⌜ twenty two ⌟

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already putting it in mind as to which book he had to tilt, donghyuck had done it with a familiar lion coming to his sight a moment after. he knew he'd be here and so, he'll take this opportunity to talk to him.

after that talk with renjun, which donghyuck was somehow surprised but not really after finding out that he and jeno were dating, he had realized that he shouldn't be afraid of anything, nor anyone. what matters here is only the two of us, and how long they were willing to hold on. donghyuck was so stupid to say all of it to mark. if you ask him, he would always get hurt thinking that at the end of this mark is going to marry someone that isn't him. yet, even with mark always wanting to remind him that he won't be getting married to anyone, donghyuck would force him to just because he thought that it was best for him.

but it didn't cross his mind that he, himself, was what's best for mark.

noticing a familiar presence over, the lion didn't bother to glance nor look at who came to see him and continued to look at the stars that's on the sky. he was upset that donghyuck couldn't get it. sure, he was too in love to even bother worrying about the rules he is breaking but he's doing it all for donghyuck, for the both of them.

or maybe, it's only him that fell in love.

mark?❞ the pudu bit his lower lip as he sat right next to the lion that's laying down the grass.

donghyuck already guessed that he'd receive this silent treatment from him. after all, he made him upset by pushing him to marry someone he doesn't even have an eye for.

simba?❞ the pudu called again in hopes of making the lion speak.

the lion laid there with his mouth shut tight and eyes still on the stars up the sky, even though he was tempted to look at the beauty beside him. this is what he hated right now, he was almost giving in. deep inside, he didn't want to sulk and make donghyuck feel guilty. donghyuck did disappoint him when they argued about him marrying but he knew that the pudu was just scared to dive in to this situation. they had just started after all, of course there would be doubts here and there.

gathering all the courage he had, donghyuck went to raise his hand and poked the lion who is trying his very best to ignore him. ❝hey..

oh, if only donghyuck knows how much mark is holding himself back. last call then he'd really give in. he hated, but not that really, how donghyuck had an effect on him. donghyuck can just make a mistake and all he has to do is say a simple sorry and no matter how big that mistake is, mark would engulf him in a tight and reassure him that he did nothing wrong.

i'm sorry.❞ pressing his lips to a thin line, the pudu brought his legs close and hugged them as he voiced out an apology to the lion.

why was it so hard to stay mad at him? heaving out a sigh, mark had finally diverted his eyes to the pudu and held back a coo from escaping his mouth after seeing how small he looked in that position. ❝because?

donghyuck's deer like ears perked up and had his eyes widened when mark had finally spoke to him. ❝because i..❞ but he couldn't seem to find the right words to say. ❝i pressed your buttons.

the king raised a brow at his choice of words, ❝you, what?

i urged you to marry her.❞ donghyuck said. ❝even though i don't know if you'd want to or not.

that made mark let out a scoff, ❝what kind of statement is that? of course i don't want to marry her!

the pudu then flinched when  mark had raised his voice a little bit higher than the usual. ❝i-i'm sorry..

huffing out a sigh, mark slowly pushed himself up from the ground and sat up right next to donghyuck who's looking away from him. he could see how terrified the pudu was after he raised his voice. mark didn't mean to, he was just so upset that after so much of telling donghyuck, he still believes that there's a chance that he'd go and get himself a queen.

the queen he just plans on getting is just donghyuck. no one else but him.

you don't have to apologize too much.❞ mark spoke, lowering his head, feeling guilty of making the pudu scared. ❝i understand why you want me to marry her. it's because i am king and i should do this for the kingdom.

the pudu nodded his head, agreeing to what he said. that was really his point and was so relieved knowing that mark was aware of that.

but did you forget? i don't want to be king.❞ mark then scooted closer to the pudu and leaned his head down to his shoulder. ❝so i can choose whoever i want to marry.

i'm scared.

donghyuck wanted to believe that all of this is real, that he really is falling in love with a lion, a king to top it off. but it's all too much for him to handle. what if one them suddenly gives up? who's going to catch the other? what if one of them falls out of love? what will happen to the other? all these questions kept on running inside of donghyuck's head. he really does love mark, it's not hard to love someone like him. he loves him but he didn't know how he'll handle it when things get out of hand.

this leaves him on hesitating to be with mark. him being king worried donghyuck more because of the expectations that are put on mark's shoulders. he is expected to marry his own kind and he is expected to rule the kingdom with a queen. donghyuck never planned on being queen, neither was he even fitted for that place.

hey, hey..❞ seeing the pudu looking like he was thinking too much, mark slid his hand to donghyuck's and intertwined their fingers. ❝don't be, okay? i'm here.

but what if—

no buts and stop with the what ifs.❞ mark gave him a small smile before leaning towards him and settling a short peck on the pudu's forehead. he wanted for donghyuck to know that he was and will always be right beside him. ❝all we need is each other.

they are going to think that they are one strange couple, that they are not meant for each other, and that they shouldn't be together at all. they are going to—

donghyuck, i told you to stop.❞ mark once again cut donghyuck off from his pile of thoughts, caressing the pudu's hand to calm him down.

closing his eyes, donghyuck took a deep breath before letting it all out the next second. he hoped to clear his thoughts. holding the lion's hand tight, donghyuck turned to his side to meet mark's sofr gaze at him. ❝are you still mad at me?

the king then let out an airy chuckle with the pudu's question. ❝no, i wasn't mad at you to begin with. i just wanted to see if you'd care if i sulked.

i was worried that you'd never forgive me.❞ donghyuck told him.

sunshine,❞ mark giggled as he slowly and softly pushed donghyuck to lay down while getting on top of him. he then took a good minute into admiring the beauty under him as donghyuck had also stared up at him with eyes looking like the whole galaxy was in it. the lion then pulled out a smile, contented at what he had right now and that is donghyuck. he had donghyuck and that's all what he needs. ❝i'd forgive you even if you would eat all the watermelons inside this palace.

donghyuck snorted, ❝seriously simba?

the lion let out a laugh as he leaned down to rest his forehead on the pudu's. ❝god, i love you so much.

that made donghyuck's breathing hitch, not having any words to say as he heard mark let out those words to him. noticing the silence coming from the pudu, mark was suddenly nervous. was his guess right? was he the only one who fell in love? donghyuck wasn't doing anything except for looking at him. mark wanted answers. he had already fell for donghyuck, was he the only one feeling this way? among all those time they had been together, did donghyuck not feel anything?

was this all nothing for him?

donghyuck, tell me..❞ mark could feel himself breaking down any moment from now. was this what they called a heartbreak? mark wasn't aware that it would painfully hurt him slowly like this. ❝do you love me too?

the pudu stayed silent.

hyuck, don't hurt me like this.❞ but donghyuck looked like he felt the same way as him. he even told him how scared his in being with him because of what's going to happen. mark comforted him and even reassured him that he was just here for him.

was donghyuck hesitating because he was scared?

if you—

before mark could talk his feelings out, he was pulled down for a kiss that he didn't expect to receive for the night. donghyuck pulled him for a kiss, the pudu initiated for a kiss. he is even the one leading it and mark was still startled at the sudden move to even kiss him back.

pulling away, donghyuck held on to the lion's shoulder as he had a shy smile on his face.

seeing that smile made mark widen his eyes, ❝is that a yes?

the pudu giggled but nodded his head after.

mark had never felt so happy after knowing that. all his doubts and disturbing thoughts finally faded away because of that. ❝would i also get a yes if i ask you to be mine?

just like before, donghyuck didn't say a word and pulled mark in for another kiss. but unlike before, mark had already kissed back. they had their eyes closed as they wanted to feel was their lips and also each other's company.

pulling away before the kiss gets heated, mark buried his head down to the pudu's neck and can't help but let out a chuckle.

i can't believe this.❞ he said, wrapping his arms around donghyuck's waist and hugged him very tight. ❝this is really happening.

and since it is, mark was making sure that no one will get to ruin the relationship they had.


hearing the pudu's voice relieved him so much. ❝what is is sunshine?

i'm yours.❞ donghyuck said, knowing that there was already no going back. he was getting himself in to this and he can never go back. not like he is now planning to. being with mark makes him feel safe, it's as if nothing was going to happen to him. he trusted him and like mark, he was going to fight for the both of them. he was going to be strong for the both of them.

and like what he always say, he's going to pudu up.

giving butterfly kisses on donghyuck's neck, mark trailed it up till he settled for a long kiss on the pudu's soft lips. ❝and i'm also yours.

that's all they wanted for that moment, to be in each other's arms, to have each other's presence, and to feel each other's love.

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