My Favorite Son | Scar & Cub!Son!Reader

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(Y/n)'s ears twitched hearing birds chirp and sing throughout the Pridelands. He smiled as he opened his eyes, yawning. (Y/n) stretched out his body as he exited the cave. He stopped as he saw Simba, his cousin and his uncle, Mufasa. So, you can guess who (Y/n)'s father is. Scar, Brother of Mufasa. Watching Simba with his father made (Y/n)'s chest burn with jealousy.

That's something him and his father had in common. He was jealous of Simba's thrown. But, he never wished to rule on his own, he wanted to rule with his cousin. He knew that would never happen. He quickly decided to find his dad. (Y/n) slipped away unseen by the rest of the Pride.

(Y/n) searched for hours as he turned a corner almost ready to give up until he saw a familiar fur colors. "Dad! I found you!" He squeaked as he ran over to him. "Hello there, (Y/n)." Scar uttered to his son as he flopped down. (Y/n) ran and flopped on his mane. "Your cousin was here a few minutes ago." Scar said. (Y/n) frowned. "Why? What did Simba have to say?" He asked.

Scar sighed. "Talked on about how he's going to rule over the Pridelands and whatnot." He said. (Y/n) groaned as he flipped of his father's mane and landed in front of him. "Simba has no place to gloat. That's what's going to make him a lousy king." (Y/n) said, rolling his eyes knowing his cousin's actions. Scar smirked at his son. "You know, Dad. If I was going to be king. I would be a way better than Simba would ever be. He's too self-centered to be king." (Y/n) said.

"If that's how you feel a king shouldn't be. Then I'll do whatever it takes to make your dream come true, my favorite son." Scar said. (Y/n) scoffed. "Pfft, yeah right I'm your only son." He said. "Exactly." Scar said with a smile. "Soon, (Y/n), this will all be yours."

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