⌜ twelve ⌟

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i'm sorry i came here without your notice.❞ eun ji apologized as they continued to walk down the corridors with two guards following them from be

mark made an effort to not utter a words unless the situation calls for it. he may be dumb at some certain point but he wasn't stupid enough to guess what his mother is planning to do. he shook his head as he headed to the garden, actually fulfilling what his mother asked him to do which was giving the guest a tour around.

i know mom invited you over.❞ he simply said, not wanting for her to blame herself from being here.

her mouth grew wide once she had saw the palace's garden. it was beautiful, she could already imagine how magical it'll look during night. ❝is this your favorite garden your mother made mention of?

the king raised a brow at the information she got from his mother. ❝she told you about my favorite place?

she nodded her head while running towards the field filled with different kinds of flowers being organized at the side with the grasses being well grown. ❝she said that you would always go there whenever something is troubling you.❞ mark felt uncomfortable when his mother shared her something private. ❝she also mentioned that it was you who grew and took care of these plants.

this isn't the garden you are talking about.❞ mark said, wanting her to get the idea that he would never bring anyone, much more a stranger, inside his den.

he had his a garden of his own, his personal spot, made in a dome. it was a gift from his grandfather before he passed away. the two of them would always visit there, always appreciating how his grandfather always has time for him despite of being busy around the kingdom. they'd water the plants and trees together, find new and rare flowers to be of display there, and simply hang out on that peaceful place. it was also a place in memory of his grandfather.

sometimes, mark would think that it's only his grandfather that thought of him as a family member and not as someone who would take the throne one day.

the lioness stood there with her eyes widened. then this palace had two gardens. she then forced a smile before walking around to check out on the flowers. ❝i'm sorry for getting it wrong then.

he had already been hanging out with her for the whole morning, feeling his tummy grumble as he forgot to eat the breakfast that donghyuck made for him. ❝well, this is the last place i am showing you.

she spun her head around at mark who didn't show any emotion the moment they started to be together. she wanted to ask him and let him open up about his favorite garden but she didn't want to get on her bad side so she had to be patient. ❝are you hungry?

damn right he is. ❝i'll be in my room. i already showed you where the dining area is so i don't think you'll get lost.❞ he knew she'd stay here for quite a while so might as well show her everything, not really, around for her not to call him when she gets lost.

pouting, she then scratched her head. ❝i think i forgot already.

turning around, mark pointed at the guards that were waiting for them at a distance. ❝i'll have them to accommodate you.

she didn't know why mark was in a hurry to go back to his room. too bad, eun ji still wanted to have more time alone with him. ❝then, are you not going to join me for lunch?

alone and had nothing to do as of the moment, donghyuck took time to stroll down the corridors until he had stopped by the entrance of the garden when he saw unfamiliar guards standing by there. the tilted his head to the side to get a clearer view on what was going on and finally felt his mood lift up when he saw the lion he has been looking for there.

just when he was about to take a step closer, he was stopped by the eagles.

you are not allowed to disturb the king.❞ one of the eagles had found him familiar until he remembered that it was the cook he had seen inside of the king's room.

donghyuck remembered mark not eating his breakfast, he could have been hungry right now. maybe if he reasons out that he is the king's cook then they would let them meet him. ❝i'm—

you're the king's cook.❞ one of the guard spoke, earning a quick nod from donghyuck. ❝you don't have to prepare lunch for him. he already has his meal arranged with someone.

with someone? with furrowed brows, the pudu went to look once more as to where the lion was standing but what surprised him was seeing a lioness appear out of no where and giving the king a rose where she could have took from the garden.

donghyuck didn't even know why he was disappointed when he saw that. he didn't know why he chest clenched seeing mark being with someone.

i don't think mark will be having a meal with her anytime soon.

their heads snapped to the owner of the voice and donghyuck felt himself freeze upon seeing such beauty. are lions gifted with such appearance? why do they have to always look like gods? not like he finds mark gorgeous, not at all.

the pudu then noticed the eagles bowing their heads down at the lions that had just came up to them. donghyuck was lost at what to do, not knowing who they were and if he also needed to take a bow at them.

not until he earned a look from the two lions, that's when he panicked and had his head down.

the lion shorter than the order let out a chuckle at how cute the pudu was acting. ❝who might you be?

donghyuck had no idea that he was the one being asked. one of the eagles wondered why the pudu hadn't answered him yet, nudging donghyuck by the side to tell him.

o-oh,❞ he startled the two lions when he stood straight up with a panic smile. ❝i-i'm the king's m-meal!

the eagles stayed silent, one of them wishing that they could have answered for him. donghyuck clearly was panicking that he couldn't even get the right words to say.

it was just when the taller one raised a brow, finding something wrong at his introduction, that made donghyuck realize.

the cook!❞ he mentally face palmed at how crazy he looked right now.

the short one was about to say something, more or like reminding donghyuck of how cute he is, but the other lion had already beat him to it and diverted his attention from the embarrassed pudu to the eagles that are still on the way.

are we also not allowed to disturb them?❞ the lion showed dominance that the eagles had their gulps being heard.

mrs. lee told us that—

i made an appointment with mark first so don't i get the privilege to get him right there?

taeyong nudged his lover, reminding him to keep his temper. ❝jae.

donghyuck felt like wasn't supposed to take part in their conversation and since mark won't be needing him to cook lunch for him, he felt the need to excuse himself. taking a low bow all of a sudden, earning their attention, the pudu didn't even bother to look at the lion straight in the eye as he was afraid for inappropriate words to slip from his tongue again.

wait,❞ the shorter lion stopped the pudu before he goes far. ❝i'm taeyong by the way and that man right there, he's a softie i promise.❞ he giggled. ❝his name is jaehyun.

donghyuck nodded his head, not even taking time to imagine how that scary looking lion is a softie. he took a bow once more before waddling his way out of the mess that he didn't want to join.

taeyong watched the pudu walk away and heard jaehyun sigh, taking his tongue out at him like a kid.

you don't have to expose me like that.❞ he told his lover.

taeyong shrugged and clung to jaehyun. ❝he was scared.

and just when jaehyun was about to tell the guard off once more, the king finally made his way towards them and questioned their presence. jaehyun eyed the lioness he was with before looking back at mark who's bored as ever.

we're visiting your father, remember?

taeyong wanted to say something but decided not to, nodding as he let jaehyun speak.

you didn't tell me that you're going to visit your dad.❞ the lioness beside the king spoke, earning looks coming from both taeyong and jaehyun.

with brows furrowed, both of them wondered when she was given permission to speak.

she then showed a pout, ❝you shouldn't have accompanied me.❞ eun ji said, apologizing after. ❝i'm sorry for taking your time.

it's okay, you can go with them as they visit the former king.

they all turn their heads and saw mark's mother standing there with her usual bright smile on her face.


stomping his feet, donghyuck had his cheeks all puffed as he made his way to the kitchen. the whole day he was upset, he had no clue why but he just was. it's probably because he had not got to talk to him in private, apologizing to him for calling him that nickname that he didn't know that it will make him angry. but of course, there's no way donghyuck will admit that it was the main reason why he was upset the whole day.

renjun and jaemin tried talking him about it but he just can't find the right words to say without them misunderstanding.

and now he was called by his mother telling that they needed a helping hand in the kitchen since the king had a guest over. the girl was the first thing that came to donghyuck's head, making him frown whenever he thinks about it.

where were you?❞ a woman at the same age with his mother greeted him immediately as he went inside the kitchen, passing the pudu an apron.

everyone was busy. donghyuck guessed that it was because of the sudden notice that a visitor was staying for dinner. at a time like this, it usually was just him making dinner for mark.

what can i help?❞ he said, his voice getting small when no one spared a glance at him. he couldn't blame them though, they were busy at something.

he hasn't even spotted his mother yet. walking around to see if he could be of help, someone had yanked him off and gave him a tray full of glasses of water. he widened his eyes as he was nervous to bring all of them, afraid to mess up and drop all of them. he stared at the older pudu with pleading eyes in hopes that she'd give him another task to do.

but the older pudu didn't fall for his tricks. ❝the dinner is on going so i want you to carefully place these glasses down right next to their plates.❞ she instructed.

donghyuck had no choice but to nod and the next thing he knew, he was already pushed out of the kitchen.

the dining area was  already visible from his sight and he could see all eyes on him. one lion, from what donghyuck remembers was the former king, had clapped his hands in glee. it snapped him back to his senses and walked closer towards them, with his shaking hands carrying the tray.

great, i was getting thirsty.❞ the former king said with a chuckle.

placing a glass first on the former king's area, donghyuck raised his eyes and saw the lion that was together with the scary one a while ago, taeyong. taeyong gave him an innocent smile as he waved a hand at him. donghyuck was about to smile back but seeing jaehyun glaring at him made him put a note inside his head that he was there to give them their drinks and not to interact with them.

one thing was noticed by the king once donghyuck came to serve them, the pudu never gave him even just a short glance.

how is your stay here so far?❞ it was finally the mother who spoke, turning her head towards the guest that she invited.

your palace is very pretty.❞ she complimented, adjusting her spectacles as she looked shy to talk.

the former king, mark's father, laughed. ❝you need to get used to it.

after finally giving each one a glass of water, donghyuck purposely saved mark the last one as he still wasn't ready to meet him. gathering his courage, donghyuck decided to pudu up and walk over to the king that he didn't know that was waiting for him to come over.

after all,❞ the oldest lion at the table turned to look at his son, wanting to see his reaction. ❝you're going to be queen.

but donghyuck just had to fuck up and stumble at the corner of the table, the glass of water flying towards mark and having him drenched with it.

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