⌜ twenty six ⌟

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no, no, no..❞ renjun paused from walking to right and left and ran his hand through his hair after stopping right in front of the lion and pudu. ❝there's no way i'm allowing you that!

they, meaning mark, donghyuck, renjun, jaemin, and jeno, were now gathered in the bunny's quarter after being dragged by the king once he had saw them. mark was having a time hiding donghyuck with him. he knew that the pudu was wanted for questioning and that his presence was already in search by the eagles which is why he had to be careful as to where ever he had to go. seeing jeno first, mark took this chance to order jeno around and ask him to bring donghyuck to safety as he talks with the other guards to distract them. seeing renjun along the way, he dragged the meerkat with him as he made their way to the bunny's quarter.

it made mark question as to why jeno brought the pudu to jaemin's room but it was better than the pudu's quarter. it probably is guarded by a lot of eagles right now so it obviously wasn't safe for donghyuck to go there.

but the bunny was surprised in seeing them all gathered inside his room without notice, being all confused of the situation as he didn't even bother going out for the whole day.

what on earth is going on inside that head of yours mark!?❞ renjun huffed out, he was not happy when mark broke out their decision to them. ❝and you, donghyuck, you are agreeing to this?

renjun knew what was happening inside the castle and he also knew donghyuck won't do such thing. the pudu is blaming himself too much that it's hurting him seeing his bestfriend like that.

with the pudu not speaking and only having his head lowered, mark took this chance to explain himself. ❝renjun, the palace isn't a safe place for him anymore.

the meerkat then spat back with his voice raised subconsciously as he was mad at what mark had decided, ❝so the best plan you can think of is to run away!?

jeno had his brows furrowed and immediately went out to check any guards or bunnies nearby that had possibly heard them. when the coast was clear, he went back inside jaemin's room and closed the door. he didn't forget to remind his boyfriend to volume down his voice as he was too loud.

your voice, renjun.❞ jeno said, patting the meerkat's shoulder in hopes to calm him down before making his way towards the bunny's bed and sat right next to jaemin who looked confused as ever.

and then jaemin decided to voice it out. ❝wait so, the king and donghyuck is planning to run away?

renjun glanced towards the bunny before glaring at both the lion and the pudu. ❝i won't be allowing them to do that.

what's happening?❞ seems like not going out for a day made jaemin miss a whole year of drama. he genuinely was lost at what they were saying, why renjun was shouting, and he was most especially worried at the pudu who looked like he was about to cry any second now.

seeing that his boyfriend is too frustrated to explain, jeno did it for him. ❝the former king had a mild stroke last night and blamed it on the tea that was served for him. it just so happens that it was donghyuck that served him the tea last night.

jaemin nodded his head, slowly understanding the situation. ❝but donghyuck won't do such thing.

exactly!❞ both mark and renjun said in chorus that made jeno click his tongue at how they were shouting.

quiet down.❞ he reminded them while pinching the bridge of his nose, getting anxious from their loud voices.

the lion then turned to the meerkat as renjun still didn't change the glare he was giving to the king. ❝i am not letting you run away with donghyuck.❞ renjun said as he had his index finger pointing at mark to threaten him.

what do you want me to do then,❞ mark crossed his arms, not going down against renjun. ❝let him stay here and watch him suffer?

you can't just decide for my bestfriend. he didn't even got to say something about this yet!❞ renjun couldn't help but just raise his voice at mark, a lion and a king. jeno would just be there to hush him down and remind him about how they'll get caught if they are too loud.

sunshine?❞ mark turned to the pudu standing beside him, taking his hand and caressing it softly.

renjun's features then softened as he turned to the pudu, his eyes down on him with a worried gaze. ❝hyuck?

the pudu could feel all eyes on him, he didn't like the spotlight. he didn't like the pressure on him to say something. he was hurt at the situation that he wanted all this to pass by so quickly, but he honestly also thinks that running away isn't the only option. although, with his mind all blank because of what's happening, he couldn't think of any other way which leaves him to agreeing that running away is a good idea.

and he could see how renjun is against it. the meerkat's opinion mattered to him because he's his bestfriend. then again, mark is his boyfriend, he loves him, and he knows that the lion is trying to protect him even if it costed them leave away from everyone.

finally gathering the courage to speak up, ❝i can't handle all the stares they are giving me and i know i won't be able to deal with the punishment they'll give me.❞ he told them, voice getting silent the longer he talked.

hearing the pudu's answer was enough for mark to face renjun and give the meerkat a look with his brows raised. the small meerkat clicked his tongue at how annoying he looked.

but,❞ the pudu voiced out again that made both the lion and the meerkat break their glaring competition and have their soft gazes down at him. ❝i also don't want to leave everyone, especially my mom.

it was renjun's to have his arms crossed and give the king a look, smirking in victory the moment he had received the pudu's say in mark's decision of running away.

jaemin rolled his eyes at how the two were giving the looks while donghyuck was there being pressured to choose at least one side. he then forced himself up from the bed, earning eyes from jeno, and walked towards them. the bunny didn't care at how mark will react nor how renjun will complain in ruining their conversation but he approached them and took donghyuck's free arm. he then pulled the pudu towards him and gave him a tight hug, rubbing circles behind the pudu's back to comfort him as he heard him letting out sniffles while burying his head on his shoulder.

hyuck, whatever your decision is, we will still support you throughout the way.❞ jaemin mumbled, closing his eyes as he focused on comforting the pudu since donghyuck was now crying on his shoulder. ❝we know you didn't and won't ever do it, you're too much of an angel to do so. i just hope you know that we are here for you no matter what happens.

seeing the sight made renjun feel guilty for raising his voice. he should have known better not to pressure the pudu and force him to decide. the meerkat was just so frustrated at how mark casually just brought to them the news of the both of them running away that he can't help but go against it. there's a lot that's they are going to leave behind. in the lion's case, he has his throne. meanwhile, the pudu has his mother.

turning his head towards mark, renjun heaved out a sigh. ❝in the end, my opinion won't matter.❞ he started, earning the lion's attention that has been on the bunny hugging his pudu. ❝you have to tell this to his mother.

mark nodded his head, ❝i planned on doing so.❞ he told him. ❝but i still want to hear it from you since you're his bestfriend.

oh, i'm still against about you two running away.❞ the meerkat said, standing his ground. ❝but, i will have no choice but to go along the plan if his mother agrees with it.


d-donghyuck?❞ the mother pudu dropped the clean rag she was holding as soon as she saw her son.

with his mother opening her arms for him, donghyuck didn't hesitate to let go of the lion's hand and run towards his mother, engulfing her in a tight hug as he cried. ❝mom, i s-swear, i didn't—

i know..❞ she simply whispered as she tightened her embrace on her son, genuinely glad that he was alright. she was honestly scared once she heard the rumors going around the palace. the first thing she thought of was finding her son but he was no where to be seen. ❝you don't have to explain, i know.

having him in her arms right now in one piece is all she could ever ask for.

as mark watched the two, he would also check outside from time to time. it wasn't easy bringing donghyuck to an exposed area, especially the kitchen but mark knew that the pudu's mother would be there. he had to use his power as king to order the guards around and lie to them that the pudu they were looking for is probably hiding at the other side of the palace. with the position mark is in, of course the eagles would believe him and quickly went off to where the king had told them. mark also had to check the kitchen first if there were other pudus around and luckily for them, it was only donghyuck's mother.

it hurt mark seeing the frown on her face, it was as if he failed to do the promise he made to her.

your highness,❞ the mother stood up properly and took a slight bow as she was still having her son in her embrace. ❝thank you so much.

the mother didn't really have to thank the king, it was mark's duty to protect the pudu. ❝ma'am, i have something to ask from you.

but before mark could start explaining, donghyuck pulled away from the hug and faced his mother with tears being a mess all around his face. the mother was worried looking at him, his eyes were puffed, his lips was swollen, his nose was turning to a bright shade of pink, she could see that he was crying for hours already. ❝mom, please c-come with us. i w-will make sure that n-no one will hurt you. i w-won't be a burden anymore i-if you go with us and—

baby pudu,❞ the mother cuts him off, using her thumb to wipe the tears that still continued to fall. ❝breathe in, breathe out.❞ she said, letting her son compose himself before he starts to ramble. ❝now, what were you saying?

we're planning on r-running away.❞ donghyuck managed to say, his voice cracking a little. ❝please, go with us. i can't leave you here. i can't imagine living without you.

with furrowed brows, the mother raised her head up to look at the king to see if she wasn't just hearing this. ❝your highness?

the lion heaved out a sigh, knowing that she deserved an explanation. ❝i can't let him stay here and watch him suffer. i know how brutal the punishments are and even as king, i can't stop it and prove him innocent.❞ that's what mark hated the most. he was the king, he had the highest position, yet he still have his parents, especially his own mother, having control around the palace. he found it unfair. why make him king when it's still them choosing everything for him? ❝and i promised you that i will protect him with all i have.

she could feel her heart racing as she heard the king about how he had no power to plead her son not guilty. if she lets her son stay here, she's going to have to see him perish and never did she ever want that to happen. she could understand the king, she knew his decisions has a meaning. she knew he is protecting him even if it'll come to this.

even if it'll come to a point where she had to be separated from her own son.

mustering the courage to smile, the mother laid her hand on the pudu's cheeks and caressed it softly. ❝donghyuck, listen to me.❞ she stared at him with her eyes holding back the tears that are threatening to fall down. ❝you have to stay strong with all of this happening, okay? i want you to behave yourself. i won't be there to scold you if you do something stupid.❞ she chuckled.

the tears went down fast as donghyuck was listening to her. ❝w-what are y-you saying? y-you'll be here with m-me.❞ he then quickly wrapped his arms around his mother's waist and pulled her to a hug, a longing one. ❝please b-be with me.

it will cause more trouble if i go with you.❞ she said, stroking her son's hair as she made the most of the hug. who knows, it'll be the last time she'll have him wrapped around her arms. ❝you have the king with you to protect you, to be with you. i will just be a burden—

don't say that!❞ donghyuck muffled out his voice being raised, having to bury his head on her shoulders as she cried even louder. ❝i need you. please, be with me. i really need you. i want you to be there to scold me when i do something stupid. i want you to nag at me if i won't behave. i want you to be there by my side whenever i'm sad. mom, i need you.

and this where her tears decided to betray her and fall down. she bit her lower lip to prevent from letting donghyuck hear her cry as she let herself being embraced tightly by her own son. she knew that going with them will only worsen the situation. also, she didn't want to be a burden on the king's part. she already asked him to protect her son, that's more than enough for her.

wiping her tears with her son still hugging her, she turned to face mark and nodded her head.

at this point, mark wasn't minding at how loud the pudu's cries are and how it'll attract attention from the guards. he just let them be as he watched the sigh unfold. it broke his heart seeing that donghyuck had to be separated with his mother. he knew how much the pudu loved his mother but he can't force her if she won't go with them. she must have a reason behind it.

he just envied at how donghyuck had a mother to lean on when he's crying. where was his when he was at his down times?

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