I need creativeness.

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Yesterday, my mom and I went to a rattery to get new rats (because my other two died).

But now I need names. And I have no idea.

Please help?

One of them is a bit brownish and the other is grey with white, although they sold it as a blue-white rat? But that doesn't matter 'cause they're cute anyway.

So, I already got some names but I don't know if they're nice.

- Brownie (the brown one looks a bit like chocolate, idk why)

- Skittle (thanks to RazeHowlett)

- (Mr./Ms.) Jingles (If you understood that reference I love you)

- Nacho (Thanks to my brother)

- Frazer (Again, my brother liked it so, uh, I guess I'll just put it on the list?)

- Mazer (Same as Frazer)

- Chief (Again, my brother...)

- Cupcake

- Muffin

- Skippy/Skipper

- Socrates

- DaVinci

- Hans (my sister wants to name every pet Hans...)

- Hades (Idek why? XD)

- Charlie

And I need more 'cause I'm not sure if I like these names.

Xx Liss♡

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