Missing Prince | Simba x Lioness!Reader

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(Y/n) looked over the dried up Pridelands. She lived here all her life but she forgot what it used to look like when her and her sister, Nala played with Simba. The Pridelands' prince, her best friend and her one true love. (Y/n) never really believed that Simba was dead like Scar said.

But, if he wasn't dead why hasn't he come home yet? "(Y/n)!" She turned to see her sister, Nala walked up to her. "Nala. Hello." She said. "I'm going to go find help for the Pridelands if you want to come with." Nala said. "Why? What if Simba comes back?" (Y/n) asked.

Nala looked (Y/n) as she looked at her with sad eyes. "(Y/n)...you know, Simba is dead." Nala said. "How do you know that!? I never trusted what Scar said anyway." (Y/n) said. Nala took a few paces back, taken a back by her sister's tone. "Gee, I'm sorry, Nala." She said. Nala smiled sympathetically at her sister walking over to her.

She nuzzled her sister gently. "It's okay. I miss him too." She said. "Let's go get that help you were talking about." (Y/n) said. Nala smiled as she lead the way down Priderock and in the dry land of the Pridelands.

*Time Skip*Next Day

"You mind looking for food, (Y/n)?" Nala asked. "No, not at all. I'm hungry anyway." (Y/n) said as she run into the jungle they came to earlier that day. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she saw a warthog. She growled as she licked her lips. The warthog screamed when he saw her.

(Y/n) roared as she chased after him into the jungle. Chased him up a big tree and into a narrow path. He got suck underneath a root of tree as a meerkat tried to help them when a male lion jumped over the root and attacked her. (Y/n) roared and scratched at him as he tried to tackle her to the ground.

As they flipped, (Y/n) pinned the male to the ground and growled in his face. His eyes widened as he asked. "(Y/n)?" (Y/n) eyes widened in surprise when the male lion said her name. She got off him and sat back away from him. "Is it really you?" He asked. "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked him. "It's me, Simba." He said.

"Simba?" She asked squinting her eyes at him as he nodded his head at her. They freaked out when they finally recognized each other. They asked what other was doing there. "HEY! WHAT'S GOINV ON HERE!" The meerkat said. "Oh! Timon, this is (Y/n). She's my best friend!" Simba said. "Friend?!" Timon said.

"Yeah! Hey, Pumbaa come over here!" Simba said as his warthog friend got unstuck from the tree root. "Pumbaa, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Pumbaa." Simba said. "Nice to meet your acquaintance." Pumbaa said. (Y/n) smiled and said. "The pleasure is all mind."

"Wait until everyone hears you've been here all this time. And you're mother...what would she think." (Y/n) said. "She doesn't have to know." Simba said. "I told Nala you weren't dead. Everyone thinks so." She said. "They do?" Simba asked. "And...Scar told us about the stampede." (Y/n) said to Simba.

"He did? What else did he tell you?" Simba asked. "Nothing else matters you're alive and that means...you're the king."

*Another Time Skip*

Before (Y/n) explained anything else, she looked to Timon and Pumbaa. "Umm, can you guys excuse us for a few minutes." She asked. "Whatever she has to say she can say it in front of us, right Simba?" Timon said. "Umm, maybe you two should go." Simba said.

"It starts. You think you know a guy." Timon said as Pumbaa sighed. "Timon and Pumbaa, you learn to love him." Simba said as he looked over to (Y/n). "What?" He asked as walked over to her. "What is it?"

"It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone and to me." She said. "Hey, it's okay." Simba said. "I really missed you." (Y/n) said moving her head underneath Simba's chin. "I missed you too." Simba said as the two purred and nuzzled each other.

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