Challenges 7/8 Closed- Week 9- Silverstream and Fireheart Meet

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This isn't where they first meet because we already saw that happen, but perhaps the second time.

Fireheart padded into the woods, his heart beating nervously. As he accidentally stepped onto a drying leaf, a magpie screeched an alarm call and birds around him fluttered away in panic. He silently murmured his apologies to the nearby hunting patrol he had abandoned. Tigerclaw was sure to rake his ears off later on, no doubt. The ginger tom thought about what would happen if Graystripe found out his best friend had gone to warn Silverstream away from him. He'd never talk to me again.
Fireheart pushed back his worry and continued through the forest. 

He saw Sunningrocks and ducked behind a group of ferns when he saw a ThunderClan patrol. Don't see me. Don't look over here. He pleaded absentmindedly, watching Whitestorm, Sandpaw, Dustpaw, and Darkstripe sniff the border. 
Sandpaw had her ears perked, and Fireheart froze. She must've heard me.

Whitestorm and Darkstripe murmured something before they turned to come straight towards him. He suddenly realized that he was standing on ground that smelled of the entire patrol. They must have come this way, but why would they come back the same way? Unless, they had something to report. 

Fireheart saw reeds on the other side of the river waver a little bit, despite not having any wind. Graystripe must have been here with Silverstream last night

Fireheart felt a little growl escape his mouth when he thought about how his friend was breaking the warrior code while his clanmates were asleep. 

The new ginger warrior saw the reeds move a little again, and he guessed Silverstream was waiting there for Graystripe. Why can't she leave him alone? What would happen to his friend if they ever got caught? Would Silverstream  say Graystripe persuaded her? He focused back on the present and saw Sandpaw murmuring something to her mentor. The white warrior nodded and started speaking with Darkstripe again, and Sandpaw now directly stared at where he was hiding. 
Fireheart prayed to StarClan that she wouldn't say anything about his whereabouts. To his relief, the cats stayed where they were, and he saw Dustpaw walk towards Sandpaw and they started speaking, in what looked like low tones. 
Fireheart flattened his ears in dismay, but he acted too soon, as Sandpaw turned away from Dustpaw, must to the tom's aggravation.

Fireheart stared at his paws. Did Sandpaw turn down Dustpaw? Did she know he was there? Well, hopefully Dustpaw doesn't. He'll definitely get me stuck cleaning the elders. Fireheart remembered that he was a warrior, and he didn't need to tell his mentor wherever he went. Tigerclaw will still claw your ears off.
Fireheart decided he could live with that. 

Firestar went out of his thoughts and looked ahead of him. Dustpaw was leading the patrol straight at him. Think!
Fireheart noticed a mouse just ahead of the patch of ferns. He leaped forward and missed the catch clumsily.

"Fireheart?" Whitestorm asked in surprise. The patrol stopped in front of him, and Fireheart had to coax himself to breath. "Fox dung!" He muttered, just loud enough for them to hear. 
"Aren't you supposed to be with Tigerclaw?" Darkstripe spoke up, watching him curiously. Fireheart felt his pelt burn. "I must've wandered off, chasing that mouse." He flicked his tail where it had disappeared moments ago. 
Whitestorm spoke up, "Well, we'll come with and bring you back. Where'd they head off to?" Fireheart strained his calmness. "I don't need help, they shouldn't be far." The senior warrior dipped his head. "Then, Dustpaw, Sandpaw, let's get back to camp." All four cats left, Sandpaw avoiding his gaze, and Dustpaw and Darkstripe both glaring at him suspiciously.

He sighed once they had left. Fireheart padded to the edge of the water and stared where the reeds had been shifting unusually. He wanted to call to the silver tabby, but if he was mistaken it could cost him more than he could take. 
He waited for a few long heartbeats before he knew he was right. Silverstream stood at the edge of the water now, staring out at him. "Fireheart!" She called excitedly. 

The she cat slipped into the water easily and made her way across the river. I haven't check for patrols, mousebrain! He wanted to hiss. He scented the air and looked around, only to find no one. 
"What are you doing here?" Silverstream meowed once she had reached short and sat down to lick her fur. 
Fireheart muttered, "I live here. And I need to talk to you about Graystripe." Silverstream stopped grooming her fur. "Yes?" She asked slowly. 

Fireheart prepared himself to tell her the truth. She's going to hurt him hard in the end. He's breaking the warrior code. 
"You can't keep seeing him. It's dangerous-"
Silverstream stood up at once. "And because you are afraid of love means that Graystripe can't love at all?" She meowed harshly, seeming offended.
The ginger tabby sighed. "That's not what I mean. You won't be able to be together forever. What happens when our clans go to battle?" 
"We won't fight then. Fireheart, we've talked about this already," 

Fireheart tried to hold back his aggravation, "But what if your clan finds out? Crookedstar would surely have both of your pelts if he knew!" He meowed.
Silverstream lashed her tail. "I wouldn't be too sure." Fireheart's jaw drooped a little. The RiverClan leader knew? And just decided it wasn't important? That didn't sound like the Crookedstar Fireheart had learned so much about.

Silverstream is Crookedstar's only remaining kit, of course he would be fine with it.

"It's still dangerous! He's going to get heartbroken, and he hasn't even been out training with his apprentice in two moons!" Fireheart was standing with his hackles raised. Silverstream stood not far from him, a glare coming from her dangerous blue eyes.
"Graystripe loves me, and his decisions are his, not yours. Learn to respect your friends and maybe he'd listen to you." Fireheart opened his jaw to retort back, but the silver tabby was already gone, swimming across the river. 

It reeks of her over here, he murmured in his thoughts. He thought about just leaving the scent there for Tigerclaw to find, but knew that Graystripe would never talk to him again if he got his mate in trouble. He walked around in the places she had stood and finally left when her scent had been covered. 

1072 words

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