of pudus running inside the kitchen and some serving food to the dining room, but he came in to see everyone surprising him on his birthday.

it was simple but he appreciated it very much.

thank you!❞ he was one emotional pudu. he couldn't help but have tears falling from his eyes when he ran towards his mother's open arms. ❝thank you very much.

his mother softened at the sight of her son being a year older, already at a legal age, yet still acts a baby to her. well, seems like he'll forever be her baby. ❝i'm sorry that this is all i can prepare.

mom, this is more than i can ever ask.❞ donghyuck managed to say despite of his voice cracking.

they were on a busy day yet everyone managed to find time and surprise him.

every pudu inside the kitchen cooed at how cute donghyuck looked in whining as to why they wasted their time in setting this up for him when there's coronation that need to be managed. but in the end, donghyuck was grateful for the gift.

okay, back to work everyone!❞ a honey badger then unfortunately disturbed the moment with its loud clap, putting every single pudu back on their places.

a honey badger are coordinators and those who  plan as to how things work and look in the place they are assigned to. with their gifted knowledge to think fast under pressure, they were given that role.

donghyuck sniffled at the cake made by his mother before looking at the honey badger that's standing in front of him with a wide smile on his face. seeing him present on his birthday then made donghyuck cry even harder, putting the honey badger in panic. ❝t-taeil hyung!

i am actually assigned to coordinate the flowers in the aisle but i decided to stop by.❞ the honey badger said, pulling the pudu in a tight hug. ❝happy birthday hyuckie!

thank you!❞ the pudu mumbled, he then pulled away and looked at taeil with still teary eyes.

anyways, the one who is assigned to coordinate the dining area wants to give you this.❞ the honey badger then handed the crying pudu a gift, making the pudu gasp in surprise.

an apron!❞ but he gave taeil an unsure look. ❝right now? seriously?

he was only allowed to work inside the kitchen but seeing a familiar looking apron that differentiates as the ones who gets to go out and serve the food made donghyuck feel like it's too much for him to handle. he was afraid that he might mess everything up. meanwhile, donghyuck's mother saw the gift the honey badger gave to her little pudu and can't get even more prouder at him.

i personally requested to let you be one of those who gets to serve the food.❞ taeil said, almost stumbling back when donghyuck threw his body to him and gave him another tight hug.

not having anymore time to thank taeil enough, donghyuck's mother had already placed a hand on her son's shoulder and showed him a floral edged silver plated oblong tray with beautiful details with the dish on top that has to be served at the dining area.

donghyuck gladly accepted the apron which taeil had got him as a gift and wore it in a matter of seconds.

he could feel nervousness going throughout his body but encouraged himself and got the tray that his mother is giving to him. giving the honey badger his thanks once more, donghyuck followed his mother from behind as they stopped in front of those big doors that leads to another part of the kingdom which donghyuck as been wanted to explore for so long.

are you ready?

⚊ t b c ⚊

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